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Xinjiang Province: News & Discussions

1.Even at Partition 1947, Pakistan's founding leaders had neglected the eastern wing. Otherwise Arakan, Andaman-Nicoabr and Tripura would have been ours.

2. Sukarno used to say that A-P should be part of Indonesia or (E) Pakistan. There was no justification in attaching this to India.

which AP u talkin about??
"Best Dynasty you say" is what you say in previous post...

Am I talking to myself with 2 accounts all of the time.
[...I tell you what, I love Ming, not because she is the strongest or even the best dynasty...]

So smaller=worthless hmm? Less trade= worthless hmm? No wonder many chinese kids always wonder why "large" manchu Qing lost to tiny Japan, because its number comparison game logic right?

Again, that's your logic, not mine.
Two factors are not enough to judge, so I also take another factors such as economy, the lifestyle of the people and the government (rulers), which were all better than the dynasty before them.

"Sending hundreds thousand of its people to battle for no good reason and with no good planning, let them get killed and let those foreigners crushed to the capital city." This is what happened to manchu Qing since Opium war, non-stop epic fail. And dont let me start mention mordern chinese "glorious" battle tale.

I supposed you are talking about the old woman am I right~ Oh yes what a shame isn't it, just like what also happened in Ming Dynasty.

Ming China gave away land to others? I will told you again, they never inherit any land from anybody, because the land inheritance right among Han Chinese dynasty was broken during mongol Yuan, thats is one of the main reason I rank all government starting from mongol Yuan as subpar.
Those lands that taken/given by foreigners such as Myanmar, Korea and other nations were either traditional China's territory or ruled by Ming government. That's no excuse within this issue~
Besides, what if I told you that even in Yuan there were Mongolian slaves and Han people can apply a well job in government which can be better than the others.

Source is Korean and a history book heavily distort by manchu Qing? Acording to Korean, Your whole Family are KOREAN!

The 明史 tells you that Ming Dynasty is "much better than Han and Tang" and all of the Ming Emperors were all hard-working, well-behaved, professional leaders, indeed it was heavily distorted by Qing~
Did they~ show me the source than~ By the way, should I trust a book which is recognized as one of the best/ most detailed history book of China written by later Ming officers, or should I just need to believe in someone's imagination?

I judge that piece of fact solely based on how the government and people of thet history period view the emperor, as that is part of the most important data to show the evolution of absolute monarchy to either constitutional monarchy or constitutional republic.

Except for those under the protection of Qing, most of the other thousands of Ming royal family members were killed/eaten by its people. People surly loves their leaders.

Which word I said I want that brain dead kid to die? dont punch the strawman here please. In my list of options I do give him a chance to live a normal life you know, too bad he doesnt, so FVCK MONGRELS!
Of course that guy is no longer an emperor, but he WANTS IT BACK REGARDLESS OF THE PEOPLE WILLINGESS. If that Captured Ming China emperor come back to China and lead an army to get back his throne, I will also say go die you a$$hole!

[If puyi and his die hard followers commit suicide after being overthrown, then good bye manchu Qing.]
Here, take the strawman back.
Oh yes he wanted to take back his power, but as an emperor of Manchukao, not Qing Dynasty. So why would you take his action to blame Qing Dynasty, why would you even brought such unrelated idiot into the topic. Besides his action was not even supported by must of his family and his people who were frighting the Japanese.
As for your "go die XXX", I really love it. I always have this in my mind when I see someone worship a piece of cloth as a God and the so-called tradition.

So what if a vietnamese guy gave me thanks? Its not me who command him to give me thanks, so please dont be an idiot and talk nonsense.

Which words from my comment ever has the meaning of [is it you who command him to give me thanks]. That Vietnamese member always take the advantage of the so-called Manchukao to tell people how minorities in China dislike Han people and how bad Han people is. He is a supporter of the independence movement in China. That was the reason why I say he could be the only one love Puyi.
Seriously I am worry about you (part of the body). Are you all right? Oh no, you are not.

HAHAHA!!! :omghaha: Tell you what? Among those "clothing worshiper" you mention, they are actually consist many minorities! Thats why I told you go check out HanFu tieba, there are many minorities there you know? I personally know a manchu girl who participate HanFu activity, and one of my maternal relative who is a zhuang actually being influence by me and start "worshipping Hanfu".

Oh my~ there were millions of Red guards and Nazis in the history as well~ Not to mention those uncountable 法輪功 members around the whole world, 反中亂港份子 and other cults and independence movement supporters. Stupid people are everywhere and their number is large~
Am I talking to myself with 2 accounts all of the time.
[...I tell you what, I love Ming, not because she is the strongest or even the best dynasty...]

Again, that's your logic, not mine.
Two factors are not enough to judge, so I also take another factors such as economy, the lifestyle of the people and the government (rulers), which were all better than the dynasty before them.

