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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

Zhang Chunxian and Li Xiuping(below)


husband and wife。:azn::enjoy:
Actually, Xinjiang is getting fking richer than troll's countries. Isn't Kashgar planned to be a special economic zone like Shenzhen, according to some report?

:P Even Xinjiang is richer than some troll's countries.
That's true. If you get there you will find it.
I think the economic zone will have positive affect to Pakistan's economy.
Talk religions in Communist China, it's a jok specially CCP members believe religions, a true CCP member should be a atheist !
In Mao's time, there's ZERO religion in China. If BeiJing like, they can ban all religions in China again.
Simple solution, China leaves East-Turkistan alone. And mind their own business. Everyone is happy, no ?
I hear this shit very year.. But the mysterious question remains ... How the holy *** of Thor !!! do the Chinese do tht?
These news are released in 2-3 days ago in all mainstream media in Turkey.

Secular, ours is secular too. Secular government doesn't mean to oppress religions.

I don't know. And i don't think it should be a problem.

I don't know in China, i guess not good in Turkey. Still not related, i found this article from Guardian... as it is english. There are numerous reports in Turkish as well.

What is an Islamic Festival ???? First time i heard that as Muslim and i can't guess what are you trying to refer.

Nope, Muslim is muslim unrelated of their ethnic origin. I don't think enthnicity is related here.

Nope, also i don't know the amount of the mosques in other countries and in my country.


In Turkey everybody is free about their religions.... Chinese desn't seem to offer that kind of freedom.

Yeah, sure whenever a thread is opened about the muslims, or minorities being mistreated in China.... somebody should ask for the mods to close the thread.....:enjoy:
#1 It seems like Turkey love these aged news from west.
#2 The west tell you gov oppress religion. Choose to trust it it's your business.
#3 Never.
#4 It's ok you know it. I just don't like to choose those negative news of Turkey published by west that's stupid.
#5 I mean national holiday arrangement.
#6 There are Muslim living in every city of China.
#7 Rank No.1
#8 In short. Not promoted, but you are free to choose. It's your own business.
#9 You are free to choose your religion. This thread could be your reference. China poised to become "World's MOST CHRISTIAN Nation" in 15 years as numbers grow exponentially. | Page 4
Xinjiang will become the hub of the Silk Road, this time, probably bringing together high-tech, innovation and services such as conferences and leisure.

Actually, Xinjiang is getting fking richer than troll's countries. Isn't Kashgar planned to be a special economic zone like Shenzhen, according to some report?

LOL. Definitely. The kabab-eating trolls are probably in the worst shape in terms of their fracked-up foreign policy and hostile (kabab eaters do not even have embassy in several neighboring countries) regional environment.
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@TaiShang ,

Since we're talking about Xinjiang, do you know the current status of the Xibe people in Xinjiang?
There is no blanket ban on fasting during Ramadan in China only government officials and Communist Party members. You know those who have pledge their allegiance to the atheist Communist Party are not allow to fast during the Ramadan. The security has tightened during Ramadan for sure because of the recent spade of attacks.
@TaiShang and other Chinese posters, Xinjiang has tremendous potential. If the economy grows and there is lots of opportunities for all minorities including Uyghurs, then all problems will eventually go away.

There are lots of China haters in this forum, don't worry about them. When you are rising and making lots of friends and potential friends, they get jealous and try to make trouble for you.

The thing to observe is that they will always try to catch you with some perceived weak points to make propaganda against you and make you look bad, so it might help to take care of these weak points so that they do not find a way to shame you or hurt your interest. You may want to work with your reliable friend and allied nations to remove these weak points.

China and the Muslim world have a great future. The closer you can get to Muslim countries around the globe, the less your enemies will find any Muslim/Islam related issues to paint you as anti-Muslim. Unlike the West, India and to a smaller extent Russia, all of whom have serious issues with Muslims, China I believe does not have any major issues with Muslims and enjoys more or less good relations with most Muslim countries.

The Uyghur problem has workable solutions. There may be outside interference and there may be some internal wrong strategy or a combination of both. So a better strategy would be needed, in my opinion. One suggestion would be to get some advice from Turkic countries in Central Asia and even Turkey, who the Uyghurs feel very close to. If you can get these countries on your side to solve this problem, then Uyghurs would feel much more comfortable about listening to their turkic brothers advice. You have the potential to change the problem situation with Uyghurs and turn it into an opportunity. Chinese speaking Uyghurs can become a bridge between Turkic and Muslim countries for business, trade, investment and commerce. For example, construction projects in Muslim countries, if you hire some Uyghurs, Hui or other Chinese Muslims, this will get you some bonus points with that host country when they see practicing Muslims among the Chinese workers and it will make them feel much closer to the entire Chinese work crew. This is just one example. Uyghurs, Hui and other Chinese Muslims can be used as productive and positive contributors in joint projects between Chinese and Muslim country.
Thats weird than because europeans tend to be much more happy than asians. Just look at your suicide rate.

