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World Naval Ranking 2008

I am not an expert but I disagree with the quality associated with China and Russia.

Canada has a quality of 85% which is also very starnge because Canada has very old fleet and they are in the process of modernization.

Pakistan, Iran and India are in very hostile neighbourhood but their quality is in 60s. These countries are always on watch and their navies definetly maintain and carry quality far more than the 60s.

Heavily pro Western analysis.

agrred most of canadian subs aren't even fully functional.
Or it can educate its citizens and improve its economy, perhaps.

Keep your irrelevant nonsense of the thread. It serves no purpose other then derailing the thread. Its particularly about world navy ranking, from where the **** did you brought Pakistan should educate its citizens. We don't need your suggestions over that. Mind your own damn business.
Problem is the lack of understanding.....spend less on army expansion and more on navy expansion,,,,,,just for a few years!!
Problem is the lack of understanding.....spend less on army expansion and more on navy expansion,,,,,,just for a few years!!
The big pie goes to the Army for obvious reasons. Geo-strategically Pakistan's posture is that of a territorial power and not a maritime power, hence the focus on the Army. This can not be changed. Further, the major allocation goes in for maintenance and wage, little is available for modernization. Same goes for the Indian Army.
QUAL is the quality of crews and equipment for that fleet, using the U.S. Navy as a baseline.

Nothing to do with combat value as per the table.
Problem is the lack of understanding.....spend less on army expansion and more on navy expansion,,,,,,just for a few years!!

Well said. Pakistan navy is left far behind as compared to other navies in the region including of its rival. Navy serves an important part as it has to safe guard sea lanes so that the economy keeps running and a blockade cannot be imposed by any means.
For long, the achilles heel of the Pakistan Military was their Navy and it still continues to be so, probably because they feel they only have a small coastline to defend which is ludicrous.
The big pie goes to the Army for obvious reasons. Geo-strategically Pakistan's posture is that of a territorial power and not a maritime power, hence the focus on the Army. This can not be changed. Further, the major allocation goes in for maintenance and wage, little is available for modernization. Same goes for the Indian Army.

wrong. bcos of its big coastline, india puts a lot of importance in its navy.
It is bieng developed into a true blue water navy.:victory:
Russian fleet is rather old and has only 1 big air carrier. Its prime ended in XVIII-XIX when turks were beaten.
Nations with big coastlines

Those that have large Imports and exports

Those that have big strategic trade routes on water

Will generally maintain bigger navies.

Uk always had a powerful Naval capability because they are a trading nation. Same can be said of Japan. Both Islands.

USA spends more on its Navy then Army & Air force for power projection.

India maintains a large blue water fleet because of trade interests and a very large coatline..
The ranking is BS!!!!! Whoever came up with the ranking must have been smoking good stuff. Anyone knows where to get this good stuff?

India maintains a large blue water fleet because of trade interests and a very large coatline.

Another dude smoking good stuff!!! India has a blue water fleet???
According to ur source Egyptian fleet is as strong as pakistani fleet, and it's also much more stronger than israeli fleet, that's nice! :)
india is developing its indejeneous Aircraft carrier and ATV, its fleet of aircraft carrier is also on advance stage with the help of russia

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