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Xi: Get used to an assertive China - you have no choice

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Which bits? The populus bits of East China?

And China wasn't colonised? loool Xianbei rule? Manchu Rule? and Mongol rule? Add them all and It is more than 1000 years. And yeah this doesn't even include 'A Century of Humiliation' by Brits and Japs, who butchered your countrymen in millions.

Plus Khitans themselves are not Han-Chinese they are a Mongolic race. So be proud of your identity :)

So please get off that moral high ground. Because, you don't have one.

And as for India being continuation of British India? Yes, India is De Facto successor of British India, so what's your point?

Which was a response to China having nukes.

The point is that India was created by the British. Prior to British, India subcontinent consists of kingdoms and empires that were not united. And Britain united all.
The point is that India was created by the British. Prior to British, India subcontinent consists of kingdoms and empires that were not united. And Britain united all.

A Chinese's grasp of history - there were over 500 "princely states" within British India. The unison of all Princely States into the Indian State was done almost single-handedly by Home Minister and Dy. Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel.
whats written in the above gibberish post.. can anyone summarize.. :rofl:

Read and learn. @Speeder 2 explained the invasion history of India very well. India is a people created and shaped by invasion.
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Regardless of what bits, they are only bits.

Unlike India, it was COMPLETELY ruled by the British.

Where is Xiebei today? Not in China. Maybe in India?

Manchurian invaded China proper and they became a part of China.

Your number of 1000 shows only your lack of history and wimpy in math of primary school level.

Yes, the Chinese call british/japanese invasion and occupation of bits of China as a century of humiliation. Many Indians call many hundreds of years of UK enslavement glory.

Japan indeed butchered Chinese in million, but finally japan handed over them "Instrument of Surrender" to China. Japanese Instrument of Surrender - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In stark contrast, many more millions of Indians were butchered by British, and you don't think it is a humiliation but glory, and more, you copy/pasted their system as yours.

And where is British instrument of surrender to you?

I feel it make sense that earlier some posters said you are still ruled by British: UK still rule you with Indians, with British system, not British personals.

Only fool would believe China is only Chinese Hans. China has 56 ethnics List of ethnic groups in China - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In addition, do you know the Chinese racially belong to Mongoloid?

You lack the basic knowledge of China and start to argue about China. What a laughing stock! :lol: That's typical your group of people's behavior: ignorance + hatred.

In fact, recent article shows that Tajik Chinese seem more patriotic than many Han Chinese for generations! :agree:

The point is very obvious: you are still ruled by the British, of the British system, not British personals.

And I believe Communism - the system that you adopted for invented by some Chinese guy? Is that what your history books teach you?
A Chinese's grasp of history - there were over 500 "princely states" within British India. The unison of all Princely States into the Indian State was done almost single-handedly by Home Minister and Dy. Prime Minister Vallabhbhai Patel.

The British taught you guys the concept of a nation. And the princely states were just nominally independent. Of course a newly created Indian nation would never grant them independence. India is trying to be a 2nd hand colonialist after their daddy, the British.
The British taught you guys the concept of a nation. And the princely states were just nominally independent. Of course a newly created Indian nation would never grant them independence. India is trying to be a 2nd hand colonialist after their daddy, the British.

LOL - hahahahahaha - How would a a newly created Indian nation grant independence to someone already independent? Seems like the scars of the Japanese colonization of China have left such an indelible mark on the Chinese psyche that they can't understand the concept of colonialism as clearly.
LOL - hahahahahaha - How would a a newly created Indian nation grant independence to someone already independent? Seems like the scars of the Japanese colonization of China have left such an indelible mark on the Chinese psyche that they can't understand the concept of colonialism as clearly.

The princely states were only nominally independence. Nominally means in name only. But in practice, they were not independence. As an person, I do not believe that certain race or ethnic group is smarter than others. But you are really testing my belief.
As far as the democratic world is concerned, we always consider the Chinese people as the citizens of a state which have never known independence. First it was imperial China when they were the slaves of the monarchs, then they were the slaves of the British when the British pretty much dictated them on how to run their country, then the slaves of the Japanese and finally the slaves of the Communist Party. To compare China to a democratic nation is unfair to every one - their people have never known freedom and probably never will in the foreseeable future.
As far as the democratic world is concerned, we always consider the Chinese people as the citizens of a state which have never known independence. First it was imperial China when they were the slaves of the monarchs, then they were the slaves of the British when the British pretty much dictated them on how to run their country, then the slaves of the Japanese and finally the slaves of the Communist Party. To compare China to a democratic nation is unfair to every one - their people have never known freedom and probably never will in the foreseeable future.

Vietnam fits this category too, being slaves to Imperial China, French, Japanese and then the Communist Party but you probably wouldn't want to insult your Vietnamese buddies here on PDF eh so it only applies to Chinese.
As far as the democratic world is concerned, we always consider the Chinese people as the citizens of a state which have never known independence. First it was imperial China when they were the slaves of the monarchs, then they were the slaves of the British when the British pretty much dictated them on how to run their country, then the slaves of the Japanese and finally the slaves of the Communist Party. To compare China to a democratic nation is unfair to every one - their people have never known freedom and probably never will in the foreseeable future.

If China want its people to be the stake holder of the country, then the vast majority should not worry about where the next meal is coming from. Otherwise, the thoughts of the hungry and poor are not the needs of the country, but their own human need. You need to read up on Maslow hierarchy of needs.

Maslow's hierarchy of needs - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This also explains why democracy is failing in India as the mass need food more than democracy. As a result, a vote can be compromised for short term daily needs.
Too bad this document does not explain what China's "core interests" are, nor what it's "strategies" are. Kinda hard to determine how much of a problem China could become without those definitions.

But lots of other news/talks defined that.

1) fair trading

2) don't trying to treat disputed territories (1949 map) simply as your own territory, that's invasion

3) don't trying to threat China with your weapon and military forces
The chinese have reason for everything but they have no reason too
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