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World is looking to Bangladesh for the next election: Blinken

The other problem with US intervention is that the next BD government will also be in India's pocket as an extension of US strategy to encircle China.

Complicated times. All we really need is patriotic government with independent foreign policy. Unfortunately don't see that happening any time soon.

Actually, US and India are not that aligned as we think. India rather prefers Bangladesh stays distant to the US; they consider the region their backyard and don't want any strong American influence here.
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Actually, US and India are not that aligned as we think. India rather prefers Bangladesh stays distant to the US; they consider the region their backyard and don't want any strong American influence here.

That's the default state I agree, but it is not rigid. When it comes to China, India wants US involvement as they cannot counter China alone. Likewise, US also needs India to counter China. That's why India was not penalized despite openly siding with Russia and buying Russian oil.

US interest in BD is primarily because of their attempt to counter China. So in this aspect, US and India are going to be in alignment and work together to influence any BD government.
. .
That's the default state I agree, but it is not rigid. When it comes to China, India wants US involvement as they cannot counter China alone. Likewise, US also needs India to counter China. That's why India was not penalized despite openly siding with Russia and buying Russian oil.

US interest in BD is primarily because of their attempt to counter China. So in this aspect, US and India are going to be in alignment and work together to influence any BD government.

Can't disagree there. But the way I see it, as we directly interact with the US, the Americans will no longer be oblivious to our interests, especially to our disputes and differences with India. Besides, the US would be careful not to push Bangladesh towards China by squarely endorsing India's interests against Bangladesh, like what happened to Pakistan.
Can't disagree there. But the way I see it, as we directly interact with the US, the Americans will no longer be oblivious to our interests, especially to our disputes and differences with India. Besides, the US would be careful not to push Bangladesh towards China by squarely endorsing India's interests against Bangladesh, like what happened to Pakistan.
Bold part: Please do not expect a US intervention in the region, even a verbal one, in the case of a dispute between BD and India unless it flares something like the Ukraine war.

A military conflict with US participation and China benefits from it.
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Bold part: Please do not expect a US intervention in the region, even a verbal one, in the case of a dispute between BD and India unless it flares something like the Ukraine war.

A military conflict with US participation and China benefits from it.

It's fine. It also means US won't promote Indian interests against Bangladesh.
There is no party that's good for BD at the moment. I wish and hope VP Nur becomes PM of BD somehow. Not Yunus or Kibria's son, hell no.
There is no party that's good for BD at the moment. I wish and hope VP Nur becomes PM of BD somehow. Not Yunus or Kibria's son, hell no.
You are possessed with the same Bengali disease as most other Bangladeshis possess.

Not even a regular clerical staff of a Bank, but you want to promote him to be the Managing Director/ Chief Executive there because he speaks smoothly and he is charismatic.

A country needs people with wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. I am not saying we need Albert Einstein though. He was no nation-builder.
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You are possessed with the same Bengali disease as most other Bangladeshis possess.

Not even a regular clerical staff of a Bank, but you want to promote him to be the Managing Director/ Chief Executive there because he speaks smoothly and he is charismatic.

A country needs people with wisdom, intelligence, and knowledge. I am not saying we need Albert Einstein though. He was no nation-builder.

An honest leader is more preferable to educated, intelligent and experienced chors. That's my opinion anyway, you can feel free to disagree.
There is no party that's good for BD at the moment. I wish and hope VP Nur becomes PM of BD somehow. Not Yunus or Kibria's son, hell no.
VP Nur is a good young leader , but not yet a Prime minister material!

Also whatever we want , is no longer an issue!

Either Younus or someone like him is going to be the head of govt (national unity govt) !
However I won't be surprised if it will be Reza kibria, but there was a rumor that Gano Odhikar Porishod leaders are creating distance with Reza Kibria ( to make a non political entity? ) !

So if he becomes the head , in few days or after Younus, I won't be surprised and unhappy as well!

Doesn't matter if they are pro USA! Now Bangladesh needs oxygen!

I often read and hear that the war is between USA block and Chinese block ( India , Russia is included) ; USA want the bay of Bengal; if Chinese block wins USA will lose ground forever and Hasina current establishment will make Bangladesh another north Korea/ Myanmar!

And if USA wins USA will use Bangladesh as a tool to capture Arakan! So we will be dragged into a war actually!

Whatever may be the case , I don't want to be a citizen of Myanmar or north Korea!

No hard feelings for China though, but I just don't want Bangladesh turns into another north Korea ) !

Now in order to counter immediate threat , Bangladesh shouldn't take USA side ; as before the battle of ain jalut Christians let their traditional enemies move through their territory freely , because mongols were immediate threat then!

So now Bangladesh is in the situation , they must take USA side to counter the immediate threat ( becoming north Korea or Myanmar), and then in future we can think differently!

Ps : My position on taking any side is purely my personal point of view ,that can change overtime when Bangladesh's interest in the issue!
An honest leader is more preferable to educated, intelligent and experienced chors. That's my opinion anyway, you can feel free to disagree.
Yes, honesty is a requirement but not without proper upbringing through many years that induce experience.

Please ask him first how to do office filing work and registration of documents in their proper places. It is quite difficult for a novice and VP Noor is just another novice.
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Yes, honesty is a requirement but not without proper upbringing through many years that induce experience.
Who do you suggest if their is any national unity govt? I think for now Dr Younus is a great option!

However if Reza Kibria resign from the position of the convenor or Gano Odhikar Porishod, then I think he also can server better?

Or at least if there is a national unity govt ( previously proposed by late Dr Jafarullah , and now by Farhad Mazhar in the meeting of Insaf) , where all parties should have representatives ; Dr Younus can be head , and Dr Reza Kibria can be finance minister or foreign minister?
Yes, honesty is a requirement but not without proper upbringing through many years that induce experience.

Please ask him first how to do office filing work and registration of documents in their proper places. It is quite difficult for a novice and VP Noor is just another novice.

So if you have two options, an honest but inexperienced person and an educated, experienced but dishonest person; which would you choose ?

The problem we are facing in BD is we don't have a good alternative leader other than Hasina/Khaleda and their dynasty. I would ideally want someone honest, patriotic, educated, wise and experienced, who doesn't ? Alas, we don't have any at the moment.
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So if you have two options, an honest but inexperienced person and an educated, experienced but dishonest person; which would you choose ?

The problem we are facing in BD is we don't have a good alternative leader other than Hasina/Khaleda and their dynasty. I would ideally want someone honest, patriotic, educated, wise and experienced, who doesn't ? Alas, do don't have any at the moment.
Becoming a Chief Executive of a country needs acquiring varieties of qualities through exposure to knowledge on different subjects as well as different successful nations.

Please read all about those successful Presidents or PMs of other countries who did very well.

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