I supposed you are talking about the old woman am I right~ Oh yes what a shame isn't it, just like what also happened in Ming Dynasty.

Those lands that taken/given by foreigners such as Myanmar, Korea and other nations were either traditional China's territory or ruled by Ming government. That's no excuse within this issue~
Besides, what if I told you that even in Yuan there were Mongolian slaves and Han people can apply a well job in government which can be better than the others.

The 明史 tells you that Ming Dynasty is "much better than Han and Tang" and all of the Ming Emperors were all hard-working, well-behaved, professional leaders, indeed it was heavily distorted by Qing~
Did they~ show me the source than~ By the way, should I trust a book which is recognized as one of the best/ most detailed history book of China written by later Ming officers, or should I just need to believe in someone's imagination?

Except for those under the protection of Qing, most of the other thousands of Ming royal family members were killed/eaten by its people. People surly loves their leaders.

[If puyi and his die hard followers commit suicide after being overthrown, then good bye manchu Qing.]
Here, take the strawman back.
Oh yes he wanted to take back his power, but as an emperor of Manchukao, not Qing Dynasty. So why would you take his action to blame Qing Dynasty, why would you even brought such unrelated idiot into the topic. Besides his action was not even supported by must of his family and his people who were frighting the Japanese.
As for your "go die XXX", I really love this. I already have this in my mind when I see someone worship a piece of cloth as a God and the so-called tradition.

Which words from my comment ever has the meaning of [is it you who command him to give me thanks]. That Vietnamese member always take the advantage of the so-called Manchukao to tell people how minorities in China dislike Han people and how bad Han people is. He is a supporter of the independence movement in China. That was the reason why I say he could be the only one love Puyi.
Seriously I am worry about you (part of the body). Are you all right? Oh no, you are not.

Oh my~ there were millions of Red guards and Nazis in the history as well~ Not to mention those uncountable 法輪功 members around the whole world, 反中亂港份子 and other cults and independence movement supporters. Stupid people are everywhere and their number is large~


Both of you stop the insults. The Ming dynasty went to war against Myanmar in the 1580s and won, you must be talking about the 1430s war the Ming fought against Tai chieftains on the border.
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Tell me more about Shang hairstyle, I am curious, maybe you can revive it cant you?
Aparently you are a cultural darwinism preacher. Sorry mate I think we are completely different in the view of culture, I think we should agree to disagree, and I hope you wont get in the way of people that were trying hard to revive a near extinct traditional culture. Of course we wont force you to wear HanFu, we are not barbarians manchu Qing, you can still wear what you want.

If I were you, I would read more book or at least found a website that can be trusted to learn a thing or 2.

I am a person cars only 'reality', I don't really care much about intangible, shallow piece of "skin".
I don't really care if people wants to bring back the ancient clothing, in fact I was one of the supporters. But serious you people are more than a clothing lover, but worshiper. You people are a religious group more than a simple fan of traditional culture. Besides, Qing is not the only dynasty did such thing, but also Ming (to Vietnamese and other minorities).

Come on, I told you already, force change=/=voluntary change, guess which is cultural genocide? Also genocide=/=cultural genocide.

Actually there were both "force" and "voluntary".
The Qing dynasty forced Han people to follow Manchurian hairstyle and clothing in the begining, but then the government didn't care much about the order and let those people be in their way. If you take a look at the data and the old pictures, you can see that there were "Hanfu" and 馬掛 and the both hairstyles in the same place. And it was during the middle period of Qing.

Tell me which "southern minorities" that you mention, but I do know a lot of minorities in the past WISH TO wear HanFu to the point of OBSESSION, prime examples are the minorities during 五胡乱华 period.

白人 and 僰人.
A shame to the ancestors' peaceful way isn't it~

There are actually more aspect to pinpoint your ancestry other than ancestral records, such as your ancestor hometown location, your surname etc. My confidence on my root are the combine of all these aspects.
Oh fun fact of the day, my family earliest ancestral record was originally a HanFu wore by one of my ancestor. After he died the other use the deceased cloths as a record medium, and that was a period around Shang, thats how I know my roots and HanFu roots. :yahoo:

Oh really. I would love to see that cloth, if there is chance~

You can curse the Zhou all you want, but that wont do any good to your ancestor lost culture. Why dont you learn from us, and start wear your ancestor cloths and shave a pigtail, and maintain these clothing and hairstyle in your everyday life? We traditonal culture restorer welcome it very much, because we too are doing the same. Our goal is to bring back lost culture to the surface of the Earth again.

Don't you see I was just making a joke~ Why should I curse or even hate or share my love and emotion to a dead dynasty thousands year ago, that is freaking stupid. And why should I learn from you, I feel really good to be a modern citizen living in a 'modern dynasty'~ Why should I bring back those intangible, old, useless so-called traditional culture to reality.

