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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Government claims it is cracking down on 'extremism' but human rights groups say religious freedom under attack

Xinjiang is home to China's largest Muslim population because of the high proportion of ethnic Uyghurs Getty Images
China has banned burqas, veils and “abnormal” beards in a predominantly Muslim province in what it claims is a crackdown on religious extremism.

The measures, which also force people to watch state television, follow decades of ethnic and religious discrimination against Xinjiang’s 10 million-strong ethic Uyghur population.

New regulations, to come into force on Saturday, require government workers in airports, railway stations and other public places “dissuade” women who fully cover their faces and bodies from entering and report them to police.

China bans parents from 'luring children into religion' in province

They also prohibit the “abnormal growing of beards and naming of children to exaggerate religious fervour”, without giving specifics.

It will be forbidden to “reject or refuse radio, television and other public facilities and services”, marrying using religious rather than legal procedures and “using the name of Halal to meddle in the secular life of others”.

Rules published in state-controlled media continue: “Parents should use good moral conduct to influence their children, educate them to revere science, pursue culture, uphold ethnic unity and refuse and oppose extremism.”

The document also bans not allowing children to attend regular school, not abiding by family planning policies and deliberately damaging legal documents.

Successive bans on select "extremist behaviours" have previously been introduced in in areas of Xinjiang, including stopping people with headscarves, veils and long beards from boarding buses in at least one city.

The 15 new rules expand an existing list and apply them to the whole province in what the Chinese government claims is a campaign against religious extremism.

Xinjiang, which borders Pakistan and Muslim-majority nations including Kazakhstan, is home to the greatest concentration of Muslims in China because of its significant ethnic Uyghur population.

But restrictions are enforced on the practice of Islam, as well as China’s four other officially recognised religions, and the new rules threaten further punishment.

Hundreds of people have died in the ongoing conflict between separatists and the Chinese government in the autonomous region, which sits on China’s far north-western border.

Beijing has blamed the unrest on Islamist militants, though rights groups say the violence is a reaction to repressive Chinese policies and separatists claim the region has been illegally occupied since 1949.

Peaceful protests have taken place alongside bombings and other violent attacks on Chinese security forces and institutions.

A rise in violence has triggered a large increase in security, with President Xi Jinping calling for a "great wall of iron" to safeguard the region during the annual meeting of China's parliament earlier this month.

Deadly attack on market stalls in China's Xinjiang region

The government strongly denies committing any abuses in Xinjiang and insists the legal, cultural and religious rights of Uyghur, a Turkic ethnic group, are fully protected.

China officially guarantees freedom of religion but authorities have issued a series of measures in recent years to tackle what it sees as a rise in “extremism”, while expanding its military presence in the region.

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The popularity of Islamic veils including the niqab and burqa, which cover the face, has been rising among Uyghurs in recent years, in what experts say is an expression of opposition to Chinese controls.

Human Rights Watch’s 2017 world report accused Beijing of increasing “restrictions on fundamental human rights and pervasive ethnic and religious discrimination”, noting that details of “counter-terror” operations are scarce.

Travel restrictions increased when passports were recalled last year, with authorities requiring applicants to provide a DNA sample, fingerprints, a voice recording, and a “three-dimensional image”.

Local authorities have previously banned Muslim civil servants, students, and teachers from fasting and instructed restaurants to stay open during the holy month of Ramadan.

Amnesty International said the move, as well as a crackdown on “unauthorised” Muslim prayer gatherings, constituted violations of freedom of religion.

Dozens of students and writers have been arrested under a “counter-terror law” brought in last year and critics of government policy have been jailed.

Additional reporting by Reuters

Source: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/w...emism-crackdown-freedom-a7657826.html#gallery
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Remember, they are Chinese Muslims, they are chinese!
We don't think about problems in a religious way.

