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Would not mind Indo-Pak N-war: JuD Chief

1. First of all you need to learn what is a leader that too when you put a nationality to it. He is NOT a Pakistani leader if yes then Balthakray of Hindu extermist group Shiv can stand for same title of Indian Leader .

2. It was your Indian army chief who was yapping about a nuclear war now decide for your ownself if an emotional head Hafiz Saeed of NON-Govt org is monster or a Chief of the second largest Army of a country like India is a monster and irresponsible to talk about waging nuclear war.

Watch your tongue lady.

The Army Chief said that the Indian Army trained to operate in a nuclear environment. That we trained to survive a nuclear war and still attain our strategic and tactical goals. This is an aspect of Nuclear-biological-Chemical warfare which all modern Armies regularly trained in. At least those Armies which faced nuclear armed opponents.How to survive a tactical nuclear attack and still keep moving. He was not talking of nuclear attacks on your country. He was not talking of a nuclear war with anyone. Do your homework first and then make statements here.
As long as these Hindu terrorist groups get free hand for killing Pakistani civilians on Indian land they dont need to send any across.

you have NO proof he was send by us. if your might Navy is busy attacking poor fishermen and failed to guard its coasts its not our headache but your failure

Whenever there is a bash at India, you come alive in that thread. I never seen a useful/informational post from u yet with respect to thread.:taz:
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I see the bashing is in full swing.
Lets look at a factual(somewhat) history.
Why are organizations like JuD successful?
They use the most powerful weapon to sway over a pakistani Muslim.. which is Islam.. since it is one of many things where Pakistani logic takes a backseat ..and emotions take over.
Education in Pakistan is already in the backseat.. and the number of illiterate..and more importantly unemployed are on the rise.
These people are easy prey..for whatever from of religious salvation(ala divine help) they can ask for. Be it from unemployment, illness, domestic issues..etc.
Organizations like JuD.. contrary to popular belief.. were rarely ever financed by the GoP in their heydays..rather.. the plight of the Kashmiri brethren.. (Whom if most Pakistanis met on the road asking for alms..would be shooed off).. brings out the pious Muslim in the most dastardly of beings.. after all.. Zakat...and then Zakat for Jihad.. it is surely a seat on the Heavenly express.. So they give freely.
That bought the weapons and explosives( I apologize for the blunt ..alas ..disrespectful description that follows)..to maime or kill the sporting Indian Soldier.. whether he was truly a perverted rapist in a soldier uniform..or a proud son just wanting to do his duty.. is largely irrelevant.
The money from Zakat.. and the sale of skin of slaughtered animals(trends show that infiltrations..and activities of Freedom fighters/Terrorists/your-call increased right after the Eid's) also became the "pays" for the employees of these organizations...field employees were given IoU's.. or the money was forwarded to their families.
These men.. then came from the categories I mentioned before..
.. Houris were factored in later.. since Kashmiri girls are usually pretty anyway.. the prospect of meeting them was a good starting motivator.

Thats the start.. the early 80's.. mids..and then the start of the Kashmir Intefada.. The ISI was in full swing.. the men like Hafiz Saeed.. with their oratory skills were needed to direct such boys into the fight.
After all.. it is the ISI which wrote the "Treatise on Guerilla warfare part II"(foreword by Fidel Castro) and co-authored along with Hamas the unofficial book "Guerilla warfare for Dummies"...
the fact the R&AW would later introduce the book in its 1st year curriculum for trainees was not factored in...at the time anyway..
Come the 90's.. the ISI saw that its entrepreneurial setups were doing well..and it was time it stepped out of the management..and let the blue collar force take over some positions. Preferring to sit on the board of directors(Gen Hameed gul(Sbt,SI,Abbg,igi,TpOg,Pkig) is rumored to have bought a lot of Shares in JuD(pvt ltd) and other organizations against company ethics..which were used to later finance his Varan Luxury Coaches).. However, since the trust never laid down a code of ethical conduct nor a employee benefit program.. The various companies under the trust started breaking off and branching into other businesses..and taking aggressive actions to maintain profits and productivity which were never authorized by the Company.. and a force of men from the Trust fund's sister holdings were sent to ascertain the companies QoS from the primary Customers.. i.e the Indian Army in 99.. The feedback was positive at first..then mixed..then extremely negative...it was clear..the companies had broken off from the control of the Trust and changed the services and advertising campaigns..And the Board of Trustees were now only left as minor shareholders(Reportedly Gen Hameed Gul still holds the controlling stake at 51%)... Moreover..the LeT and its parent corporation the JuD and its blue collar leadership had taken the initiative...and no longer consulted the Trust about future plans.. (the 2001 sales initiative for the Indian parliament is a prime example)..The Trust however.. was then preoccupies with another one of its startup businesses.. going out of control..and was involved in a serious Anti-Trust move by the powers that refuse to abandon the Cheeseburger..The rest.. I think is history Id rather not tamper with anymore...its too recent..and most remember it too well.

