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Woman dies in hospital after contracting rabies in India


Jun 28, 2010
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Woman dies in hospital after contracting rabies in India
Woman dies in hospital after contracting rabies in India | Fox News

A British woman who contracted rabies after a dog bite in India has died in a London hospital.

The unidentified woman, said to be in her 50s, died over the weekend, Sky News reported.

"We regret to announce that a patient being treated for rabies by the Hospital for Tropical Diseases and colleagues at University College Hospital died over the weekend. The patient's family have kindly requested for the media to respect their privacy during this very difficult time and we will not be releasing any further details, nor will the family be making any statements," a spokesman for the hospital said.

Understood to be of Indian descent, the woman is said to have traveled to India without a rabies vaccine, The Sun reported.

She is thought to have been turned away by doctors in the UK three times before finally being diagnosed with the illness.

Another unrelated case of rabies is also being investigated by British authorities.

Rabies was eradicated from the UK over a century ago. Possibly life-threatening, it is an acute virus disease of the nervous system. Symptoms include abnormal behavior plus increased salivation, then paralysis and death if it goes untreated. It is prevalent in south and southeast Asian countries and is transmitted by saliva, usually through the bite of an animal.

The British Health Protection Authority says only four people in the UK have contracted the disease since 2009, compared to the 55,000 who die from it globally each year.
Who is the culprit here... India, the dog or the hospital? What twist do you want to give this news article?
Understood to be of Indian descent, the woman is said to have traveled to India without a rabies vaccine, The Sun reported.

It is mandatory to take Rabies vaccine for India visit. Very unfortunate incident. Street dogs are still a menace in India
Who is the culprit here... India, the dog or the hospital? What twist do you want to give this news article?

Herself. She was not vaccinated for Rabies, and she shouldn't have traveled back to UK without taking medical attention in India. There is no cure for full blown Rabies. Death is certain
A dads friends sister died of rabies too...she used to tear cloth and drip saliva like a crazed dog ...dad says she even howled like a wolf.When his brother tried to comfort her as he could not watch his sister suffer and tried to go near her...the sister though was fully out of control warned her brother not to get close as she will bite him...later she died very painfully they say :(.whenever i see these animal activists on TV i try to picture that sad event in my mind and every time it sends shiver down my spine .

I also have this documentary on rabies which was really scary to watch....will post it in the video section soon.

Worldwide, more than 55 000 people die of rabies every year.

It seems that this article is trying to bash India... *rolls eyes*

OMG are you sure of that number mate ?
Who is the culprit here... India, the dog or the hospital? What twist do you want to give this news article?

If you read where it says

"The British Health Protection Authority says only four people in the UK have contracted the disease since 2009, compared to the 55,000 who die from it globally each year. "

That's why it made headlines
Health care is a serious issue in India

Once you get rabies death is certain...once the disease takes over the brain no amount of advanced treatment can save you....only one girl has ever managed to beat rabies till now....the way they saved her is they put her in coma for a long time so the rabies cant take over the brain and the immune system is given a chance to wage war against the disease ....they tried the same thing on some asian guy as well but after a month or so his organs shut down sadly. even though the american girl was saved she still suffered some brain damage.
Whilst this is a tragic, tragic event. The women, or her family, are at least in some way accountable- she didn't mention to anyone until she returned to UK that she had been bitten. If she had she could have gone to any hospital or clinic in India and gotten treatment for free. By the time she said anything/her symptoms were noticed it was too late.

Health care is a serious issue in India

Whilst I don't want to be lowered to this guy's level, I cannot let such nonsense go unchallenged.

It seems what you say is even more true for Pakistan and China:

World Health Organization ranking of health systems - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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