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World sees new super power.

This means we should have a new definition of 'communism': epic fail.


Look where I live, Hong Kong. We have been capitalist since the beginning. In fact we have been ranked as the "world's freest" economy for the past 16 years by the Wall Street Journal.

Economy of Hong Kong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Capitalism is simply the natural order of the world, it has existed since the very first human civilizations, including Mesopotamia. The natural order is characterised by "private ownership", and profit-driven trade.

In retrospect yes I agree that Communism as an Economic system has failed, and I have said this many times. You can't abolish private property completely, it is not natural.

China has had a market economy since Deng Xiaoping's Economic reforms in 1978. Long before the collapse of Communism in the USSR, Deng Xiaoping realised the way in which to move forward. And he was right. :cheers:

The Chinese government refers to our system as "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" but it's more accurate to call it "State capitalism". And it powered straight though the global credit crunch at high rates of economic growth, while all other major economies were suffering from recession.
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The reason is "face": the sense of public shame which has no real analog in American or indeed Western culture. In Asian societies, one does not air private "dirty laundry" in public. This is true of embarrassing or potentially shameful issues of individuals, families, companies, and the nation as a whole.

That is a prejudiced statement. If you look at the south Asian scenario. Plenty of "dirty laundry" is aired in full public view. Just tune into the media on Pakistan and India. The recent CWG corruption scandal is a case in point.

Also in the US you have a section who does not believe in airing their dirty laundry, the neo-con types who think that US can do no wrong as is a force to promote greater good in the world with celestial backing.
Congratulations to China. They have done mind blowing job and they are the country of this century, however jeaolous people will always try to undermine you. Just ignore the jeaolous lot and enjoy the toast.
Look where I live, Hong Kong. We have been capitalist since the beginning. In fact we have been ranked as the "world's freest" economy for the past 16 years by the Wall Street Journal.

Economy of Hong Kong - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Capitalism is simply the natural order of the world, it has existed since the very first human civilizations, including Mesopotamia. The natural order is characterised by "private ownership", and profit-driven trade.

In retrospect yes I agree that Communism as an Economic system has failed, and I have said this many times. You can't abolish private property completely, it is not natural.

China has had a market economy since Deng Xiaoping's Economic reforms in 1978. Long before the collapse of Communism in the USSR, Deng Xiaoping realised the way in which to move forward. And he was right. :cheers:

The Chinese government refers to our system as "Socialism with Chinese characteristics" but it's more accurate to call it "State capitalism". And it powered straight though the global credit crunch at high rates of economic growth, while all other major economies were suffering from recession.

Hong Kong was lucky it missed the bad times and is in a position to take advantage of the good times.
Congratulations to China. They have done mind blowing job and they are the country of this century, however jeaolous people will always try to undermine you. Just ignore the jeaolous lot and enjoy the toast.

Thank you my friend. :cheers:
Oh, "Juvenile"? are you referring to this? :hang2:

Juvenile american indians natives Drug Abuse Violations
Feel really sorry for all those poisoning they apply on American Indians.

dude "american indian natives" refers to the native red indians and not the indian americans{people who orignate from india} ....besides what are you trying to say by this post of yours and how is it related to this topic
dude "american indian natives" refers to the native red indians and not the indian americans{people who orignate from india} ....besides what are you trying to say by this post of yours and how is it related to this topic

Wise guy, i am referring to American natives, nothing to do with Indians Of India, Mr CAPTAIN happened to be a self-proclaim red Indian, hopefully you got my message.:azn:
Related to the topic? nothing will be related once CAPTAIN jump in to troll.:no:
China is not a super power. Least not yet they are certainly doing good work there though economically but they have a good way to go before you can call them a super power. U.S. is still the only one.
China is not a super power. Least not yet they are certainly doing good work there though economically but they have a good way to go before you can call them a super power. U.S. is still the only one.

You're right, we still have a way to go before we reach that point. But I don't think anyone is claiming that we are a superpower right NOW.

Although, having the second largest economy in the world, and the fastest growing major economy, is a good starting point I think.

I don't think people, especially Chinese, here should discuss with Captain America. He is just jealous.
@Captain America,
Many of your data are outdated. You should learn something before going to discuss, otherwise you are just another proof that American are undereducated.
About eight Chinese to produce the same as one American. Produce what? Last year, I read an article from US press. They said that in US, it cost over 3 billions US$ to construct one mile of subway in NewYork. In China, it costs only 100 millions (1:30 ratio). That why US GDP is still bigger than China, only nominally or on paper only.
Congratulation china. .keep going. World will be multi polar sooner
I don't think people, especially Chinese, here should discuss with Captain America. He is just jealous.
@Captain America,
Many of your data are outdated. You should learn something before going to discuss, otherwise you are just another proof that American are undereducated.
About eight Chinese to produce the same as one American. Produce what? Last year, I read an article from US press. They said that in US, it cost over 3 billions US$ to construct one mile of subway in NewYork. In China, it costs only 100 millions (1:30 ratio). That why US GDP is still bigger than China, only nominally or on paper only.

In that case China is not a new super power, its only on paper..
No chinese media ever said china is a superpower, what you read is from western sources. They set up this theory of china is a superpower then proceed on their own to 'prove' why it isn't a superpoer, enjoying an ego trip in the bashing process.
Firstly i congratulate China on this excellent achievement.

I hope India gets there atleast in a decade.

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