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World War III : Possible Scenario

World war III : Possible Scenarios

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I voted none.
I see rather turkey in a war then iran.
Since no offence but iran has a shitty military.
besides some cool missiles.
turkey,arab nations(including iran maybe) against israel(maybe usa included). and between them UN(without turkish troops).
Another 9/11 style attack on US soil by Islamic radicals may bring fierece retaliation by US on some muslim countries.

Fairytale teller Zaid Hamid style Ghazwa-e-Hind will probably limited to India-Pakistan.

China's attack on Taiwan will probably bring US, Japan into Conflict with backing from EU.

Iran-Israel conflict is possible. Short wars between Israel-Vs-Arabs is possible.

Lot of regional conflicts are possible. But, World War-III doesn't look possible at the moment, although religious fanatics will try hard to fulfill prophecies in their holy-books.

Hope sanity prevail in the world.
The worlds populations gets more and more.
tension and conflicts rises..
and the small country of isreal and the very tiny population.
will be overwhelmed by muslims.
Dont matter how advanced isreali military is.
... the small country of isreal and the very tiny population.
will be overwhelmed by muslims.
Dont matter how advanced isreali military is.

As i told, "...religious fanatics will try hard to fulfill prophecies in their holy-books." :D

Hope sanity prevails in the world.
As i told, "...religious fanatics will try hard to fulfill prophecies in their holy-books." :D

Hope sanity prevails in the world.

we already know your a zionist.
and no it dont say in the kuran.
But it will hapen.

Israel will go down.
If was an indian i was be very offended by the fact he has an indian flag.
We Indians always support the existence of Israel as sovereign state.

We get offended, when you gloat over wiping out Israel.
it can be Nato+ S Korea VS China+ N Korea

Other might join later...
The worlds populations gets more and more.
tension and conflicts rises..
and the small country of isreal and the very tiny population.
will be overwhelmed by muslims.
Dont matter how advanced isreali military is

Seems you never studied military history--key word 'history'.

we already know your a zionist.
and no it dont say in the kuran.
But it will hapen.

Israel will go down.

Israel was simultaneously attacked by 3 countries and aided by another 8 countries and still came out the victor.
Turks will be in that war. But I think our borders will not be the same at those times. (Bigger or lesser) Thet will be one of the reasons.(And energy routes will affect this) Or we can say; if our borders changes that will trigger a huge war. It will be a WW? I dont know.

WW1 was a "how can we share Ottoman territories" war. WW2 has tons of reasons!(Hitler himself not a reason)

But WW3 will be much more diffirent than other wars. It won't be a "Capture these territories" war. It will be a "rule their economy", "rule their political order", "rule their mind" war. Some territories will be used as outpostes and there is no need to connect gained territories. Like Iraq and Afganistan, USA dont need to take territories between them.(For example, they are trying to take control of Iranian political order)

Look at Ukrain, Georgia and other countries which are conrtrolled by colored revolions. And how Georgia attacked Russian territories. Attack was not succesful but success is not important. Important thing is that; Georgia, a country politically ruled by USA has started a mindless attack to Russia. Mindless is important word here. It means USA has a power to say "If I want them to attack you, they will attack without questioning.

A war like this can continue very long time. Generally will be not a real war, much like an intelligence war. But sometimes will be a real war where real weapons are used. This will happen rarely but when happens it will be a real mess. (Look at Iraq)

I think a war like this has started 10-15 years ago. At low density... I guess it will be diffirent in 10-25 years.

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I don't see how China wold ever ally with "Islamic world" if they can't veto a UN resolution for Iran.

And the reality is that there are a bunch of Muslim countries with different priorities and aspirations. To classify the entire Muslim world as one monolith is the first mistake in the poll options.
Seems you never studied military history--key word 'history'.

Israel was simultaneously attacked by 3 countries and aided by another 8 countries and still came out the victor.

What were the strengts?
thsoe were poor arab countries.
dont didn't had proper police or even military.
When i think of WW III only one thing comes to mind

"I dont know with wat weapons WW III will be fought with,but WW IV will be surely fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein.
When i think of WW III only one thing comes to mind

"I dont know with wat weapons WW III will be fought with,but WW IV will be surely fought with sticks and stones" - Einstein.

atleast einstein calculated for us that 2 world wars will come.:smitten:

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