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‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’

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Apr 8, 2007
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The Express Tribune – December 30, 2013

LAHORE: “The prime minister’s efforts to seek friendly relations with our sworn enemies can end up making Pakistanis virtual slaves to India,” Jamaat-i-Islami chief Syed Munawar Hasan said on Sunday.
Addressing the concluding session of a workshop at Mansoora, he said the prime minister would not have been elected to the office had he advocated such relations with India in his election campaign.
“The nation did not elect him to rub salt in Kashmiris wounds,” he said. He said freedom fighters in Kashmir had rendered sacrifices that would not be forgotten. He said the parliamentary committee for Kashmir affairs was “useless.”
He criticised the government for not being able to resolve the gas and electricity shortage in the country.
“It took this government only six months to earn public dissatisfaction,” he said.
Hasan expressed concern at the discovery of two ammunition factories in Balochistan.
“Why have security agencies failed to unearth these factories,” he said. “Who runs and funds these factories? What are their intentions?” he said.
He said Pakistan occupied an important geostrategic position in the region but the government was not drawing any benefit from it.
He said the US wanted to command the region’s resources with help from India.
Hasan said, ”Kashmiris have been demanding their rights for six decades but India has oppressed them with brute force,” he said.”It is a duty of the Pakistani government to raise its voice against the illegal occupation of Kashmir.”
“The biggest democracy in the world is not a good neighbour,” he said.
He said the Hurriyat Conference had played an important role in Kashmir but Pervez Musharraf had stabbed the Kashmiri Muslims in the back by causing a split in its ranks.

Dissenting view: ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’ – The Express Tribune
The Express Tribune – December 30, 2013

LAHORE: “The prime minister’s efforts to seek friendly relations with our sworn enemies can end up making Pakistanis virtual slaves to India,” Jamaat-i-Islami chief Syed Munawar Hasan said on Sunday.
Addressing the concluding session of a workshop at Mansoora, he said the prime minister would not have been elected to the office had he advocated such relations with India in his election campaign.
“The nation did not elect him to rub salt in Kashmiris wounds,” he said. He said freedom fighters in Kashmir had rendered sacrifices that would not be forgotten. He said the parliamentary committee for Kashmir affairs was “useless.”
He criticised the government for not being able to resolve the gas and electricity shortage in the country.
“It took this government only six months to earn public dissatisfaction,” he said.
Hasan expressed concern at the discovery of two ammunition factories in Balochistan.
“Why have security agencies failed to unearth these factories,” he said. “Who runs and funds these factories? What are their intentions?” he said.
He said Pakistan occupied an important geostrategic position in the region but the government was not drawing any benefit from it.
He said the US wanted to command the region’s resources with help from India.
Hasan said, ”Kashmiris have been demanding their rights for six decades but India has oppressed them with brute force,” he said.”It is a duty of the Pakistani government to raise its voice against the illegal occupation of Kashmir.”
“The biggest democracy in the world is not a good neighbour,” he said.
He said the Hurriyat Conference had played an important role in Kashmir but Pervez Musharraf had stabbed the Kashmiri Muslims in the back by causing a split in its ranks.

Dissenting view: ‘World’s largest democracy not the best of neighbours’ – The Express Tribune

And now we reach the state of ad nauseam. As always, lesson most definitely not learnt.
Wasn't it the same Jamat e Islami that did not want the independence of Pakistan before 1947?

kashmir was, is and will forever remain India's territory, those who have problems with this fact may leave our country and go to pakistan or wherever they like

Kashmir was not, and it is not and Inshallah, never will be the part of India.

Kashmir is a state of Kashmiri.

Kashmir is a state, which a part of it is under the occupation of India.

India is invader of Kashmir.

PS: You are an Indian who has a picture of hitler in his avatar. Nothing less is expected from Indian role models I guess.
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Wasn't it the same Jamat e Islami that did not want the independence of Pakistan before 1947?

Kashmir is not, and it is not and Inshallah, never will be the part of India.

Kashmir is a state of Kashmiri.

Kashmir is a state, which a part of it is under the occupation of India.

India is invader of Kashmir.

PS: You are an Indian who has a picture of hitler in his avatar. Nothing less is expected from Indian role models I guess.

Kashmir will remain as a state and integral part of India .there is no question about that
Wasn't it the same Jamat e Islami that did not want the independence of Pakistan before 1947?

Kashmir is not, and it is not and Inshallah, never will be the part of India.

Kashmir is a state of Kashmiri.

Kashmir is a state, which a part of it is under the occupation of India.

India is invader of Kashmir.

PS: You are an Indian who has a picture of hitler in his avatar. Nothing less is expected from Indian role models I guess.
thats what u think , but reality will be reality, BTW the piece of land which is today known as pakistan, bangladesh, afganistan, myanmar were also used to be a part of India, that means rightfully the whole INDIAN SUBCONTINENT BELONGS TO US U PEOPLE HAVE ENCROACHED UPON OUR LAND
thats what u think , but reality will be reality, BTW the piece of land which is today known as pakistan, bangladesh, afganistan, myanmar were also used to be a part of India, that means rightfully the whole INDIAN SUBCONTINENT BELONGS TO US U PEOPLE HAVE ENCROACHED UPON OUR LAND

You are an Indian who is delusional with an avatar of hitler..

