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Would Pakistan support Iran in case Israel attacks Iranian Nuclear Facilities?

You don't hear about SECRET Saudi Nuclear Facilities, because they are a secret... :D lol...

Saud's would be foolish not to build nukes, especially since israel has had them since 1970s.
You don't get the point, do you? If the Saudis have secret nuclear facilities the last person I would expect to hear authentic accounts from is someone on this forum with just 4 posts who claims that 1) Iran has no nuclear bomb program 2) Iran is accused of having a nuke program because the Sunni Arabs want to destroy it and 3) AQ Khan personally sat down in Saudi Arabia for a little chat and casually "confessed" to Mr Qaisar that Saudi Arabia was building nukes with his help yet completely forgot to mention Iran.
I understand. You want to end the war. But what if war is forced on your country by the neocons? What will happen after Iran is defeated and their oil and gas is hijacked? Pakistan has nukes, and so has become a target. No Islamic country can be trusted with a nuke, according to the neocons who control the military-industrial complex in the US...

its a extreme view - after what the neocons have achieved in iraq i doubt if the US will try anymore adventures in the future esp since it is more than likely that a democrat will be the next US president.
I think that if isreal attacks iran with nukes then we should make a strong gesture that is not acceptable. if they hit iran i am pretty sure that they will hit us. dont forget they did try that once.
I think this matter is very serious and cannot be ignored by Pakistan. If iran is hit ,it will have a nuclear fallout for obvious reasons and it will effect us . Secondly, the Israelis are themselves quite scared of repurcussions as Iran is not Iraq and will not take that insult so lightly. Thirdly, we have to see what the response of the Chinese will be because they cannot sit by and let the middle East be controlled by the American adventurists. So the repurcussions are too dangerous and unpredicable even for the Israelis to comprehend and counter. The USA has its hands full and cannot venture elsewhere except as an extreme measure. The only exception would be if Iran made aggressive gestures towards Israel in which case we will have to sit it out as willl the rest of the world.
So, in short inspite of our general morass, we will have to mount a response which could have aggressive designs. We simply cannot allow Iran to be occupied by US/Israeli nexus.
my 2Paisas worth
yes Realy this is the case. my prove is A Q khan. ask him now when he is in custudy and he will tell you the Trouth. 2 weeks back he also said on interview that he accept the blame because of pakistan and General Mushraf. also IAEA sumbit his report on june 2007 that The Iran nuclear design and sentifugies is different then Pakistan one. Only Libya nuclear Sentifugies are same like N.K and Pak. and last but not the least untill fact will come Inshallah. can some ask A Q khan why he travel and stayed in KSA with Defence peoples so long some time 3 months . Also You can ask the N. Sharief as he was use to sit in the same Hotel lounge every day with us.
Well we should give all our support to the iranians. Militarily it might not be possible if US joins in but in all diplomatic ways. However if israel decides to attack iran alone i think iran can defend itself very well unless ofcourse israel decides to go nuclear on iran and then if that happens then we surely need to intervene. Remember we cant let israel use its nuclear weapons on iran not because of the muslim ummah thing, but because if iran is hit by a nuclear weapon, we too will suffer from the fall out, also remember we are enterning into a long term strategic relationship with iran starting from IP gas pipeline project, electricity and maybe in the longterm defence relationship. Besides lets also not forget that iran has supported us in almost all of our endeavours against india, its time we return the favour when they need the most.

As expected, no nation besides the other big 2 (i.e. China & Russia) is able to withstand a US assault. So it is wise not to get involved, however Pakistan should not aid the US in anyway - stay neutral.

If only Israel attacks, Iran can surely defend herself. If Israel goes nuclear then it every single person in the entire world's duty to counter this grave aggression. It is one thing for conventional war, and another for mass GENOCIDE.

Also, there needs some loyalty and friendship. If we want others to help us, sometimes we must initiate the friendly exchange first. This is only my personal opinion.
I think we should not support Iran because the current regime is anti Pakistani and India friendly.If Shah of Iran was there then Pakistan would 100% support Iran.
i think we should stop using the word islamic for the middle east any more we should return to be midle easterners the islamic word brings too many divisions and weakens all the middleast. Arabs have 1 thing in common which unites us and that we have big noses lol

As I expected. At least you guys have 1 thing more in common with the Arabs than the Malays/Indos:smokin: Truth is humans think of themselves in this order:

(1) male/female

(2) race

(3) religion

It is no different with Arabs, Pakistanis, Indians and everyone else.
As expected, no nation besides the other big 2 (i.e. China & Russia) is able to withstand a US assault. So it is wise not to get involved, however Pakistan should not aid the US in anyway - stay neutral.

The world witnessed what Israel did to Gaza. I do not think this time Pakistan should remain as a silent spectator. I will also see how China and Russia will react.

Also, there needs some loyalty and friendship. If we want others to help us, sometimes we must initiate the friendly exchange first. This is only my personal opinion.

What kind of friendship and with whom? Please elaborate.
The world witnessed what Israel did to Gaza. I do not think this time Pakistan should remain as a silent spectator. I will also see how China and Russia will react.

What kind of friendship and with whom? Please elaborate.

It is obvious Zionists Khazars dare not attack all muslim countries at once (or even several) because they will support one another, but as expected the way is to go after one at a time (Iraq - then Afghan - then )ran - then Pak...etc).

And friendship with whom, that you will need to deduce by considering who is most faithful and dependable.
Pakistan can't help Iran politically. Unfortunately American senate which approve yearly budget for Pakistan is all Jewish. Plus Iran is politically very strong compare to Pakistan, they can handle the situation themselves and more independently. So, Pakistan will totally neutral venue in this scenario. Plus after transferring nuke and missile tech to Iran, Pakistan is not in position to even take anyone side in any scenario. Because these hefty allegations leave us very limited breathing space.
Saudies has already cut Pak aid since last two years, when Pakistani govt is all out war against taliban and terrorism.
Pakistan can't help Iran politically. Unfortunately American senate which approve yearly budget for Pakistan is all Jewish. Plus Iran is politically very strong compare to Pakistan, they can handle the situation themselves and more independently. So, Pakistan will totally neutral venue in this scenario. Plus after transferring nuke and missile tech to Iran, Pakistan is not in position to even take anyone side in any scenario. Because these hefty allegations leave us very limited breathing space.
Saudies has already cut Pak aid since last two years, when Pakistani govt is all out war against taliban and terrorism.

Not all actions need be visible. There are many ways to help besides giving money and fighting. :smitten:
Obviously there would be back channel help in this situation from independent groups, but on govt level , would be chance. Plus this scenario will hurt Afghanistan, Pakistan and India very badly. Because wind pressure from Persian gulf is very high along the coastal area of Pak and India. Huge chance of areal contamination and deformation.
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