When the JuD talk about Nuclear weapons.. its clever marketing.
Nukes are like AIG and GM declaring bankruptcy.. as serious as it is.. the powers that sit in the dead-city near the margalla mountains would do their best to ask for a bail-out from the Cheeseburger family.
So why not talk about it?.. after all.. finds Hafiz saeed the zakat needed for the shiny new Rpg's being sold by the AnA.. and new 25 going on 40 virgins to use em or die trying.....along with a tiny fraction of it for the new Lexus 4x4.. after all.. Jihad needs a chic image...

p.s.. on a relatively more serious note..
It is only those that themselves have nothing to lose in case poop hits the fan..they make such statements..
Would Raj Thakrey be effected by any so called "alien" settlers in maharashtra??.. Does a guy from Bengal effect his life or his Rolex?..
Or for that matter.. most of his followers?
Its people that prey on raw..untamed emotions that are the greatest danger to pakistan..and India as well.(internal and external.. to Both).
Such hue and cry over the statement from a guy who has no stake whatsoever in shaping the foreign policy of the country!

No wonder we dont even take your COAS' (or for that matter NSA's) statements seriously.
Such hue and cry over the statement from a guy who has no stake whatsoever in shaping the foreign policy of the country!

No wonder we dont even take your COAS' (or for that matter NSA's) statements seriously.

Wasn't that the guy 'who-has-no-stake-whatsoever-in-shaping-the- foreign-policy' who made 10 terrorists run amok in the financial capital of India and got the two countries to the brink of a war. ??

Considering that it is worthwhile not to take his statements, however ludicurous they may seem to be, lightly.
Wasn't that the guy 'who-has-no-stake-whatsoever-in-shaping-the- foreign-policy' who made 10 terrorists run amok in the financial capital of India and got the two countries to the brink of a war. ??



Why you Indians keep posting blabberings of this idiot ?He is no position to decide this. Noone gives a damn about him.

As for Hafiz, authorities should send this war mongering Hafiz to border so that he could fulfill his desires.

good,please send him and also some 10 men with him armed with Ak-47 to the border...Our Army wanna have some fun....
I hope he come to the border soon..
Why you Indians keep posting blabberings of this idiot ?He is no position to decide this. Noone gives a damn about him.

THEN WHY 20000 PEOPLE GATHERED ?? WHY NOT 20000 PEOPLE GATHER IN Pakistan for GOOD cause like CORRUPTION , UNEMPLOYMENT , ECONOMIC disaster ....the list goes on.....
The fact that he got media coverage shows he has got some backing. And the timing! Right when ur country sent envoys to talk of peace!

The tensions are high, and i understand there is a long history of hatred but when u are trying to build peace, sell peace to the masses, tell them why its important to have lasting peace with india... Atleast dont sell hate when u say u are genuinely trying for the peace talks!
Wasn't that the guy 'who-has-no-stake-whatsoever-in-shaping-the- foreign-policy' who made 10 terrorists run amok in the financial capital of India and got the two countries to the brink of a war. ??

Considering that it is worthwhile not to take his statements, however ludicurous they may seem to be, lightly.

One day we will help our brothers in Kashmir and inshallah it will be azad. My grandfather coming from jammu, I feel a special bond with the land. The zabardasti the indians are committing in the region should be not be tolerated. I don't advocate war, but I fully support the resistance against an oppressed people. I don't want war with India, but the bitter seed of hate implanted in the subcontinent will bare posionous fruit. I think nuclear weapons are for cowards, and I'm glad our army keeps it only as a defense measure.

Salaam :pakistan:
Why you Indians keep posting blabberings of this idiot ?He is no position to decide this. Noone gives a damn about him.

As for Hafiz, authorities should send this war mongering Hafiz to border so that he could fulfill his desires.

If this guy just stops with his stupid rant, it would just be an embarrassment for sane Pakistanis like you. But whats bothering is the army of followers he has who are ready to put his words in to action.
it may be a slight prick or ''irritant'' but who cares in the end; he doesnt make national or security policy decisions

if he really said it, then it just shows he lacks an understanding of military or ramifications of using nuclear weapons

those nukes will stay in their silos, collecting dust. And I pray for the sake of the region that things stay that way.

i wouldnt spend much time analyzing or dignifying such statements with any response; just as i wouldnt dignify statements about ''2 front cold start'' operation which from time-to-time has been yapped about from certain individuals in the neighbour country
Very telling of the situation in Pakistan.

The rhetoric indicates that the Govt has no control over the affairs of Pakistan. On the one hand, the GoP is engaging India in talks at Thimphu, while on the other hand, the lunatic fringe, which has clout over the population, is spewing fire and brimstone and going ballistic!!

oh why dont you get off your high horse kiddo you have plenty of such people making similar --if not worse --venomous and hostile speeches against Pakistani Nation

no new phenomenon, ít's been going on since 1947. :blah:
THEN WHY 20000 PEOPLE GATHERED ?? WHY NOT 20000 PEOPLE GATHER IN Pakistan for GOOD cause like CORRUPTION , UNEMPLOYMENT , ECONOMIC disaster ....the list goes on.....

Why so many people gathered? Because Pakistanis observed Kashmir solidarity day on 5th Feb. Many people gave speeches including him. He showed his anger for the political parties of Pakistan who are not interested in Kashmir anymore and wanted them to support his cause again.

World urged to help settle Kashmir dispute DAWN.COM | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia

JuD warns India of war on Kashmir DAWN.COM | Latest news, Breaking news, Pakistan News, World news, business, sport and multimedia
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