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Will India join USA to strike China?

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Dalai lama was appointed by Chiang Kai Shek. Maybe he is still loyal to the nationalist Chinese based in Taiwan.

Are the Taiwanese Chinese really nationalists? Do they understand what nationalism means?

Nationalism is the most sacred identity. Patriotism is the most sacred ideology.

China is the almighty Mother Goddess for all the Chinese. A dedication, devotion for the almighty Mother Goddess is what I call patriotism.

Any Chinese should consider that he exists because the almighty Mother Goddess had mercy on him and its his task that he should serve his Mother till his death.

I want to see a patriotic nationalist Chinese govt in Beijing.
Are the Taiwanese Chinese really nationalists? Do they understand what nationalism means?

Nationalism is the most sacred identity. Patriotism is the most sacred ideology.

China is the almighty Mother Goddess for all the Chinese. A dedication, devotion for the almighty Mother Goddess is what I call patriotism.

Any Chinese should consider that he exists because the almighty Mother Goddess had mercy on him and its his task that he should serve his Mother till his death.
I want to see a patriotic nationalist Chinese govt in Beijing.


This is the best comment ever!!!
Are the Taiwanese Chinese really nationalists? Do they understand what nationalism means?

Nationalism is the most sacred identity. Patriotism is the most sacred ideology.

China is the almighty Mother Goddess for all the Chinese. A dedication, devotion for the almighty Mother Goddess is what I call patriotism.

Any Chinese should consider that he exists because the almighty Mother Goddess had mercy on him and its his task that he should serve his Mother till his death.

I want to see a patriotic nationalist Chinese govt in Beijing.

I really like the taiwan . .fantastic nation
well generally in history, whenever china is stable internally it becomes the the riches most powerful country in the world but when weak internally often it gets attacked internally and sometimes externally and millions often die

if we look at chinese history we are in the rising stage of nation building, kind of like Ming Dynasty in early 1400's.

Then we'll hit our peak power a few decades later and stay there for about a century. Maybe even fight an expeditionary war (like in Korea vs. Japan back then).

And unlike previous dynasties, we won't collapse afterwards - a dynasty is subject to the personal whims of the emperor and 1 bad emperor will ruin the country, but a socialist state depends on the entire government, which rarely makes huge collective mistakes.
:yahoo:China are advancing were no other country in world gave tough competiton in every sphere to the west world.Sincerely hope they become strongest in the world in terms of both military and economic
as we asians are always subjected to their rule over many years in history it is time for one of them to rise and show what we have hats off to china communist party which brought a whole change to china also dont forget to help us once ur are on the top we indians must learn a lot form u guys:china:
I see some Indian commies are taking all opportunities to stand by their masters in China...:devil: ...first need to kick aarse of these sick traitors and then their masters in main commie land..

Unfortunately neither current government in India nor in the US have balls to take strategic action against China..George Bush/Ex Japan & Aussi PMs.. would have certainly made some difference..
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we dont need to take any action against them,their is always a problem with communism,patriotism and loyality is thrusted upon someone does not comes from heart,we all know what happened with soviet,the same will happen with chinese
we dont need to take any action against them,their is always a problem with communism,patriotism and loyality is thrusted upon someone does not comes from heart,we all know what happened with soviet,the same will happen with chinese

actually more chinese people support our government than supports yours.

your government is supported by a tiny minority of corrupt officials and white collars profiting off the starvation of untouchables and low class slum dwellers.

there's a huge drought in china covering 5 provinces, 0 people have died. why? because our big bad communist government ships in free food and water. contrast with india where 6000 people starving to death per day (on a normal day where nothing happens too!) in a country where 30% of the agricultural output is wasted and which has more farmland than China.
if we look at chinese history we are in the rising stage of nation building, kind of like Ming Dynasty in early 1400's.

Then we'll hit our peak power a few decades later and stay there for about a century. Maybe even fight an expeditionary war (like in Korea vs. Japan back then).

And unlike previous dynasties, we won't collapse afterwards - a dynasty is subject to the personal whims of the emperor and 1 bad emperor will ruin the country, but a socialist state depends on the entire government, which rarely makes huge collective mistakes.

Depends on the person i guess. Mao manages to rise out of his rank and ran china even in his latter years

But i guess this is unlikely to happen in peacetime
Dalai lama was appointed by Chiang Kai Shek. Maybe he is still loyal to the nationalist Chinese based in Taiwan.

I doubt it. Taiwan has close ties with US back then so Dalai Lama has more chance to just side with US. KMT haven't even retrieved its soldiers in Burma after they went to Taiwan.

There are also pics of him meeting Mao.
actually more chinese people support our government than supports yours.

your government is supported by a tiny minority of corrupt officials and white collars profiting off the starvation of untouchables and low class slum dwellers.

there's a huge drought in china covering 5 provinces, 0 people have died. why? because our big bad communist government ships in free food and water. contrast with india where 6000 people starving to death per day (on a normal day where nothing happens too!) in a country where 30% of the agricultural output is wasted and which has more farmland than China.

really thats why every social networking site like orkut,face book,my space and twitter banned in china,thats why google is censored in china

every domain were ur chinese people can express their opinion is either banned or censored

and tinneaman square was a clear show of ur citizens loyality to ur country and the govt attitude to ur people

the problem in tibet is created by dalai lama,them what is the problem with taiwan and xinjiang

6000 people starving to death in india(i dont know from were u get that fact:rofl:)even that comes out to the world because of our democratic setup

and when did ur communist dad came with the real figure,even ur media is state controlled

ur govt is only best in one thing suppresion and hidding the facts,thats all
I see some Indian commies are taking all opportunities to stand by their masters in China...:devil: ...first need to kick aarse of these sick traitors and then their masters in main commie land..

Unfortunately neither current government in India nor in the US have balls to take strategic action against China..George Bush/Ex Japan & Aussi PMs.. would have certainly made some difference..

Why should they take action aganist china bcos it is rising in growth or what?

china share 1trillion bonds with america
china supports australians economy
China will boost Australia for years | News.com.au

china has pulled most of the poverty of there people unlike us and whats more we blame it on our corrupted politicans why dont we change and let others change instead of feeling insecure we must build strong relationship with china :cheers:
really thats why every social networking site like orkut,face book,my space and twitter banned in china,thats why google is censored in china

every domain were ur chinese people can express their opinion is either banned or censored

and tinneaman square was a clear show of ur citizens loyality to ur country and the govt attitude to ur people

the problem in tibet is created by dalai lama,them what is the problem with taiwan and xinjiang

6000 people starving to death in india(i dont know from were u get that fact:rofl:)even that comes out to the world because of our democratic setup

and when did ur communist dad came with the real figure,even ur media is state controlled

ur govt is only best in one thing suppresion and hidding the facts,thats all

Not all the Chinese in China support CCP. However, they would all support China.
Most in Taiwan support a nationalist China as well. However, they do not support CCP government in Beijing. Things change constantly in this world. Eventually, maybe Taiwan would take over China in a peaceful way and China may become a democratic government.

Would the most Indians here dislike China because its communist or because China is growing and Indians are jealous? I really do not care for communist China but Chinese economy is really growing.
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