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Y-20 heavy transport aircraft News & Discussions

Missed this one,
2013.1.27 China conducted a new test on ground-based midcourse missile interception technology within XinJiang region,the test is successful. Anti-missile photos in Leio's PLA Military Photo, ths.

Probably your informaiton is an improvement over this conducted and reported much earlier:

Development of midcourse ABM in China

The technology and experience from the successful anti-satellite test using a ground-launched interceptor during January 2007 was immediately applied to current ABM efforts and development.
China carried out a land-based anti-ballistic missile test on 11 January 2010. The test was exoatmospheric and done in midcourse phase and with a kinetic kill vehicle. China is the second country after US that demonstrated intercepting ballistic missile with a kinetic kill vehicle, the interceptor missile was a SC-19. The sources suggest the system is not operationally deployed as of 2010.
Rumored midcourse missiles:
KT-1 [23]

Anti-ballistic missile - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


Post script:

and Thanks. That is a great achievement to be enlisted too. Item no 26!



the one source that I quoted is exoatmospheric while your source is visible within the atmosphere.

Very well done indeed!:china:
So any info about range of this big plane!? I think that is a important part about capable for transport in big country like China! :smokin:
Now Y-20 prototype using 4x D-30 , it will change domestic jet engines(WS-20) later.
Refer to 2011-2012 year old news i read, i think 1st groups of Y-20 still install D-30 Coz 2011 year China ordered 100+ D-30 jet engines from Russia, some for PLAAF H-6 and IL-76 and some for new domestic planes like Y-20.

Anyway China had prepared 2 steps for military jet engines: 1st imported from Russia, 2nd developing domestic jet engines.And it's good news that new PLAAF J-11B fighters using domestic 2x WS-10A jet engines(pics in Leio's PLA Military Photo thread),PLAAF new J-11B and J-10B all using domestic WS-10A, old J-11 and J-10A still using Russia AL-31F jet engines until they retire.
(Difference in AL-31F and WS-10A's structure shape, can't replace inside the same aircraft-body.)

@peaceful: I feel sorry for you in a moment when I was read your pathetic words, so I think, if Mods let your words stay after I done with my works, I would clear your idiot with strong words to knock your brain, but it's done by Mods. So, it's fine.
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So any info about range of this big plane!? I think that is a important part about capable for transport in big country like China! :smokin:
The Y-20 parameters,
max load: 66tons,
body length:47m,
wing width: 45m,
max height: 15m,
max take-off weight: 220 tons.

Above words came from CCTV Military Talk Show, currently China officials didn't provide any information yet, only admited Y-20 fly.

Just for reference...

Awesome, i like this one (although PSed = =)

With all the specs casually tossed about: Do not confuse payload WEIGHT with payload VOLUME. For example, any guy here can lift one cubic meter of styrofoam but not the same volume of lead. Optimistic engine capability estimates often inflate payload weight capability as published specs but not payload volume, which usually is rarely published.

Most of the time, airlift capability is more useful with payload volume than with weight, as in more heavily armed troops is more useful than one tank. So if the engine capability is not yet available, then one trip or lifter for those heavily armed troops and a second trip or lifter for that one tank. A different lifter may be capable of carrying both in the same volume because it has a more powerful engine capability.
looks like stealthy cargo plane

what is it?

Whatever it is, the fact is that the pic is photoshopped. The shadows of the planes do nto match the angle of the shadows of the crew.
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