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Yemeni Shiite rebels overtake key tribal area, defeat dominant Sunni tribes

The reality talks, Sunni are the most sectarian in Iraq. All the killings there, just because the sunni can't accept to see the Siite control their country and mange their resources. I don't see any solution to the crisis in Iraq without a war bring the sunni down to where they feel how their hates did nothing to them more than destroying their cities and killing their man sometimes war and only war is a treatment to sick people with hate. this is the most unfortunate fate Iraq is gliding too of course some regimes in the area the Arab regimes I have no doubt they are feeding the sunni hate with every thing possible.

Sorry dude, but your comments are retarded.
The reality talks, Sunni are the most sectarian in Iraq. All the killings there, just because the sunni can't accept to see the Siite control their country and mange their resources. I don't see any solution to the crisis in Iraq without a war bring the sunni down to where they feel how their hates did nothing to them more than destroying their cities and killing their man sometimes war and only war is a treatment to sick people with hate. this is the most unfortunate fate Iraq is gliding too of course some regimes in the area the Arab regimes I have no doubt they are feeding the sunni hate with every thing possible.

You're a genocidal freak.

You shouldn't be here after this.
Zionist Al Qaeda make car bombs against arabs, attack everywhere and never Israhell during Intifadas

The 150 000 ppl killed in Algeria it must be Assad too, or the zionist islamists?
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They will not reach anything. The gov and military are trying to start a new page and act as if they are at the same distance from all parties and yet eligible at being mediates in order to get Yemen on it's feet. However, the moment those Houthies cross the line they will be slaughtered and humiliated and then will be forced to beg for a cease fire just like the seven times they have done with Saudi Arabia and Yemen. I hope Yemeni army intervenes and mercilessly finish them off as Saddam did with Kurds.

Tak2 it 3 times a day.
Saudi Arabia stopped giving aids and support to Yemeni govts after the truce with Houthis because they discovered Yemeni govts had cooperated with Houthis against Al Qaeda. That's why Yemen is poor filled with corruption.

Because Al Qaeda is more of a threat to the Peninsula than Houthis who just want a bit of Yemen. Saudi should start talking to Houthis and Yemeni govts to obliterate Al Qaeda. 8-)

Saudi Arabia stopped giving aids and support to Yemeni govts after the truce with Houthis because they discovered Yemeni govts had cooperated with Houthis against Al Qaeda. That's why Yemen is poor filled with corruption.

The only air Yemen got was under the War on Terror act, the CIA by the US as well as the War on Pirates. But then again it is you, someone well-known for not knowing the hell he's talking about.

For the record, the Yemeni Gov't will never compromise with the Hauthis or Al-Qaida. Both pose existential threat to the sovereignty of Yemen.

Because Al Qaeda is more of a threat to the Peninsula than Houthis who just want a bit of Yemen. Saudi should start talking to Houthis and Yemeni govts to obliterate Al Qaeda. 8-)

Both are two faces of the same coin.

The Houthis approached us on June last year, demanding a support to issue a resolution to consider the succession of their stronghold to be as a state of their own. We intimidate them, and they left for good.
Shia are majority in Yemen?

Shia Muslims are in the majority in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and, according to some estimates, Yemen. There are large Shia communities in Afghanistan, India, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
In that case expect some sort of Saudi intervention, either direct or covert.

Not worth it. They're almost out.
Shia Muslims are in the majority in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and, according to some estimates, Yemen. There are large Shia communities in Afghanistan, India, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

Shia Mullah. Last time I checked the Arab world is in no need of Shia Mullah's from Pakistan. Mind your own business.

90% of all Muslims are Sunnis and only 4 majority Shia countries of the world exist. Iran which is approximately 90% Shia, Iraq which is about 60% Shia, Azerbaijan which is 80% Shia and tiny Bahrain which is about 60% Shia.

In Iran most Shias are not even religious, Azerbaijan is probably one of the most liberal Muslim countries and Bahrain has a native population of under 1 million people. Moreover there are big indications of Sunnis being giving Bahraini citizenship to change the demographics of Bahrain and some already say that the Sunnis are a majority in Bahrain. That is why the Bahraini opposition has no success whatsoever, LOL. Iraq is the only conservative country where Shias are a majority.

Yemen is 35-40% Zaydi Shia but the Zaydis, as CLEARLY demonstrated in this thread, are all in all more close to Sunni Muslims, especially Sunnis of the Shafi'i and Hanafi fiqh than all other Shias. That is why the only sectarian entities in Yemen are the Houthi cult and Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula. Both hated by nearly all Yemenis.

No, there are no "large" Shia communities in KSA, UAE, Qatar or Kuwait. The only "big" Shia communities/minorities in the whole Muslim world are found in Pakistan, Turkey and India. That's all. The remaining Shias can be counted on one hand and in the few millions.

Now go to sleep.
Shia Mullah. Last time I checked the Arab world is in no need of Shia Mullah's from Pakistan. Mind your own business.

90% of all Muslims are Sunnis and only 4 majority Shia countries of the world exist. Iran which is approximately 90% Shia, Iraq which is about 60% Shia, Azerbaijan which is 80% Shia and tiny Bahrain which is about 60% Shia.