I'm envious of modi's beards:D

this ridiculous law is an attack on Muslims and make the chinese look like hypocrites just like the west

this has absolutely nothing to do with preventing terrorism

after seeing this law, I have my doubts over CPEC
this ridiculous law is an attack on Muslims and make the chinese look like hypocrites just like the west

this has absolutely nothing to do with preventing terrorism

after seeing this law, I have my doubts over CPEC
Remember, they are Chinese Muslims, they are chinese!
We don't think about problems in a religious way.
Please pay attention to your remarks, do not let other countries have more fear of muslims!
BTW, This is nothing to do with cpec.
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this ridiculous law is an attack on Muslims and make the chinese look like hypocrites just like the west

this has absolutely nothing to do with preventing terrorism

after seeing this law, I have my doubts over CPEC
I remember there was no terrorists attack in XinJing when the Muslims there were not influenced by Wahabbi.
Are all Muslims Wahabbi supporters? Why is it an attack to other Muslims? Does China force them to do something?
I remember there was no terrorists attack in XinJing when the Muslims there were not influenced by Wahabbi.
Are all Muslims Wahabbi supporters? Why is it an attack to other Muslims? Does China force them to do something?

wahabis are less than 1% of total Muslims

wahabiism is a sect invented by the british 200 years ago to fight the ottoman empire and yes the wahabis are the western backed terrorist

however, banning the beard and niqab has nothing to do with combating terrorism.

in fact, with this idiotic law you guys have shown you are not any different than the west & this will definitely make many Muslims rethink their relations with the chinese
if China ban all religious symbols and dress code then i have no right to condemn as they are fair with all citizens but if they are doing discrimination against one religion.. it should be condemned.
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This only supports the message and mission of ISIS and shows how wrong the world is in tackling it if a country the size and mind of China resorts to such hollow and superficial measures. They are instead targeting Muslim traits in their quest to reject ISIS. It's like a traffic control policeman starting booking every white sedan because a white sedan crossed the red signal some day. What a fool he is making out of himself. Yeah, he can rant my country, my rules whatever, but a fool is all he is

Sad times.
well at least next time spare Pakistanis the BS of iron-brothers & all-weather friendship or any of that nonsense

and yes, this has everything to do with CPEC.... why would Pakistani people never accept a CPEC like deal with US for example? that is because we thought we can trust the chinese, however, when the Pakistani people and the rest of 1.6 billion Muslims around world see this blatant attack on Islamic values it send a clear message that you are just like the west.

by simply saying that we don't see it in "religious way" does not cut it

they clearly singled out Islam here

China is never pro Islam, It's just pro Pakistan. They are none religious and see all religion with suspicion. Pakistan, on the other hand, is a Muslim country. As you can see, they support Burma when they oppressed their Muslim minorities.

So Chinese support for Pakistan is geopolitical only and never religious. And even if China or any country want to support Islam, they won't know where to start as Islam world is split is Sunni vs Shii, Saudi lead vs Iran lead and secular vs religious forces, Arab vs Iranian vs Turkish groups. As a result in geopolitics, people support/oppose the country, not the religion.
China is never pro west. It's just pro Pakistan. They are none religious and see all religion with suspicion. Pakistan, on the other hand, is a Muslim country. As you can see, they support Burma when they oppressed their Muslim minorities.

So Chinese support for Pakistan is geopolitical only and never religious. And even if China or any country want to support Islam, they won't know where to start as Islam world is split is Sunni vs Shia, Saudi lead vs Iran lead and secular vs religious forces, Arab vs Iranian vs Turkish groups. As a result in geopolitics, people support/oppose the country, not the religion.

I didn't say that china is pro-west

and I understand that china supports Pakistan for geopolitical reasons and not religious, that is obvious. However, in geopolitics its never a one way relation... if that was the case than you can't criticize the west either
wahabis are less than 1% of total Muslims

wahabiism is a sect invented by the british 200 years ago to fight the ottoman empire and yes the wahabis are the western backed terrorist

however, banning the beard and niqab has nothing to do with combating terrorism.

in fact, with this idiotic law you guys have shown you are not any different than the west & this will definitely make many Muslims rethink their relations with the chinese
At least China never interfered any Muslims countries' internal affairs. And China has no intend to compromise its own internal affairs to please any other countries. If any country wants to make friend with China at cost of our sovereignty, it's not a real friend for us.
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