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Working to add India as the sixth country to NATO plus: US Congressman Ro Khanna

How we see it, we buy what we buy from who we choose, and deploying those systems in the most effective way to protect our interests. Tactical systems have traditionally been deployed against Pakistan because it has been a de facto military state for most of its existence. Strategic systems against China because of the asymmetry. Strategic systems like long-range missile systems are deployed against china as a deterrent in the case of stuff spills over. Given the terrain between India and china, it doesn't mandate a large deployment of tactical systems like Arty and infantry. Whereas against Pakistan, given the history of expeditionary exploits of PA, and terrain favoring conventional warfare, Arty, Infantry mech, and armor can be deployed against PA.
In addition, we can afford to pressurize Pakistan into a pseudo-arms race but we cant do that with china. So most bang for the buck is to deploy tactical systems we buy against Pakistan rather than china.
But you often seem to ignore India's firm stand towards its own interests, remember we took on Pakistan and china during the cold war, one an ally of the US and the other an ally of the soviets.
Lets agree on protecting interests - and India’s interests lie in more aggressive stance towards Pakistan as compared to China. Your reasons are just a repetition of hyped up untruths which are going to remain an endless debate.
Nato does not want an incompetent and embarrassing ally like India.

US realized their mistake of betting on India after colossal beating India received from China during Galwan clashes.

Hence US dumped India and created AUKUS to fight China.

Very likely to do the same that was done post 62…take the aid and weapons for China but use it for Pakistan

There is no way India can fight China. Even US is having tough time keeping up with Chinese technology and numbers.

take the aid and weapons for China but use it for Pakistan

US will not allow India to use US weapons against Pakistan.

India will have to rely on the French weapons to defend against Pakistan.
Lets agree on protecting interests - and India’s interests lie in more aggressive stance towards Pakistan as compared to China. Your reasons are just a repetition of hyped up untruths which are going to remain an endless debate.
Hyped-up untruths?
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