In Iran most Shias are not even religious, Azerbaijan is probably one of the most liberal Muslim countries and Bahrain has a native population of under 1 million people. Moreover there are big indications of Sunnis being giving Bahraini citizenship to change the demographics of Bahrain and some already say that the Sunnis are a majority in Bahrain. That is why the Bahraini opposition has no success whatsoever, LOL. Iraq is the only conservative country where Shias are a majority.

Yemen is 35-40% Zaydi Shia but the Zaydis, as CLEARLY demonstrated in this thread, are all in all more close to Sunni Muslims, especially Sunnis of the Shafi'i and Hanafi fiqh than all other Shias.

No, there are no "large" Shia communities in KSA, UAE, Qatar or Kuwait. The only "big" Shia communities/minorities in the whole Muslim world are found in Pakistan, Turkey and India. That's all. The remaining Shias can be counted on one hand and in the few millions.

Now go to sleep.
Yemen will be your grave yard for anyone who thinking to attack shia in there if they have advanced weapons they will destroy Riyadh in few days and they will control all of KSA in weeks
Yemen will be your grave yard for anyone who thinking to attack shia in there if they have advanced weapons they will destroy Riyadh in few days and they will control all of KSA in weeks

Ok, Borat.

Let the Houthi cult control more than a few small mountain villages to even dream about crossing the border, LOL. Do you ever write a post worth reading? Never seen it happen.
Shia Mullah. Last time I checked the Arab world is in no need of Shia Mullah's from Pakistan. Mind your own business.

90% of all Muslims are Sunnis and only 4 majority Shia countries of the world exist. Iran which is approximately 90% Shia, Iraq which is about 60% Shia, Azerbaijan which is 80% Shia and tiny Bahrain which is about 60% Shia.

In Iran most Shias are not even religious, Azerbaijan is probably one of the most liberal Muslim countries and Bahrain has a native population of under 1 million people. Moreover there are big indications of Sunnis being giving Bahraini citizenship to change the demographics of Bahrain and some already say that the Sunnis are a majority in Bahrain. That is why the Bahraini opposition has no success whatsoever, LOL. Iraq is the only conservative country where Shias are a majority.

Yemen is 35-40% Zaydi Shia but the Zaydis, as CLEARLY demonstrated in this thread, are all in all more close to Sunni Muslims, especially Sunnis of the Shafi'i and Hanafi fiqh than all other Shias. That is why the only sectarian entities in Yemen are the Houthi cult and Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula. Both hated by nearly all Yemenis.

No, there are no "large" Shia communities in KSA, UAE, Qatar or Kuwait. The only "big" Shia communities/minorities in the whole Muslim world are found in Pakistan, Turkey and India. That's all. The remaining Shias can be counted on one hand and in the few millions.

Now go to sleep.
In iran shia are not religious???
We have 20 million soldiers and don't forget one iraqi tribe from the south can destroy you
"al-Hasani, post: 5221885, member: 144723"]Shia Mullah. Last time I checked the Arab world is in no need of Shia Mullah's from Pakistan. Mind your own business.

Coming from Saudi thats rich.

Shia Muslims are in the majority in Iran, Iraq, Bahrain, Azerbaijan and, according to some estimates, Yemen. There are large Shia communities in Afghanistan, India, Kuwait, Lebanon, Pakistan, Qatar, Syria, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and the UAE.

90% of all Muslims are Sunnis and only 4 majority Shia countries of the world exist. Iran which is approximately 90% Shia, Iraq which is about 60% Shia, Azerbaijan which is 80% Shia and tiny Bahrain which is about 60% Shia.

90% of all Muslims are Sunni 2% of them are Wahhabi.

In Iran most Shias are not even religious, Azerbaijan is probably one of the most liberal Muslim countries and Bahrain has a native population of under 1 million people. Moreover there are big indications of Sunnis being giving Bahraini citizenship to change the demographics of Bahrain and some already say that the Sunnis are a majority in Bahrain.

Importing people from around the world to stay in power desperation.

That is why the Bahraini opposition has no success whatsoever, LOL. Iraq is the only conservative country where Shias are a majority.

Or might have been cause House of saud terrorist army slaughtered UN armed civilians to protect their puppet.

Yemen is 35-40% Zaydi Shia but the Zaydis, as CLEARLY demonstrated in this thread, are all in all more close to Sunni Muslims, especially Sunnis of the Shafi'i and Hanafi fiqh than all other Shias. That is why the only sectarian entities in Yemen are the Houthi cult and Al-Qaeda on the Arabian Peninsula. Both hated by nearly all Yemenis.

No, there are no "large" Shia communities in KSA, UAE, Qatar or Kuwait. The only "big" Shia communities/minorities in the whole Muslim world are found in Pakistan, Turkey and India. That's all. The remaining Shias can be counted on one hand and in the few millions.

Now go to sleep

I like it when Wahhabi call them self's Sunni.

No reply after being outclassed by me yet again. We have not debated for months so now you got a reminder of not picking up any fights with me about anything in the Arab world. Yet again.

Anyway are you not a Hindu?

The last thing we Hejazis and Makkawis need is any outsider, not even from the Arabian Peninsula, immediate Arab world, Middle East etc. to tell us about Islam and any sects since 90% of them originate in our lands and backyard. Yes, I happen to be a Makkawi Hashemite of the Shafi'i fiqh as you already know. But you are welcome to call me a Jew or something else. Not going to change anything or the facts I mentioned.
These impoverished tribals must have magic powers for fighting off Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Jordan, Morocco, America, Al Qaeda.
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