Million death is true, there was famine, but blame ONLY Mao for the mistakes is also ridiculous. Again, I admit the mistakes, it's old problem, fixed. Now can you elaborate here why Tunisia is the championship ?
Mao was the head of state, the one with ALL power... he didn't care about his own ppl, that what a dictator is...
As for TN terro export, it's simple, we were under a stupid Dictator who blocked any knowledge on religion and therefore when he left those young stupid f*ck with basic crap knowledge about their religion tho' they were doing something good by joining a rat terro orgnization...
You can't push a blind to see...
Today it's different in TN, those TErro are the swear enemies of any of us... not only us but any knowledgeable muslims around the world.
FYI: ISIS and co are called Khawarji, meaning the Dog of Hell, since the beginning of Islam, our prophet asked us to fight them till the END, no mercy. Those guys will be seen as being TRUE devoted Muslims, but when you speak with them, they will stink Arrogance and madness... at that moment you knwo you found one. In our religion you can't say to a Muslim that he's not one anymore, it's forbidden, But for them, they are using it as they wish...