The logic of cultural nationalism in Iqbal's case was based on the practical necessity of first acquiring a Muslim state, which would then make it possible for Indian Muslims to proceed with their experiment of building a society in accordance with the Shari'a. Should such a state be denied them, Indian Muslims would be bereft of the opportunity to introduce innovations which the Turks had taken upon themselves.
'Happily there is a solution in the enforcement of the Law of Islam in pakistan and its further development in the light of modern ideas. if this system of Law is properly understood and applied, at least the right to subsistence is secured to everybody. But the enforcement and development of the Shariat of Islam is impossible in this country without a free Muslim state or states, this is what Taliban fighting for with America and this is their demand on neogation on table to implement sharia law . On the other hand, Iqbal argued with Muslims about the need to renew Islamic culture. He used his poetry as an instrument to make Muslims realize that to become once again dynamic, enterprising and assertive, there was a need for reform of the traditional interpretation of Islam. He exhorted Muslims to wake up and learn to live with the changed times, considering reform to be effort to rekindle the dynamism of early Islam. I don't belive on any boundries. The is Balfour delcardation of boundries in 1925 and brought passport. put all nation in jail in their own countries and first time in human history put human free movement in earth a boundraies to secure wealths .