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Yogi Adityanath To Be New Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister

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No issue with him being religious but that should not be the criteria for being the CM.
UP needs someone who can energize the state to attract investment , improve infra in cities, reduce poverty, redyce illitracy, etc.
For religious matters we have enough babas and sadhus.

To do all that,the first thing to do is to reduce the gundagardi and improve law and order.without that all talk will be mere gas like what akhilesh tried.

First thing is that UP should be built into 3 states and only then anything can happen.
Be happy that Nehru gave away so much land to pakistan,we didnt ask for partition you did and hence you will pay the price,not us.

Be happy that British handed you/Nehru most of British Indian empire on a platter. You have done nothing to deserve this - all the lands they conquered over 200 years with British military might.
Be happy that British handed you/Nehru most of British Indian empire on a platter. You have done nothing to deserve this - all the lands they conquered over 200 years with British military might.

I don't know about your history knowledge but the British defeated maratha and sikh empire to take over India,all Muslim's empires were dead by then. Moreover they recruited more Muslim's in the army and police to create trouble. So please be happy for your lottery.
:lol: :lol: :lol:
all Muslim's empires were dead by then.

Is that what RSS schools teach nowadays? :lol:

So who was Tipu Sultan and friendly neighboring Nawabs? What about the Nizams in Central India? And countless Nawabs - including the one they defeated at Plassey (to take East India)? And the Talpur dynasty of Sindh? Etc etc. What a dumbfvck, a true hindu brain.

(Besides, more than half of Pakistan belonged to Afghanistan.)
India going down the drain day by day by electing Hindu version of Talibans.

Grab some pop corn, wait and see what happens in that country in few years when the fanatics will start enforcing hindu Sharia.

Tough times ahead for minorities of India...

Very tough times But one thing history shows us over and over again. Every action has a reaction. When the pendulum swings too far, a compensatory swing takes place. Push Muslims to the wall in India and lets see how long it takes for them to agitate for a separate homeland, once again. The year 1947 didnt happen in isolation. It was a culmination. India's Brahmin class has always been parasitical in nature. They dont work, they fleece people take their chandas and dasis and live like gods on earth. It is this Brahmin class that got India divided in 1947 and this Brahmin class will once again be at the forefront of India's further disintegration. Push the Muslims of India as far as you can and then wait for the reaction. It will be spectacular. But it will be a bloodbath, the same bloodbath this dirty Yogi has been promising Muslims. This is happening quicker than I expected. Well done Modi this is exactly what everyone was expecting from you.

Check out the woman, might be some other "Yogi" in Burka? :lol:

Reminds me of some camera photo-shoots of Hitler with persecuted Jews.

The expressions of the fanatic, "Let the cameras go off, I'll unleash my lynching mob on you".
Very tough times But one thing history shows us over and over again. Every action has a reaction. When the pendulum swings too far, a compensatory swing takes place. Push Muslims to the wall in India and lets see how long it takes for them to agitate for a separate homeland, once again. The year 1947 didnt happen in isolation. It was a culmination. India's Brahmin class has always been parasitical in nature. They dont work, they fleece people take their chandas and dasis and live like gods on earth. It is this Brahmin class that got India divided in 1947 and this Brahmin class will once again be at the forefront of India's further disintegration. Push the Muslims of India as far as you can and then wait for the reaction. It will be spectacular. But it will be a bloodbath, the same bloodbath this dirty Yogi has been promising Muslims. This is happening quicker than I expected. Well done Modi this is exactly what everyone was expecting from you.

Do you know niether Modi nor Yogi Adityanath is a Brahmin?
Taliban = Muslim Religious fanatics.
Hindu Taliban (Modi and co.) = Hindu Religious fanatics

Sharia = Hardcore implementation of Muslim law,

Hindu Sharia = Hardcore implementation of Hindu law.

And both of these attitudes have resulted in nothing but destruction for whoever has tried to employ them. Remember the days when sane Muslims used to try and argue with violent Salafist Jihadists? It was like talking to a bloody brick wall. Nobody can get through to them. This thing in India will keep gaining strength until it plays itself out. This will take a generation, but it is definitely headed in that direction. The appointment of this nutcase is a statement of intention by Modi. He is letting the Muslims of India know what is coming for them.
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