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China says military will respond to provocations

dude, take a map and look closer.

No, Vietnam has land border with China, Laos and Cambodia. Not Thailand and Burma. And of course, we are NOT landlocked, Vietnam has the SC Sea at the east.

I assume should it come to a confrontation with China, Vietnam would take a similar pattern as the three major Indochina wars, e.i. bringen the conflict to Laos and Cambodia. Plus we would try to stop China attempt to influence other nations in the region, e.i. Thailand and Burma. No, it would not be a limited war between China and Vietnam, but the conflict would escalate to a major war as Vietnam would draw America, Russia, Japan and India into the mess.

It is an open party, everyone can join.

Viet Nam have the power to draw other into a conflict with China?

dude, take a map and look closer.

No, Vietnam has land border with China, Laos and Cambodia. Not Thailand and Burma. And of course, we are NOT landlocked, Vietnam has the SC Sea at the east.

I assume should it come to a confrontation with China, Vietnam would take a similar pattern as the past three major Indochina wars (France, America and China), e.i. bringen the conflict to Laos and Cambodia. Plus we would try to stop China attempt to influence other nations in the region, e.i. Thailand and Burma. No, it would not be a limited war between China and Vietnam, but the conflict would escalate to a major war as Vietnam would draw America, Russia, Japan and India into the mess.

It is an open party, everyone can join.

Viet Nam don't have the military to have a major conflict in IndoChina war.
LOL, Trung sisters were defeated. There were accounts that they became concubines of the Chinese generals.
No, according to Vietnamese history, the Trung sisters committed suicide as they rejected to surrender.

According to Chinese account, the Han army under the general Ma Yuan defeated the much weaker Vietnamese army and killed the sisters in the battle.
No, according to Vietnamese history, the Trung sisters committed suicide as they rejected to surrender.

According to Chinese account, the Han army under the general Ma Yuan defeated the much weaker Vietnamese army and killed the sisters in the battle.

Ma Yuan took the sisters to be his concubines. And they later committed suicide. Vietnamese account is not accurate.
Viet Nam have the power to draw other into a conflict with China?

Viet Nam don't have the military to have a major conflict in IndoChina war.
no army?

here is the final battle of the first Indochina war (France)
The title: China says military will respond to provocations
Then many VN persons jumps out. It seems like they are the provokers. Hmm:coffee:

The title: China says military will respond to provocations
Then many VN persons jumps out. It seems like they are the provokers. Hmm:coffee:
You don´t get the point, do you?

if you illegally declare other people properties as yours, and say you will defend against any who dares to challenge your view. There is a problem with your mentality.

This thread is a provocation. The statement of the spokeswomen is a provocation as she threatens with military action.
It's incredible how Vietcongs have made their propaganda about 1979 war. You are doing hand job on the graves of your killed uncles. Asking your leaders how they were wet in their pants and prepared to escape from Hanoi! Why would VC general secretory then cried in tears when he visited Gaoping after the war, you idiots! Why would the VCs bow to the CPC now? Why would the shameful VCs never published the casualty numbers and loses of VC but only exaggerating the numbers of CPC? Idiot viet kids...low people nomatter where you are...

You could read the following stuff from wikki for fun...



尽管这场战争中国取得了压倒性的胜利并且在一个月之内便攻打到谅山市然后撤退,但是根据越南国防部军事历史院编的《越南人民军50年 (1944-1994)》(军事译文出版社有中译本),2月17日,中国出动60多万军队,数百辆坦克装甲车,数千门大炮,在广宁至莱州的整个北部边界全线对越南发动了大规模进攻。经过30个昼夜(2月17日至3月18日)的战斗,越南消灭和重创了中国3个团18个营,击毁和击伤550辆军车(坦克装甲车280辆),击毁115门大炮和重型迫击炮,缴获了大量武器。

ha ha ha...there are signs that the three major powers America, Russia and Japan seek a military alliance with Vietnam.

America says they will lift arms embargo if Vietnam improves human rights.
Russia defence minister says he wants a permanent military basis in Vietnam.
Japan invites Vietnam president to a state visit in mid March.

No, not the SC Sea, but you can declare the Yellow river as your private pool. :rofl:

China and Vietnam had 16 military clashes in the history including some all-out wars.
Not stone and arrow, but for instance elephants and horses were used in the war in year of 40 AD, where the Vietnamese army was led by the Trung sisters.


You can combine the entire planet by 2050 and put them against China and they still won't touch the power of China.

As I said, Asia will become our private play ground. It already is a semi-play ground.

With our economic size, our military might, our technological advances, none of the Asian powers will touch us and America ain't coming close to us by 2050.

We already push our weight around when we want and how we want in Asia and even America is finding it difficult to contain us even now. Just imagine by 2050, not a country or empire on this planet will be big enough to take us on.