Once again, your limited knowledge of figures and Asian cultures betrays you. Suicide in Asiatic cultures is a cultural thing more than it is a personal preference or the outcome of sustained depression. Most suicide cases in Asian cultures will be related to personal failures that may be seen as dishonourable to the family. Failing in an exam, getting rejected for marriage, losing your property being some such instances.

so ?
i have a right to put my point across .....

Yes you do, but it has to make sense in context with the entire discussion, which yours didn't.

Sir while I do not disagree with what you have posted, I'd urge you to look at this slighly differently too. I mean look at our civic sense, and it can be argued that the west is much more community conscious and we are individualistic?

I believe civic sense is fostered by education and an understanding of duty, areas where the west surpasses us by a vast margin and I agree that most asian cultures still need to fully grasp the concept of civic responsibility but nations that have attained higher rates of education and national cohesion do show a trend towards improved civic sense, Malaysia, Singapore, RoK being some examples that have come a long way in the last 3 to 4 decades.

Also those eastern countries that have become rich, you will find them much more materialistic and competitive than most western countries, look at korea, singapore for example.

Materialism and competition are a fall out of the capitalist system, they are inevitable even in India and Pakistan you will find that competition is quite fierce but never at the cost of family, whereas individuals may leave a family member to be in poverty if they themselves are successful, in any Asian culture, the successful individual will treat it as his responsibility to look after the other.

My point is, as always, its not black and white. Sorry for the digression.

Its a pleasure debating with you, please don't be apologetic.

No more then couple Pak poster raises concerns , only trying to tell difference attitude and cultural difference , justifying / protect then things of china.

Which is absolutely fine, not everyone will raise concerns, I for one am not pushed in the slightest by this decision but I quoted otherwise to show that unlike the person claimed, Pakistanis had condemned this decision. The number need not be a 100% because attitudes vary.

Everybody can make his own judgement. This is my judgement, you can think differently from me, no problem.

I was not looking for a dismissal, I was merely asking for you to clarify your position. On what basis, you issued your judgement.
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China should China has already so manyt enimies .. they dont need to make new enemies ...oppression never helped anyone ... we muslims are NUT JOBs .. Numbers and money dont scare us .. So my advice to our best friends is get ur head out of ur *** and make wise decision .. Bcoz if Pakistan has to choose btw China or Islam .. they will choose islam
China should China has already so manyt enimies .. they dont need to make new enemies ...oppression never helped anyone ... we muslims are NUT JOBs .. Numbers and money dont scare us .. So my advice to our best friends is get ur head out of ur *** and make wise decision .. Bcoz if Pakistan has to choose btw China or Islam .. they will choose islam
No, we just take neccessary precaution to maintian stability, to avoid tragety like what happened in India where a small riot would cost you thousand of muslim brother's lives.

As for your choice, be it. we don't interfere your affair, and we will respond to your choice accordingly.
I was not looking for a dismissal, I was merely asking for you to clarify your position. On what basis, you issued your judgement.

Your'S is an Islamic State ain't it. You have a great friend and neighbour which opress it's Muslim minorities. That's not just a spit on Pakistans face, but to all ones who cares to define themselves as Muslim. The thing is we don't have significant relationship China, and other ME muslim states but Pakistan have a great relationship with them.

Maybe you should decribe your state not as an Islamic but a Secular. IMO that would be more fit.

China should China has already so manyt enimies .. they dont need to make new enemies ...oppression never helped anyone ... we muslims are NUT JOBs .. Numbers and money dont scare us .. So my advice to our best friends is get ur head out of ur *** and make wise decision .. Bcoz if Pakistan has to choose btw China or Islam .. they will choose islam

You Pakistanis should realise that the ones you called as your best friends, may not always see you as their best friend. Especially godless, materialist China....the moment you have different interests, they will sell you out. You can be sure of that.
Your'S is an Islamic State ain't it. You have a great friend and neighbour which opress it's Muslim minorities. That's not just a spit on Pakistans face, but to all ones who cares to define themselves as Muslim. The thing is we don't have significant relationship China, and other ME muslim states but Pakistan have a great relationship with them.

Maybe you should decribe your state not as an Islamic but a Secular. IMO that would be more fit.

Yes, ours is an Islamic State but any policy that China enacts with regards to its citizens does not mean that it is our responsibility to intervene on their behalf, they are residents of the PRC and just like you won't rush into your neighbour's home to help his kid fix his shower, Pakistan has no need to intervene on behalf of Chinese citizens. They have their own system of appeal, if they are unhappy with the decision, they may appeal to the courts or their resident officials to reconsider their policy.

Now, Turkey has diplomatic relations with a number of countries that have not been particularly kind to Muslims.

Israel and their role in Palestine
USA and their role in Iraq
UK and their role in Iraq
KSA and Iran and their role in the entire muslim world
Russia and its role in the Caucasus

I don't see Turkey being pro-active and breaking off relations with these nations to set a precedent for the Muslim world, aren't these countries "Spitting in your face", as you so eloquently said?

Lastly, I would prefer for Pakistan to be a Secular nation where the rights of all citizens are guaranteed uniformly without any regard for their beliefs, race or preferences.
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