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Will English kill off India's languages?

Götterdämmerung;2338537 said:
You think the Germans, French, Italians and Spanish are not sure of their identity?

The German-American is the largest single group of people among the ethnicities in USA.

Do you think they have been completely assimilated by the British America, or they are still aware of their identity and take the pride of it?
well we all know what america was before british went there....but after that all accepted english as their language.

Even though the largest group of Americans are of German descent? As well as Dutch Americans, Italian Americans, Irish/Scottish Americans etc. All of whom combined make up the vast majority of white Americans.

And yes I read Wikipedia, I'm sure you must have seen me put up links before.
In India, you can survive on two languages. Hindi & English. Hindi is spoken everywhere in North India, & to a limited extent in South India. If you are in some part of Tamil Nadu or Karnataka where Hindi is not spoken, most people there will speak English, so you can survive on English there.

I must say you are quite informed, For an Non-Indian , you have quite a good knowledge.

To add to your point, in enire India, Muslims speak Urdu and in South they speak Hyderabadi (Different dialect of Urdu, very unique). You can get away to some extent with Hindi also in south, but in Interior Tamil Nadu , it might still be difficult.
Allow its users to spread the false information, why not? :coffee:

lol dude you are funny...

English demand Welsh-medium school places - Wales News - News - WalesOnline

ENGLISH parents have begun sending their children to Welsh language schools on the border.

Despite the fact they do not speak Welsh, parents are becoming increasingly desperate to send their children to oversubscribed Welsh schools.

Bilingualism and the believed educational benefits are said to be the reasons that English parents are choosing Welsh for their children.

Gwyn Jones, headteacher at Ysgol Plas Coch, Wrexham, said he has had a number of inquiries from English families in Chester considering sending their children to the school.

Mr Jones said he has had to turn many prospective pupils away.

"I am full to capacity. I have to turn down people every year but if someone wants Welsh education there are five schools in the area so they will be offered another place," he said.

While most of the pupils at the school are believed to have some Welsh links, Mr Jones said some English parents sent their children to the school.

Other schools in Wrexham noted the trend and Richard Jones, from Ysgol I.D. Hooson, said that 14% of the children had English parents and 2% came from an ethnic minority background.

Father-of-two Mark Vening chose to send both of his children to a Welsh-medium school in Wrexham despite being born in England.

Though the 34-year-old lived in Wales for part of his childhood, he and Lincolnshire-born wife Sue had no links to the country until they moved here recently.

Mr Vening said they chose Ysgol Bodhyfryd for Zaak, five, and Tasha, three, because they wanted to give their children the best start in Wales.

The charity worker said, "This move was not just for the next six months, we really feel our time in Wales is for the long term and we want to embrace the country and culture."

The only Welsh-medium school on the Monmouthshire border agreed that English families were choosing a Welsh language education as the preferred option.

Head teacher Melanie Smallwood from Ysgol y Ffin at Sudbrook said that 95% of the pupils came from English-speaking families and one English family was staying in Wales because of the school.

Mother Susan Houghton moved to the area with her husband Philip when his job brought him to Wales.

The English couple found their eldest daughter Josie, 13, was starting to learn Welsh at her comprehensive school so decided to give their younger child the language from reception onwards.

Anna, seven, and the couple's youngest daughter, Lili, five, have had a complete bilingual education and their parents could not be happier.

Mrs Houghton, 42, said, "If we moved to France I would expect them to learn the language and I think it's the same here."

Though husband Philip, 42, no longer works in Wales and the pair commute to Bristol and London every day they would not move back to England because of their children's Welsh-medium education.

Mrs Houghton said, "We are not just commuters living here and crossing the border every day, it has made living here a richer experience."

The Welsh-medium school also has another unique selling point as Welsh parents who live in England cross the border daily to send their children to the Sudbrook-based school.
Largest are of the Anglo-Saxons I guess.

The WASP means anyone descended from the white Western Europeans and who is also religiously Protestant.

So the Protestants of British/Dutch/Huguenot/German descents can all be counted as one in US.
What percentage of Welsh people can speak Welsh? 21%.

What percentage of Scottish people can speak Scottish Gaelic? (Almost zero.)
Even though the largest group of Americans are of German descent? As well as Dutch Americans, Italian Americans, Irish/Scottish Americans etc. All of whom combined make up the vast majority of white Americans.

And yes I read Wikipedia, I'm sure you must have seen me put up links before.

i have not seen americans with german ancestry marching on and shouting in german...
there is difference between accepting a language and being forced to use one language.
i have not seen americans with german ancestry marching on and shouting in german...
there is difference between accepting a language and being forced to use one language.

Because many German Americans are mixed with other groups, so they have their own identity crisis and don't take the German identity as important as their great grandparents.

Those Chinese, who are protesting against the Mandarin, are only few local ultra conservative regionists.

Many urban population are also mixed, so they don't really care about Mandarin or Cantonese.

Since the Mandarin is the official dialect, so they just follow the Mandarin.
Because many German Americans are mixed with other groups, so they have their own identity crisis and don't take the German identity as important as their great grand parents.

Those Chinese, who is protesting against the Mandarin, are only few local ultra conservative regionists.

Many urban population are also mixed, so they don't really care about Mandarin or Cantonese.

Since the Mandarin is the official dialect, so they just follow the Mandarin.

what is wrong then in mixing with others? is it bad?
i am happy for those germans who have mixed with others and use english and are proud of being american rather than the country their ancestors migrated from 300 years ago.
On the other hand, will Indians kill English(specifically Queen's). Most britons will agree :)
what is wrong then in mixing with others? is it bad?
i am happy for those germans who have mixed with others and use english and are proud of being american rather than the country their ancestors migrated from 300 years ago.

Well, since Germans are ethnically very close related to Dutch and English, so it is good for them to intermarry with each other in US.

Same for Northern Chinese and Southern Chinese, it is good for us to intermarry with each other, so we could all speak Mandarin at the end.
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