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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions


Nothing religious, purely racial???

Well, muslims consist of all races. How could it become a racial hate now?

To be honest, your interpretation really makes me laugh. Why don't you ask around how many agree with you then?

Even the naive/double-standard westerns won't say it is this simple.

Man, you should write your analysis and send it to a sociology/political journal and trying to get it published.

That will the 21st century's greatest discovery.

In addition, it is not only CCP who conduct this way. The past empires that rule China have consistently done that. Qing Empire dealing with the northwest muslim riots, Ming Empire dealing with the south muslim riots and etc...

I've looked thru the last 2 / 3 pages and absolutely agree with what ePhone said.

China, is the biggest and the worst nightmare for ANY terrorist, whatever religion or hairstyle he/she has.

Of the entire world, China has the largest manpower, financial power, PLA & armed police firepower, brainpower, discipline, tactical thoroughness, strategic determination, and above all, absolute textbook ruthlessness that you can't even dream of, to root out the terrorists once and for all wherever they hide.

If you make China really angry, by killing innocent civilians, what China will do will make the US look like 6-yrs-old kid and Guantanamo look like 6-star resort. Qing Dynasty emperors even took out the entire trouble-making riot population across vast regions - anyone who shared the same surnames or first names or clothes or whatever...

When doing so, CPC will not give 2 darn figs on "human rights" or "animal rights". There will be no news coverage, no twitter chitchat, no trial, no judges, no witnesses, no after-party footnote... because the region will be locked off into dark ages. No one in the world, not even god, will know that you were even born.

Once CPC and PLA decide to retaliate, ANY perceived terrorist considered forming a remote shred of danger to the Chinese public security will not see the next daylight, guaranteed.
In addition, it is not only CCP who have done this way. The past empires that ruled China have done that consistently. Qing Empires dealing with northwest muslim riots, Ming Empires dealing with south muslim riots...

Whoever rules China will not tolerate those terrorists, extremists or separatists, or whatever names you give them.

Moreover, Xinjiang was quite quiet and peacefully before open/reform. General Wang has done a terrific job cleansing those islam terrorists.

However, our later soft-handling, trying to "unite" all minorities policies apparently give certain minorities, that have no interest to be united, more chances to backfire with more terrorist activities...

To be honest, China is quite soft compared to whatever happened before, if you remember what americans have done to those indians.

I've looked thru the last 2 / 3 pages and absolutely agree with what ePhone said.

China, is the biggest and the worst nightmare for ANY terrorist, whatever religion or hairstyle he/she has.

Of the entire world, China has the largest manpower, financial power, PLA & armed police firepower, brainpower, discipline, tactical thoroughness, strategic determination, and above all, absolute textbook ruthlessness that you can't even dream of, to root out the terrorists once and for all wherever they hide.

If you make China really angry, by killing innocent civilians, what China will do will make the US look like a 6-yrs-old and Guantanamo look like 6-star resort. Qing Dynasty emperors even took out the entire trouble-making riot population across vast regions - anyone who shared the same surnames or first names or clothes or whatever...

When doing so, CPC will not give 2 darn figs on "human rights" or "animal rights" or "int'l pressure"...the more you talk the less it cares. There will be no news coverage, no twitter chitchat, no trial, no judges, no witnesses, no after-party footnote... because the region will be locked off into the dark age. No one in the world, not even god, will know that you were even born.

Once CPC and PLA decide to retaliate, ANY perceived terrorist considered forming a remote shred of danger to the Chinese public security will not see the next daylight, guaranteed.
I did not say they are, do I?

I am really surprised that you are this naive.

If the islam terrorists only mentioned "fight", "killing" or others, that is their own business.

However, if the the islam terrorists mentioned "jihad", by quran, that becomes all muslim's religious responsibility and all other muslims should join.

Mentioning "jihad" gives the terrorists the biggest help and source to recruit their terrorists replacements.

I am not naive at all,you fell into their trap,they use the world jihad to cover their true face,radical hate,do you understand?Why the hell they kill other muslim groups or even uyghur themseveles?Why?Anyone who pro—han will be killed no matter what race what religion they are?DO YOU UNDRSTAND !?Have you talked with tajiks in the border?

We can unite all muslim groups hui kazhah tajik and Kyrgyz to fight against terriosts,they all support us,DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
I am not naive at all,you fell into their trap,they use the world jihad to cover their true face,radical hate,do you understand?Why the hell they kill other muslim groups or even uyghur themseveles?Why?Anyone who pro—han will be killed no matter what race what religion they are?DO YOU UNDRSTAND !?Have you talked with tajiks in the border?

Have you seen the "Jihad" fighters in the Middle East?

They ALWAYS kill other Muslims. They consider other Muslims to be traitors.

