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Will India ever mount an operation to capture Dawood Ibrahim?

That's illogical, the one who fires the first shot is the one who starts the war. If India violates Pakistan's sovereignty, then they will have effectively declared war. All that will be left is for Pakistan to retaliate at the time of it's choosing.

And yes, Pakistan would go to war over this, and considering that India was the one who started the aggression with the raid, the PA would have international justification. As much as I hate to admit it, the PA won't tolerate any Indian incursion into it's territory. The PA was willing to bear the humiliation of the US raid, but it's arch rival India? Not a chance in hell.

International justification ?????what are you going to tell them ,that we were hiding a terrorist and refused to hand over and hindustani came and killed him.
In light of recent events, if they do, who will be there to stop them? Aren't we banking too much on our armed forces?
India doesn't have guts to do so.

Not while Pakistan has nukes. India simply isn't powerful enough to do so.

You dont have to be powerful to mount such an operation. It can be done on the similar lines of MOSSAD, remember Israel wasnt so powerful that time. All you need is conviction and a right reason too.

We dont see a threat from Dawood in India as we were successful in driving him out of this country and also drive him out of business. As long as he doesnt dare something stupid/provocative we can mind our own business.
Imagine that a country which has lost over 50,000 of its citizens to al Qaeda supported militants, and has suffered a $70 billion economic loss, is still unable to pass a legislation banning al Qaeda. This goes to show what Pakistan’s priorities are.

In light of recent events, if they do, who will be there to stop them? Aren't we banking too much on our armed forces?

In light of recent events, India would be doing you a service by giving you an opportunity to unite by carrying out such an adventure.

It would be foolish on our part, don't you think?

All India needs is a long memory, and I like to believe we have that. Pakistani state / deep state whoever calls the shots obviously thinks we don't.
Which would start a war, because there is no way that such actions would go unnoticed. The US raid is one thing, but the army won't tolerate such a humiliation from India. Indian action on Pakistani territory will result in a war, even if it is brief.
I was saying if Indian agencies wanted to bump him off, it could be done by other mafia group, not in a filmy way. As long as there is enough cloud surrounding his death, PA will find cover not to start a war. Remember PA will start only to save face, nothing else. That can be taken care of, dont you think.
How about blown by a terror attack? TTP loves to claim such things whether they do or not.
Mind you, there is no proof for that, just like there is no proof of him being in Karachi either.

well what isn't anecdotal nowdays for Gods sakes

That you pakistanis gonna pirate and enjoy it with family :D

making money off an already low budget flick and sending a lot of those copies to Singapore

add "uncontrollable laughter" after the word enjoy then the sentence would be complete

If you did, it wouldn't be RAW!

well this "RAW sniper unit" as you perceive it seems to be pretty lackadaisical considering they couldn't even take out a few guys hiding in hotel rooms
well this "RAW sniper unit" as you perceive it seems to be pretty lackadaisical considering they couldn't even take out a few guys hiding in hotel rooms

quite possible, they might be useless, maybe we could offshore the project to local mercenaries.
Have you seen D-Day (2013 film)...?

he...he...he :azn:

after this thread i felt compelled to watch the trailer

the best part about it?

"inspired by a nations dream"

The best option would be not a raid but a clandestine operation. Hiring a hitman or a local doctor ;)
I think for all the talk of "soft state" and the like, the Indian govt is caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. It takes action against Dawood and even if the mission is a success and doesn't end in a humiliating failure, then what? Tensions increase again, anyone in Pakistan who might be willing to talk with India peacefully will change their tune and the ISI/PA may feel emboldened enough to launch new proxy attacks into India. Then what? The peace talks grind to a halt, the Pakistani populace hardens against India, trade reduces to naught etc. Back to square one or rather one step forward, 4 steps back.

The fact is India cannot be comparing itself to the US and the OBL raid- the US has the luxury of thousands of miles of ocean between it and Pakistan and it doesn't "need" peace with Pakistan in the same way India very well does.

And one has to say such an operation to get Dawood is going to deliver very little wrt to its impact on India's threat matrix. Just how relevant is this a-hole today? For every Dawood there are dozens of mid-level men who are just as critical to take out. The US could do so with drone strikes and joint missions with the ISI (up to a point)- India has NO such chance of working WITH the Pakistani establishment to target these people.

One has to conduct a cost benefit analysis in getting Dawood and I just don't see the benefits outweighing the costs in this case.

For now the ONLY way this can go is diplomatically IMHO. Get trade going, get peace talks underway, get people-people contact increased and hope the Pakistani establishment abandons their twisted policy of harboring terrorists against India. I'm not naive enough to think this is going to happen overnight- it may not even happen in my lifetime as this would be a HUGE change in Pakistan's foreign policy and Raison d'être. The PA is going to be a significant stumbling block here though,

At the very least India should compel the Pakistani establishment to allow for "hot pursuit" in Pakistani territory.

If India attacks Pakistan, it would serve nothing other than uniting the Shias, Sunni's, Ahmadis against India.

The one thing all Pakistani's hate above everyone else is India.
It would serve as a distraction for everyone concerned. It would be the perfect band-aid for Pakistan.

Best to let Pakistan fester in its stew. The results would be spectacular as it is being proved every week.
It will be nice to mount an operation and see if Pakistan has the guts to launch a nuclear war! That will be the END of Paksitan as we know
sure, perhaps to some Orissan tribals with sticks and arrows :laugh:

hilarious, why would we deploy such elites to take out one guy, we aren't discussing taking over GHQ rawalpindi , are we?... Just regular TTP mercenaries will do... :woot:
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