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Pakistan Horror: Hindu Woman Patient Drugged, Raped By Muslim Doctors In Sindh Hospital

But you still didn't accept that this thread title is fake
I am no one to decide about accuracy of a thread.
Just because this news is trending on social media,it doesn’t become fake.

I am also not interested in the fact that, it was done by Muslims or Hindus against a person of another religion.
It is a heinous crime and people who engage in it are perverted. Those who are trying to defend one religion and pointing fingers at others are equally out of mind.
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I am no one to decide about accuracy of a thread.
Just because this news is trending on social media,it doesn’t become fake.

I am also not interested in the fact that, it was done by Muslims or Hindus against a person of another religion.
It is a heinous crime and people who engage in it are perverted. Those who are trying to defend one religion and pointing fingers at others are equally out of mind.

The victim is not a hindu as this liar @Kingdom come has said in thread title

Interesting you are not interested in the veracity of something that you are posting about on this forum
Interesting you are not interested in the veracity of something that you are posting about on this forum
Are you? Are you not more interested in the religion of those who were engaged in the crime?

The victim is not a hindu as this liar @Kingdom come has said in thread title
The forum has a process for reporting fake or incorrect posts. Report it.

The pakistani has even started calling me black hindu
Most of these guys are flame baiters. They are mostly Mullahs who want to highlight religious part of each crime. The fact that they look to highlight any crimes by Hindus shows their sick mindset. A crime like rape also has religious overtones attached to it by these sickos.

These very Mullahs might be raping boys around their homes.
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The reta@rd is abdul from shahinbag puncture shop , he is from India .
Gobarchaap who lives off rejerwations and quotas insulting his own countrymen for having a bujiness. I guess Bramen have taught you that the pinnacle of human life is sitting in a temple feeding off the goodvill of Dalits.

A crime like rape also has religious overtones attached to it by these sickos.
Chindoos themselves give their rape and sexual assault religious overtones. Somehow we become rapist mullahs for pointing this out lmao.

“Did you know, that if we hit a Muslim pussy, our sins will be washed away? Has anyone else heard this [...] if you are hitting a ‘pink pussy’, you will get the same blessings as building seven temples."
Source: https://m.thewire.in/article/rights...y-of-sexual-violence-against-muslim-women/amp
Are you? Are you not more interested in the religion of those who were engaged in the crime?

Those who committed the crime would not be garlanded like heroes like it happens in India

But still why don't you accept the fact that @Kingdom come lied about religious identity of the victim?? Is it tanatani teaching that is stopping you from accepting reality?
Those who committed the crime would not be garlanded like heroes like it happens in India

But still why don't you accept the fact that @Kingdom come lied about religious identity of the victim?? Is it tanatani teaching that is stopping you from accepting reality?
As I said report if it is false
Stop tagging me
As I said report if it is false

Shut up liar Pakistan obsessed jobless pajeet
Those who committed the crime would not be garlanded like heroes like it happens in India
Why have they not been caught yet pakistani scum?

Shut up liar Pakistan obsessed jobless pajeet
off scum radical

Are you? Are you not more interested in the religion of those who were engaged in the crime?
Never believe anything on this forum 99 percent of it is lies
Thier is no explaining here
This fk thinks I will stop by his intimidatiom tactics of tagging me and reporting me
Somehow making me say something that will get me banned
I already am walking on eggshells as is
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Why have they not been caught yet pakistani scum?

They would be caught soon and not made heroes like it happens in India

Fo off scum radical

F*ck off liar tanatani scum
These very Mullahs might be raping boys around their homes.
Most probably
They keep tagging me to get a rise out if me as if PDF threads affect me in reality lol
They keep tagging me
Ignore them.
There is a gang of few Mullahs, whose job is to create anti-Hindu threads. They keep trying to prop each other, while claiming, it doesn’t matter and affect them. Bloody Mullahs.
Ignore them.
There is a gang of few Mullahs, whose job is to create anti-Hindu threads. They keep trying to prop each other, while claiming, it doesn’t matter and affect them. Bloody Mullahs.
He'll never ignore us, he'll keep soiling his Saffron thong every time your vile community is exposed for its barbarity.
Those who committed the crime would not be garlanded like heroes like it happens in India
It doesn’t seem so.
Few jokers who keep claiming that rapes happen only in India and that too committed by Hindus against other religions, just can’t seem to accept that their society is as ill as any other.

This is called Mullah mentality. Where institutional rape of kids in madarsas is considered normal.
We need a fact check brother @hatehs
It doesn’t seem so
Actually pajeet, it's already happened. Ye dekh, ganday poojari.

Where institutional rape of kids in madarsas is considered normal.
How is it considered normal? Do we garland rapists and talk about how raping someone is the equivalent of building seven masjid like filthy poojaris do?
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