Our media isnt afraid of anything instead they just cant get any benefit from that news , our media has only takes intersts from any issue from which thy get any benefits from., but this whole accountiblity issue since its begsning looks wired cause its been used by establishment for political engineering from which thy kept playing musical chairs of different political leaders which.mostly are the creation of establishment themselves and the biggest wired of all is , while these politicians been brought into power by establishment , bt the same establishment doesnt know when thier pupet kind politicians were looting the country ???
Just imagine , zardari been.made president because kiyani wanted to play the OBL drama , whom.musharaf was keeping since the begging of the afghanistan invassion.by usa ?
Zardari just took.30% of money which was.announced by usa for kill or capture or comformation of the OBL location , 70% of tht money went into kiyanis accounts in over seas ?
Jst imagine
it was crystal clear even back in.90s who was distributing money in.politicians to stop BB come into power?
No one.can.ask any.questions from from establishment whts been done to them , while even in 2019 sahiwal type incidents kept happening while ???