Oh and one more thing, 交領 長袖 is the most 落後 clothing style in human history.

Both of you stop the insults. The Ming dynasty went to war against Myanmar in the 1580s and won, you must be talking about the 1430s war the Ming fought against Tai chieftains on the border.

They have won the war, but they did lose the land of 五慰 from the 三宣六慰.
Okay I think I should stop now.
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Both of you stop the insults. The Ming dynasty went to war against Myanmar in the 1580s and won, you must be talking about the 1430s war the Ming fought against Tai chieftains on the border.

OK. I was about to stop too, because clearly his view of culture is totally different from mine. Applying words like "outdated" and "worthless" to a traditional culture is clearly a culture darwinism view, which i cant stand the most. Oh well I hope one day he wont suddenly realise "Oh, why do I need to learn chinese culture? Clearly the western culture are much more "mordern" and "useful" isnt it?"
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Am I talking to myself with 2 accounts all of the time.
[...I tell you what, I love Ming, not because she is the strongest or even the best dynasty...]

[If puyi and his die hard followers commit suicide after being overthrown, then good bye manchu Qing.]
Here, take the strawman back.

Maybe my english is really bad, but I dont know how you can percieve that sentence as my declaration of "Ming China is the best".

So you being selective blind here huh? Where the other two options I post again? Or maybe you just dont know the meaning "IF"?
OK. I was about to stop too, because clearly his view of culture is totally different from mine. Applying words like "outdated" and "worthless" to a traditional culture is clearly a culture darwinism view, which i cant stand the most. Oh well I hope one day he wont suddenly realise "Oh, why do I need to learn chinese culture? Clearly the western culture are much more "mordern" and "useful" isnt it?"

You and I are both using "mordern" and "useful" western culture, what do you think that we are using to communicate.
Maybe my english is really bad, but I dont know how you can percieve that sentence as my declaration of "Ming China is the best".

So you being selective blind here huh? Where the other two options I post again? Or maybe you just dont know the meaning "IF"?

Oh I though there is a "only" between 'not' and 'because'.

You have the "idea" of that kid committed suicide. How could you even put a IF and think of the possibility about a kid killing himself.
You and I are both using "mordern" and "useful" western culture, what do you think that we are using to communicate.

I only use western tools, not culture. Tools=/=culture. Maybe that is the reason why my english is not good. But hey I am fine with it, because its not part of my culture.
Oh I though there is a "only" between 'not' and 'because'.

You have the "idea" of that kid committed suicide. How could you even put a IF and think of the possibility about a kid killing himself.

So you DO talking with yourself all the time and punching a BIG strawman.

Because I rather want him die with dignity, so that he wont turn out what he become in the real history, which is a complete clown and a joke.
I only use western tools, not culture. Tools=/=culture. Maybe that is the reason why my english is not good. But hey I am fine with it, because its not part of my culture.

Tell me the difference between 'tools' and 'culture'.

So you DO talking with yourself all the time and punching a BIG strawman.

Because I rather want him die with dignity, so that he wont turn out what he become in the real history, which is a complete clown and a joke.

And seems like we both have punched a strawman.
Tell me the difference between 'tools' and 'culture'.

And seems like we both have punched a strawman.

For me, tools are result oriented, while culture is process oriented.

For me, tools are used to do the job. As long as it still works as what I expected it to works, I am fine with it, and I wont waste my time to fix it or improve it, even it appears to be a bit rusty.

For me, culture are an integrated part of my life. As long as I am still alive, I will continue to improve my self in that particular culture I take a liking. Although the end result also very important, but I will enjoy the process more than the result, or most likely, it will never end so it wont have a definitive result.

For me, the learning process on how to use a tool ended when I get recognition on my achievement eg.certificate, while I will work even harder when I recieve recognition on my achievement on my culture practice, it will only end when I die.

I cant really convey precisely to you, but I hope you understand my view.
You cannot cut off process from result by your logic.I cannot speak,read english,so i havent "culture " in english
For me, tools are result oriented, while culture is process oriented.

For me, tools are used to do the job. As long as it still works as what I expected it to works, I am fine with it, and I wont waste my time to fix it or improve it, even it appears to be a bit rusty.

For me, culture are an integrated part of my life. As long as I am still alive, I will continue to improve my self in that particular culture I take a liking. Although the end result also very important, but I will enjoy the process more than the result, or most likely, it will never end so it wont have a definitive result.

For me, the learning process on how to use a tool ended when I get recognition on my achievement eg.certificate, while I will work even harder when I recieve recognition on my achievement on my culture practice, it will only end when I die.

I cant really convey precisely to you, but I hope you understand my view.
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