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Without US military aid to Pakistan, Where would the military stand?

Aid from US up until around 2009 was only 500 million a year. The way some of these arm chair basement experts blow it into some sort of a bonanza that Pakistan is getting is really hilarious to hear over these years. Not to mention the fact that we lose far more money due to this WoT.
to be honst without US help we would have been much much better off! we would have gone the French way & invested in Mirages or the chinese way! with US it gives us just enough to shut us up but not enough to make pakistan a powerful force like it does for taiwan).

F-16s is still our main weapon when we should have had a Rafale or a chinese J10 in our inventory!
Pakistan has history of military related deals with France but this relationship has its own issues. For France, money matters and we cannot blame it.

I need figures. Anyone? Please... How much money do we actually get in Aid from US post 9/11 ? How much money for Military/ Defence alone?
Here you go;

Sixty years of US aid to Pakistan: Get the data | Global development | guardian.co.uk
Example of this so called AID is

Get (on the name of aid) 5$ and spend 50$ on Demands! funny part is Indians on this forum even don't know exact amount of AID to Pakistan military and they are always talking about Aid Aid Aid LOLzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!
There needs to be a proper auditing done to the Pakistani Military.

Half the US Aid goes into the pockets of the Generals who then embezzle the money in other schemes.

The Military needs to be disconnected from the Economy and needs to concentrate on national defense matters and not run the country.
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