Again derailing the thread?You've offered no logical rebuttal to the points I made about the flaws in 'blood money'.
If you don't want to discuss the issue further because of the thread being hijacked, then you shouldn't have responded, but you did. Merely throwing out the Islam card and implicitly threatening people who disagree with your views is a disgusting display of using threats to shut down debate and is not going to change the fact that you have offered no rational counterargument.
this ain't the place+ I don't waste time with athiests/liberals/seculars/agnostics, not because I have ego, but due the fact that these people don't want to understand -- these people hardly know the ABC of Islamic laws and what they want to do is debate.
Rebuttal was made in my very brief post, those who wanted to understand, they did and those who didn't; they never will.