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Yes, I am from Mumbai & scared to talk. #Fascism

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is she into bdsm shit

And you're a virgin with a thing for unrealistically rough sex scenes that can't happen in real life.

Seriously, why do you always have to play into the stereotype of sex starved, deviant, shamelessly depraved, misogynistic virgins who are addicted to pornography and sexualising women left and right ?
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Anyone here from Bombay?

There used to be @Bombaywalla and @mujhaidind.

The one thing you can't say about Kangana is that she is scared to talk.

After all she has the entire central government on her side.

I don't think we will see her talking about atrocities against Dalits or the assassinations of the four progressives or in support of the arrested progressives in Delhi.
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Is she a Kangana supporter ?

Don't know, but nothing to do as Kangna supporter. She said that in context of that Retd. naval officer being beaten by Shiv Sena goons for forwarding an WhatsApp cartoon on Udhav.
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