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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Are they really terrorists is an interesting question.
Nothing will change.

China does not give a fxxk to what the west hypocrite politicians will think and say.

Don't get the CCP's nerves. Otherwise, CCP will not only lock that region down, but also finally decide to do some cleansing to solve the terrorists once for all.

Don't mis-interpret CCP as a soft power


Wrong!Everything will change since china is becoming stronger and more developed ,we will unite all ethnic minorities in china including uyghurs and other muslims to fight against terrorists,RIP to those brave uyghur police.

Nothing will change.

China does not give a fxxk to what the west hypocrite politicians will think and say.

Don't get the CCP's nerves. Otherwise, CCP will not only lock that region down, but also finally decide to do some cleansing to solve the terrorists once for all.

Don't mis-interpret CCP as a soft power


Wrong!Everything will change since china is becoming stronger and more developed ,we will unite all ethnic minorities in china including uyghurs and other muslims to fight against terrorists,RIP to those brave uyghur police.
If what those terrorists doing have nothing to do with islam, well, how many imams, or at least major imams, major muslim scholars come out denouncing what those terrorists have done in the past 10 years, or 20 years???

What is the percentage of those imams denouncing terrorists vs those keeping silence???

Have you ever seen the video tape that brainwashed those terrorists?Full of hate,killing all han chinese,hating other muslims,sending kazhahs back to their moustains.How is things like that has anything to do with islam?

They were brainwashed with hate just like other separatists around the world which has nothing to do with religion
My question is still the same:

If what those terrorists doing have nothing to do with islam, well, how many imams, or at least major imams, major muslim scholars come out denouncing what those terrorists have done in the past 10 years, or 20 years???

What is the percentage of those imams denouncing terrorists vs those keeping silence???

Have you ever seen the video tape that brainwashed those terrorists?Full of hate,killing all han chinese,hating other muslims,sending kazhahs back to their moustains.How is things like that has anything to do with islam?

They were brainwashed with hate just like other separatists around the world which has nothing to do with religion

Do not over-use the propaganda word "unite" too much.

There are people we can unite but there are some we cannot.

You seem to over-simplify the issue here.

Wrong!Everything will change since china is becoming stronger and more developed ,we will unite all ethnic minorities in china including uyghurs and other muslims to fight against terrorists,RIP to those brave uyghur police.

Wrong!Everything will change since china is becoming stronger and more developed ,we will unite all ethnic minorities in china including uyghurs and other muslims to fight against terrorists,RIP to those brave uyghur police.
Have you ever seen the video tape that brainwashed those terrorists?Full of hate,killing all han chinese,hating other muslims,sending kazhahs back to their moustains.How is things like that has anything to do with islam?

They were brainwashed with hate just like other separatists around the world which has nothing to do with religion

According to the official government spokeswoman Hou Hanmin, these terrorists who killed 15 of our civilians were preparing for "Jihad".
You do not need remind China of that. China is well aware what kind of bastards those islam terrorists are to the world. However, it seems it all went to the deaf ears until 9/11.

It took America 9/11 and Europe 7/7 London bombings to understand what the rest of the world (India, Israel, Russia) was saying for decades. I truly hope China doesn't need any incident to wake up. Chinese are smart, but they should be careful. Confucius had always maintained the society should be obedient.

I know every religion is rogue and blah blah blah! But why do 99.9% of terrorists hail from one single religion? They have forced, generally peaceful Hindus/Sikhs to pick up arms. Giving this example I may be biased but heck they have even forced Buddhists (World's most peaceful religion) to take up arms. There must be something ey?

Well, by your logic, whether OBL is one is also an interesting queston???!!!

Are they really terrorists is an interesting question.
My question is still the same:

If what those terrorists doing have nothing to do with islam, well, how many imams, or at least major imams, major muslim scholars come out denouncing what those terrorists have done in the past 10 years, or 20 years???

What is the percentage of those imams denouncing terrorists vs those keeping silence???

Do not over-use the propaganda word "unite" too much.

There are people we can unite but there are some we cannot.

You seem to over-simplify the issue here.

The imams didn't denounced out because they afraid of being assassinated .In the 90s a imam being assassinated right in the mosque in kasgar.It has happened several times .But things have changed a lot better .since then,they were protected.

I am not over-simplifying the issue,its you.I knew a lot eaducated uyghurs who have the same thought with me
Have you ever seen the video tape that brainwashed those terrorists?Full of hate,killing all han chinese,hating other muslims,sending kazhahs back to their moustains.How is things like that has anything to do with islam?