We can unite all muslim groups hui kazhah tajik and Kyrgyz to fight against terriosts,they all support us,DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

I agree here.
Well, you go ahead uniting them. Enjoy.

There are people that can be united and there are that cannot.

Otherwise, we should have united the Huns, the Turks in the past history. We do not have to fight bloody wars with them for hundreds of years to kick them out to other places.

Even for Hui, who are mainly han Chinese, our own blood, we have to fight bloody wars with those hui rioters, in the past, simply due to religious belief, at least for Ming and Qing Empire and even the history period between 1911-1950;

You say religion does not play a factor, only racial hate???

I am not naive at all,you fell into their trap,they use the world jihad to cover their true face,radical hate,do you understand?Why the hell they kill other muslim groups or even uyghur themseveles?Why?Anyone who pro—han will be killed no matter what race what religion they are?DO YOU UNDRSTAND !?Have you talked with tajiks in the border?

We can unite all muslim groups hui kazhah tajik and Kyrgyz to fight against terriosts,they all support us,DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
Have you seen the "Jihad" fighters in the Middle East?

They ALWAYS kill other Muslims. They consider other Muslims to be traitors.

I agree here.


Well, you go ahead uniting them. Enjoy.

I have
I know what they thought

I have
I know what they thought

I hope you are right. Otherwise we are in big trouble.
The Soviets were pretty hard on Terrorism too. Glad to see China is holding no punches back unlike the politically correct US.
I have a question for the Chinese, why is it that the problem is always with Uyghurs. There are other large Muslim groups in China. The Hui is the largest I think. Then comes the Uyghurs. And then we have Kazakhs (Qazaqs), Kyrgyz, Tajik etc. Are there problems with any of these other groups in recent years?

If we go back in history both Yuan and Qing were not so good for the Muslims. Muslims helped Hans (Ming) topple the Yuan and the relationship was great during Ming. But the worst time for Muslims in China was during Qing, specially for various regional Hui's, and there were many rebellions which were crushed with large death tolls.

Uyghurs have a interesting history of their own. They betrayed their Mongol origin rulers and allied with Qing it seems:

Uyghur people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The area of the Chagatai Khanate were the modern Uyghurs lived came to be known as Moghulistan, which meant "land of the Mongols". The area came to be ruled by various Khanates whose Khans were descended from Chagatai Khan. Eventually the Naqshbandi Sufi Khojas usurped power from the Chagataid Khans in Kashgar. As the Buddhist Oirat Mongol Zunghar Khanate grew in power, it conquered and took control over the territoty of the Chagatai Khans. The Aqtaghlik Khojas became vassals to the Zunghars while the Qarataghlik Khojas sided with the Qing Chinese against the Zunghars and Aqtaghliks.

Chagatai Khanate (Moghulistan) in 1490

The Qing dynasty, with the support of the Uyghur Kumul Khanate and the Uyghur Qarataghlik Khojas conquered Xinjiang in the 18th century from the Zunghar Khanate and the Zunghar allied Aqtaghlik Khojas.
Do you know where China kicked the ***** of the Huns two thousand years ago???

Do you know when China set up government office two thousand years ago???

That is where we call Xinjiang. By then, there is only Han Chinese and the Huns there. There is not even a race called Turks existing, let alone uighurs.

You study history backwardly???

terrorist? China occupies their country. So I would say China is doing the terrorism.

In the south, there are muslim riots during Ming Empire that was crushed as well.

As for Hui, they have done their shares but was crushed during both Ming and Qing empires period, though in different regions.

After Hui, uighurs has certain size and that makes them capable to do some damages.

I have a question for the Chinese, why is it that the problem is always with Uyghurs. There are other large Muslim groups in China. The Hui is the largest I think. Then comes the Uyghurs. And then we have Kazakhs (Qazaqs), Kyrgyz, Tajik etc. Are there problems with any of these other groups in recent years?

If we go back in history both Yuan and Qing were not so good for the Muslims. Muslims helped Hans (Ming) topple the Yuan and the relationship was great during Ming. But the worst time for Muslims in China was during Qing, specially for various regional Hui's, and there were many rebellions which were crushed with large death tolls.

Uyghurs have a interesting history of their own. They betrayed their Mongol origin rulers and allied with Qing it seems:

Uyghur people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Alright think this thread has dragged out as far as it can go, plenty of illogical comments and it's getting out of control anyway thread closed.
become the 44th and 45th World Heritage Sites of China:






Hani Rice Terraces:




I am sorry, but why are people of Islam religion so violent? China's peripheral areas are populated by minorities, but only Xinjiang has constant violence.

No matter how politically incorrect it might sound, Islam really need to look into what they have been preaching to their believers!
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