India was created in 1947. Reality check.

Subcontinent had many, states and kingdoms, till the British came and created an artificial colony called British India. British invaded the states in subcontinent and annexed them into British India.

It just shows how retarded and delusional Indians like you are.

The "indian" identity is the gift of British...

Let me guess, you are a South Indian?

Did I mention you are delusional and retarded?
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You are an Indian who is delusional with an avatar of hitler..

India was created in 1947. Reality check.

Subcontinent had many, states and kingdoms, till the British came and created an artificial colony called British India. British invaded the states in subcontinent and annexed them into British India.

It just shows how retarded and delusional Indians are.

The "indian" identity is the gift of British...

Let me guess, you are a South Indian?
we are the original inhabitants of the subcontinents, the pure Aryans, but next came your illegal ancestors from arab who encroached upon our sacred land and brought all the evils along with them, subcontinent is the land of hindus and the religions which originated here and not islam
we are the original inhabitants of the subcontinents, the pure Aryans, but next came your illegal ancestors from arab who encroached upon our sacred land and brought all the evils along with them, subcontinent is the land of hindus and the religions which originated here and not islam

LOL, May I ask you if you are South Indian ? Please do tell me?

Are you one of those South Indians who think they are some white man's child who some how turned black? LOL

It just proves how much delusional and self hating people you are...

Pakistan consist of , Kyber Pukhtoonkhya, Sindh, Baluchistan , Punjab, And Kashmir.

When did black Aryan South Indian come here? lol

Do you tell this to yourself, when you are applying fair and lovely to your black face? LOL

You are delusional, mentally sick, and jealous.... oh and I forgot self hating..

Oh and about your religion.

Here is a description of it.

Worship of, rats, cows, pigs, snakes, idols. Isn't that right?
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we are the original inhabitants of the subcontinents, the pure Aryans, but next came your illegal ancestors from arab who encroached upon our sacred land and brought all the evils along with them, subcontinent is the land of hindus and the religions which originated here and not islam

Vedas is written in Indo-Aryan language not Dravidian language. :cool:
we are the original inhabitants of the subcontinents, the pure Aryans, but next came your illegal ancestors from arab who encroached upon our sacred land and brought all the evils along with them, subcontinent is the land of hindus and the religions which originated here and not islam

It's your fault for letting them in. Atleast you should have put up a fight.

It's your fault for letting them in. Atleast you should have put up a fight.

What do South Indians have to do with, Pakistan region of, Kyber Pukhtoonkhwa, Baluchistan, Kashmir, Sindh, Punjab?

LOL. These South Indians are so self hating, they wish they could be like us. But they are not.. lol

These retarded self hating South Indians claim themselves to be aryans who turned black...lol, and are the biggest consumers of fair and lovely.
Vedas is written in Indo-Aryan language not Dravidian language. :cool:

These Self hating retarded delusional South Indians wish they can be like Pakistanis.


its still not too late, everyday Indian forces' 72 virgins dating service dispatches pakistan backed terrorists to hell

Butt Hurt, delusional self hating Black South Indian "Aryan" lol

Is your animal dating service still on?

Look at the superior culture of these South Indians.

You Self hating delusional black south Indian "aryans" Wish you could be like Pushtoon, Baluch, Punjabis, Sindhis, Kashmiris.

Your culture is sh1t at best, and your history is sh1t too. I can imagine why you people have turned mad and delusional after being yourselves.
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LOL, May I ask you if you are South Indian ? Please do tell me?

Are you one of those South Indians who think they are some white man's child who some how turned black? LOL

It just proves how much delusional and self hating people you are...

Pakistan consist of , Kyber Pukhtoonkhya, Sindh, Baluchistan , Punjab, And Kashmir.

When did black Aryan South Indian come here? lol

Do you tell this to yourself, when you are applying fair and lovely to your black face? LOL

You are delusional, mentally sick, and jealous.... oh and I forgot self hating..

Oh and about your religion.

Here is a description of it.

Worship of, rats, cows, pigs, snakes, idols. Isn't that right?
BTW i am a north Indian and more fairer than the fair people you have seen in your entire life but Indians do not take false pride in their skin color which have no relevance in practical life, Indians get respected because of the worthiness only and not because of their skin colour, 40 years back u hated dark bengalis and u know what happened then, aas far as worship is concerned we worship the nature altogether and the Hindu philosophy is the greatest of all. unlike you we dont have blind faith and have the guts and freedom to question everything

You are an Indian who is delusional with an avatar of hitler..

India was created in 1947. Reality check.

Subcontinent had many, states and kingdoms, till the British came and created an artificial colony called British India. British invaded the states in subcontinent and annexed them into British India.

It just shows how retarded and delusional Indians like you are.

The "indian" identity is the gift of British...

Let me guess, you are a South Indian?

Did I mention you are delusional and retarded?
mr. historian, the Indian identity was not given by the british, it was given by the great Chandragupt Vikramaditya in 320 BC when he was the samrat of India and his territory spread over from afganistantan to mayanmar horizontly and to sri lanka in the south, pakistans history starts from 1947 but ours is 1000s of years old
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