They were brainwashed with hate just like other separatists around the world which has nothing to do with religion

Its another thing that you dont know the source of the video.
The likes of you will analyze, and verify every news for authenticity,but when it comes to videos of some muslim kids firing guns,you have no problem beleiving it as ground reality withot ever verifying the source.
Its another thing that you dont know the source of the video.
The likes of you will analyze, and verify every news for authenticity,but when it comes to videos of some muslim kids firing guns,you have no problem beleiving it as ground reality withot ever verifying the source.

I'm not talking about the kids firing guns video,its another video which they used to brainwash with hate.And i won't upload it here
Let me ask the question all over again:

How many imams are with those terrorists and encourage those terrorist activities and offer protections to those terrorists???

How many muslims are secretly or openly with those terrorists, offer protections to those terrorists, provide logistics, stuff, supplies and whatever to those terrorists???

If you do not think there is anything wrong with islam today, that is your opinion. We do see all kinds of terrorists from different groups, religions and etc.

However, none of them are terrorising the whole world like those islam terrorists.

The imams didn't denounced out because they afraid of being assassinated .In the 90s a imam being assassinated right in the mosque in kasgar.It has happened several times .But things have changed a lot better .since then,they were protected.

I am not over-simplifying the issue,its you.I knew a lot eaducated uyghurs who have the same thought with me
Let me ask the question all over again:

How many imams are with those terrorists and encourage those terrorist activities and offer protections to those terrorists???

How many muslims are secretly or openly with those terrorists, offer protections to those terrorists, provide logistics, stuff, supplies and whatever to those terrorists???

If you do not think there is anything wrong with islam today, that is your opinion. We do see all kinds of terrorists from different groups, religions and etc.

However, none of them are terrorising the whole world like those islam terrorists.

I don't know .

But I want to ask you the question :how many hui muslims have involved in those Terrorisms?
According to the official government spokeswoman Hou Hanmin, these terrorists who killed 15 of our civilians were preparing for "Jihad".

I know ,jihad is just a word. We are human ,we can kill each other in the name of anything.圣战,或者换个说法打仗,干架,杀人,有什么区别,只是他们被洗脑产生仇恨,强调“圣战”这个词有什么用,关键是用仇恨来洗脑
I did not say they are, do I?

I don't know .

But I want to ask you the question :how many hui muslims have involved in those Terrorisms?

I am really surprised that you are this naive.

If the islam terrorists only mentioned "fight", "killing" or others, that is their own business.

However, if the the islam terrorists mentioned "jihad", by quran, that becomes all muslim's religious responsibility and all other muslims should join.

Mentioning "jihad" gives the terrorists the biggest help and source to recruit their terrorists replacements.

I know ,jihad is just a word. We are human ,we can kill each other in the name of anything.圣战,或者换个说法打仗,干架,杀人,有什么区别,只是他们被洗脑产生仇恨,强调“圣战”这个词有什么用,关键是用仇恨来洗脑
I did not say they are, do I?

So let me clear my opinion,it‘s racial hate not the religious hate,Do not misleaded by the word ’jihad” or ‘islam”,it is just disguise。They want to play sympathic card in the muslim world to gain their support,but they haved show their true face since they have killed other muslims
I've looked thru the last 2 / 3 pages and absolutely agree with what ePhone said.

China, is the biggest and the worst nightmare for ANY terrorist, whatever religion or hairstyle he/she has.

Of the entire world, China has the largest manpower, financial power, PLA & armed police firepower, brainpower, discipline, tactical thoroughness, strategic determination, and above all, absolute textbook ruthlessness that you can't even dream of, to root out the terrorists once and for all wherever they hide.

If you make China really angry, by killing innocent civilians, what China will do will make the US look like a 6-yrs-old and Guantanamo look like 6-star resort. Qing Dynasty emperors even took out the entire trouble-making riot population across vast regions - anyone who shared the same surnames or first names or clothes or whatever...

When doing so, CPC will not give 2 darn figs on "human rights" or "animal rights" or "int'l pressure"...the more you talk the less it cares. There will be no news coverage, no twitter chitchat, no trial, no judges, no witnesses, no after-party footnote... because the region will be locked off into the dark age. No one in the world, not even god, will know that you were even born.

Once CPC and PLA decide to retaliate, ANY perceived terrorist considered forming a remote shred of danger to the Chinese public security will not see the next daylight, guaranteed.
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