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Xinjiang put on high alert after 20 deaths

By the way, I haven't asked, what China is going to do about the Indian comments.....I asked, what China is going to do about the incident i.e how China is going protect its citizens outside China, in the aftermath of Xinjiang riot.......

Good question. There isn't much we can do except support Pakistan in its war against the TTP. Defeating the Taliban is the common goal of the USA, China, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, etc. Not many causes have that much broad support.
ISI created the Taliban, but Pakistan doesn't support the Taliban today. Why would they support a group that is trying to break off the North-West province?
^^^^As you wish to believe........

If i explain......I'll be banned.......

Already got an infraction for the above(deleted) post............
Good question. There isn't much we can do except support Pakistan in its war against the TTP. Defeating the Taliban is the common goal of the USA, China, India, Russia, Pakistan, Iran, etc. Not many causes have that much broad support.

the truth is alot more inconvenient than you imagine and as the saying goes, what exists must be logical.
Mob of Uyghurs kills 12 innocent bystanders: police

Wednesday, Feb 29, 2012


BEIJING - A group of axe-wielding men attacked a market in the volatile Xinjiang region of northwest China, home to the Uyghur minority, leaving at least 12 people dead, police and state media said.

The motive behind the attack late on Tuesday was not immediately clear, although Xinjiang has suffered repeated outbreaks of ethnic unrest in recent years.

Around a dozen Uyghurs attacked the market in the remote town of Yecheng, killing 10 people, a police officer.

Police then shot some of the attackers dead.

Xinhua news put the number of assailants killed at two, and said the men were armed with knives.

The vast region, which borders Pakistan and Afghanistan, is home to around nine million Uyghurs who complain of oppression under Chinese rule. The number of Han - China's dominant ethnic group - living in the region has increased dramatically over the last decade.

"At around 5.30 or 6.00 pm around a dozen rioters carrying axes appeared in the market, in an area that is mostly populated by Han people," said the officer, who gave only his surname Tuo, referring to China's dominant ethnic group.

"Most of the victims were Han people, but some were Uyghurs. Five rioters were shot, not two, and they were all Uyghurs."

Authorities in Xinjiang said last month they plan to recruit 8,000 extra police officers as China strengthens security in the run-up to a major leadership transition later this year.

Xinjiang has been under heavy security since July 2009, when Uyghurs launched attacks on members of China's dominant Han group in the regional capital Urumqi.

The government says nearly 200 people were killed and 1,700 injured in the violence.

In December, seven people were killed in Pishan county in what the government described as a hostage rescue operation after terrorists kidnapped two people.

The region was also hit by three deadly attacks last July that left dozens dead.

very interesting comment i saw on pakistanis website.i cant say about the nationality but let me share it with you.

Your editorial shows your ignorance of the situation in Xinjiang and plays into the hands of Chinese propagandists who use the threat of terrorism to crack down on it’s Muslim population with impunity. China grossly interferes in the practice of religious freedom in Xinjiang, seriously interfering in the operation of mosques. Muslims are discriminated against by the Han majority, which the Chinese send to the region to Sinicize the province. It’s sad that a newspaper in Pakistan is so ignorant of these abuses. Are you aware that Muslims are forced to break the Ramadan fast? Do you know the Chinese government restricts who can go into a mosque?
There is no organized terrorist movement in Xinjiang, just angry people, upset at being abused and having their religion trampled on. ETIM stopped existing years ago when it’s leaders were killed in Afghanistan in a US air attack; in any case, it was never really a big threat. There are no signs of any major terrorist activities anywhere in China. The Chinese government throws these terms around to justify it’s human rights abuses, but so far has failed to provide any evidence or names.
I would wish that a newspaper in Pakistan, a Muslim country, would spend more time denouncing the abuses against Islam in your neighboring country, but apparently, Muslim countries that rely on China for support lack the guts to do this. Shame on you.

Have you been to Xinjiang? The Xinjiang problem is not exaggerated by the Americans. I’ve made four visits there and there’s widespread dissatisfaction with the Chinese rule. Unemployment is rather high, the province has the largest jail population in China, there is major discrimination, and the government grossly interferes in the practice of Islam. One Uyghur expert said to me the Chinese government is actively carrying out cultural genocide in the “province.” Not sure what you mean when you say Uyghurs are not fully Muslim, but there are mosques everywhere, and men can be seen pouring into mosques several times a day to pray, despite the strict controls on religion. It’s not difficult to find examples of Uyghur dissatisfaction. People are petrified to talk, but if you have a chance to talk with them, they’ll describe their anger and fears. I suggest you look for yourself and not believe Chinese propaganda. I also disagree about the US wanting to keep China down. If this was the case, would there be 60,000 Chinese students in the US studying, many on scholarships? Would American NGOs be dedicating so much time and money in China? Would American companies be sharing their technology so freely?

The Xinjiang problem and Pakistan – The Express Tribune

they are brain shocking one's and i already know that chinese believe in propaganda's so nothing is cleared
China should teach turk terrorists a good like Russia taught the turks a good lesson. good job china keep killing turk terrorists.
pan-turkic terrorists are a wedge anglo-americans planted in eurasia to annoy europeans, russians and chinese. turkics, turkey, and pan-turkism channel the malice and evil of anglo-americans bent on creating trouble on the continent. but that is also an opportune moment for the three poles of power to pledge loyalty to each other, and the three shall all drink from pan-turkic terrorist blood in making this pledge.
very interesting comment i saw on pakistanis website.i cant say about the nationality but let me share it with you.

The Xinjiang problem and Pakistan – The Express Tribune

they are brain shocking one's and i already know that chinese believe in propaganda's so nothing is cleared

That's why I like the Pakistani nationalists from international cities like Karachi, Lahore and Islamabad, and don't deal with the illegal immigrants from Afghanistan.
Pakistan soil will NOT be used for trouble-makers to abuse and exploit. I think our track record of fighting/killing terrorists (among them many foreignors) is no secret. Numbers speak for themselves. Dont pay attention to propaganda. There is negligible sympathy in Pakistan for supporting terrorist groups. A few trouble makers may give refuge or allow such dissidents and rebels some breathing space; those are such a tiny minority of people

On this issue -- well I think any sane Chinese or Pakistani or anyone wants a just solution to the Xinjiang issue; that requires a political solution. That is their own internal matter but I think Pakistan will continue to cooperate with the Chinese. If and when they seek our help, we'll help them. We sent Islamic delegation to plead with local Uyghur community to abandon the violence --- that was in 2008.

as for all these other silly posts where people are attacking ethnic groups and labelling entire groups as terrorists -- the mods will have to take action i think. This is how threads get derailed.
so teach them Chinese, and for the sake of unity why dont Chinese also learn the local dialect spoken by Uyghur community?

through unity and understanding there is nationhood.....language at the end of the day is just a means of communication. It's an important cultural artifact, but still -- it's just a bunch of sounds we make with our mouthes and tongues - for the sake of communicating. Shouldnt become an issue.

In Pakistan there are several spoken languages in different provinces and regions. National language is Urdu and many if not most understand it -- but there are other daily used languages that are not Urdu.

China is such a vast country -- surely within it there are differences in the sinic languages

e.g. Mandarin, Cantonese

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