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world’s largest naval exercises in Hawaii

I hope there is a battleship movie 2012 type incident- and all navy destroyed--

And we destroyed the aliens and took their tech and advanced by a thousand years giving them an edge over China. Yes I hope so.
Seriously tho, this whole thing is a sham, read what the Americans did to the New Zealand navy.
With Friends like America, who needs enemies?

I may said the same thing over other posts, "When supplies arms and animations, Pak say "Live long America". After some time, even for a dog farts, Pak say "Its a CIA conspiracy to destabilize". Currently the same situation over here.

As for India begin invited and Pakistan not, I would say, there is a reason - not political but rather logical. Firstly India is a country of sailors from ancient times. One cannot negate India's presence in IOR. And doesn't the name of the ocean tells you much about power projection the region ? PN dose not share the same level of experience.

Secondly India aspires to be a "Blue water" navy hence navies around the world are destined to work with IN at some point of time so why not now? Though this time India may not be going in with it full technological element but one cannot overlook the mighty Human element. As I said nation of sailors. PN is a "Brown Water" navy, hence International navies which generally dose not enter Arabian Sea would not have anything to do with PN.

Why not china??

Well if you are performing an exercise to contain an XYZ country, then generally that XYZ country is not invited.
So your relationship with Russia/SU was just of beach pals?
Get off your high horse man. This isn't a yoga class where you are giving a lecture on "enlightenment"
In the real world all countries act in their interests. India's interest lay with Russia and you developed a deep relation with them. Pakistan's interest lay with the US and so we went with them.

That's called Alliance and not Deeper than Ocean Friendship :P LOL
kṣamā;3146005 said:
I may said the same thing over other posts, "When supplies arms and animations, Pak say "Live long America". After some time, even for a dog farts, Pak say "Its a CIA conspiracy to destabilize". Currently the same situation over here.

As for India begin invited and Pakistan not, I would say, there is a reason - not political but rather logical. Firstly Indian is a country of sailors from ancient times. One cannot negate India's presence in IOR. And doesn't the name of the ocean tells you about power projection the region ? PN dose not share the same level of experience.

Secondly India aspires to be a "Blue water" navy hence navies around the world are destined to work with IN at some point of time so why not now? Though this time India may not be going in with it full technological element but one cannot overlook the mighty Human element. As I said nation of sailors. PN is a "Brown Water" navy, hence International navies which generally dose not enter Arabian Sea would not have anything to do with PN.

Why not china??

Well if you are performing an exercise to contain an XYZ country, then generally that XYZ country is not invited.

Where to even start?

1. Do you remember what happened after the "heroic mujaheddin" defeated the SU? America abandoned the region and Pakistan. Pakistan has every right to be weary of America. When they need us they send a few hundred million into Swiss accounts of our Politicians. But when we are no longer a use for them then we get sanctions. Pakistan has never done anything against America, yet we always get targeted by them.

2. So what? you are trying to make yourself feel more important then you actually are with your inflated history. Who cares what you did 100 or 1000 years ago. And last I recalled, India and Pakistan got independence at the same time. So how did you people magically get more experience then Pakistan?

3. I don't actually care, and I don't see the relevance to my point.

4. Chinese can defend themselves so again, who cares.

That's called Alliance and not Deeper than Ocean Friendship :P LOL

aww, looks like someone is heard that they don't have a BFF

It's okay, Indian as a billion people
Someone is bound to be your "deeper then ocean" friend :rolleyes:
why such a fuss about the exercise.. :bounce:

lol...there were two choices, Arrogant and Useless pointed any two countries. and u called the other Useless keeping arrogance for yourself...rofl....what is so arrogant about your country???? :no:

:lol: don't understand the point in being proud and boastful for getting an invitation for a naval exercise??? :rofl:
I am watching the documentary < A bite of China>, too much delicious foods in China, the forefather left us these, hope one day I have time to travel many places of my motherland to taste these delicious!!
On the topic, Not invite us, Invite us, Are there so many difference for China? seems someone is so exciting to see USA iss!
Where to even start?

1. Do you remember what happened after the "heroic mujaheddin" defeated the SU? America abandoned the region and Pakistan. Pakistan has every right to be weary of America. When they need us they send a few hundred million into Swiss accounts of our Politicians. But when we are no longer a use for them then we get sanctions. Pakistan has never done anything against America, yet we always get targeted by them.

2. So what? you are trying to make yourself feel more important then you actually are with your inflated history. Who cares what you did 100 or 1000 years ago. And last I recalled, India and Pakistan got independence at the same time. So how did you people magically get more experience then Pakistan?

3. I don't actually care, and I don't see the relevance to my point.

4. Chinese can defend themselves so again, who cares.

The paragraph of my post was for you, the rest for the forum.

And for how did Indians gain More experience in Navy, well here is the link knock yourself out, also note that no historically significant port was in the region, what we call as "Pakistan". History of the Indian Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
So it takes just a participation of few indian navey personnel to start a trolling feast and target each other with abusive language as well as religiously ?

come on people you are much better than this

@topic there have been long instances when PN, PAF etc were invited bu US since independence and IN of IAF wasn't but we never acted like this, now if its India's turn then whats the fuss about it indian members , its all about changing strategic relationships , Nothing is constant but a change . so enjoy your participation instead of disguising others .and talking big .

Take this forum as a learning medium and to show respect towards eachother rather than changing this forum into an indo-Pak war front
Who cares?? Pakistan is hardly a sea-going nation nor a martime power so their contribtuin, if invited, would be minimal to non-existent and no China, what did we expect??

Stupid thread, stupid title.

Belongs in Military Forum not World Affairs.
k&#7779;am&#257;;3146110 said:
The paragraph of my post was for you, the rest for the forum.

And for how did Indians gain More experience in Navy, well here is the link knock yourself out, also note that no historically significant port was in the region, what we call as "Pakistan". History of the Indian Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

oohh.. Quoting wikipedia to prove you have more experience..
Well, as you are new.. You should know that for comparison you need to see both sides..

According to your link the indian navy has been engaged in only 4 naval wars (one of them being pre partition).. :lol:

Well, just check how much experience does the Pakistan Navy has: Pakistan Navy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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