Vietnam will become just another Chinese province. Vietnamese women already jump the border and marry Chinese men, so it's just a matter of time.
Vietnamese are delusional. Talking to them is so worthless. They have no idea, knowledge of reality. Basically their number one house card when debating a Sino-VN is always back to 1979 and always said stuff like Japan/Russia/USA will save VN as if those countries have significant interest to risk an all-out nuclear war with us. Who are we kidding? History after WWII have showed that major power will not directly going to war with each other over some insignificant country no matter what at stake. The stake of mutual destructive from major powers will always be greater than fighting over some small chess piece. Truth hurts but that's the reality. The world is dominate and dictate by great powers. Those small powers only chance of survival is to live within the sphere of the great powers and avoid confrontation with great powers at all cost or else you will face isolation and the only thing the worlds can do is "look, cry, whine, scream" but nobody will do anything about it. Again, my Vietnamese friends, think twice if you want to war with us. It's going to be ugly if we start to get serious with you. Trust me.
Vietnamese are delusional. Talking to them is so worthless. They have no idea, knowledge of reality. Basically their number one house card when debating a Sino-VN is always back to 1979 and always said stuff like Japan/Russia/USA will save VN as if those countries have significant interest to risk an all-out nuclear war with us. Who are we kidding? History after WWII have showed that major power will not directly going to war with each other over some insignificant country no matter what at stake. The stake of mutual destructive from major powers will always be greater than fighting over some small chess piece. Truth hurts but that's the reality. The world is dominate and dictate by great powers. Those small powers only chance of survival is to live within the sphere of the great powers and avoid confrontation with great powers at all cost or else you will face isolation and the only thing the worlds can do is "look, cry, whine, scream" but nobody will do anything about it. Again, my Vietnamese friends, think twice if you want to war with us. It's going to be ugly if we start to get serious with you. Trust me.

Indeed, the Americans only went to war with Japan only after Pearl Harbor not because they felt the need to help Asian countries which were occupied by the Japanese forces. These Vietcongs always and i do mean always talk about 1979, how they kicked China or America during the VN War and right now just look at these weaklings the US/Japan/Russia will save VN from China. What happened to supa power VN that kicked out China? Can't handle China now and need to beg for US for help? Always day dreaming about the Americans will sell them F22 or F35 or Aegis, even their dog (aka Japan) get downgraded Aegis destroyers. The Americans shall never sell F22 to any country especially to this lousy jungle. To think USA want to make VN a powerful country which happens to be a good friend to Russia in order to contain China? I will say keep on dreaming. To the Americans that jungle is nothing more than a disposable pawn, same with the Japs they will treat that jungle as a mere pawn.
Indeed, the Americans only went to war with Japan only after Pearl Harbor not because they felt the need to help Asian countries which were occupied by the Japanese forces. These Vietcongs always and i do mean always talk about 1979, how they kicked China or America during the VN War and right now just look at these weaklings the US/Japan/Russia will save VN from China. What happened to supa power VN that kicked out China? Can't handle China now and need to beg for US for help? Always day dreaming about the Americans will sell them F22 or F35 or Aegis, even their dog (aka Japan) get downgraded Aegis destroyers. The Americans shall never sell F22 to any country especially to this lousy jungle. To think USA want to make VN a powerful country which happens to be a good friend to Russia in order to contain China? I will say keep on dreaming. To the Americans that jungle is nothing more than a disposable pawn, same with the Japs they will treat that jungle as a mere pawn.
Exactly. Sometime I feel sad and pity for these Vietnamese. It appears they have no conscious of reality. They should thank us for helping them gaining independent during the French and American War and avoid being a military's whore house for US GIs. But here at PDK, they kept on talking about wanting to war with us and bring foreign powers back to the region. I don't understand these sicken mindset as if they have no pride and dignity. They should be glad we are the reason there's no military base in Vietnam right now.
Exactly. Sometime I feel sad and pity for these Vietnamese. It appears they have no conscious of reality. They should thank us for helping them gaining independent during the French and American War and avoid being a military's whore house for US GIs. But here at PDK, they kept on talking about wanting to war with us and bring foreign powers back to the region. I don't understand these sicken mindset as if they have no pride and dignity. They should be glad we are the reason there's no military base in Vietnam right now.

These Vietcongs have no pride at all and no backbone. They don't care about the Japs ignoring WW2 history or how the Americans sprayed them with chemicals or BBQ those monkeys with napalm. Over a millon starved to death at the hands of the Japs and they don't mind no Japs even know they had invaded that jungle. These shameless people can only treat China as an enemy and inviting foreign powers to "occupy" them again. Same with the Pinoys, those GI's will have a great time screwing their women. I do pity the Okinawans, If China wasn't so weak and allowed the Japs to invade Okinawa, the island would not had to suffer from rapes and other crimes. These monkeys talk as if their soldiers are strong and the PLA is weak, then why need the help of US? Obviously they know they are weak but pretend to be strong. Reading too much Sun Tzu i suppose
OK, guys back to the topic.

Don't let those insane persons contaminate this thread though they do their job hard.

It's strange that these Vietnamese always like to follow the thread related China.

Do you know why?
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