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Will do Jihad if modi applies Uniform civil code:Shahi imam

People like these are the extremist elements that India needs to get rid off.He should really visit Gujarat once and see the economic development and prosperity for himself.
People like these have to be kicked out from the country along with their followers. He once need to see Gujarat himself & analyse.
Ok, now I waited for a few days to see how many Muslims go out on the streets to condemn this kind of blackmailing by the Imam. A few days passed and all I have is deafening silence! :hitwall:

When Togadia spoke trash, there was universal outrage, when Singhal made the ridiculous comments, Hindus among others bashed him openly(and rightly so). But when this low life threatens Jihad, all we have is a big blank nothingness!
True, the non Muslims have ridiculed him but where are

i. The candle light Muslim processions condemning this man?
ii. The cases lodged against this man for inciting hatred - lodged from within the community?

What is the reason for this tacit acceptance and silence?

@scorpionx @Indischer @Ravi Nair @Dillinger @Hyperion @ExtraOdinary @INDIC @Manvantaratruti @Roybot @DRAY @levina @cheekybird @chak de INDIA @jarves @45'22'@Soumitra

I thought of creating a new thread, but decided against it. All I want is some acceptable answers, as this just goes above my head. Even when Owaisi spoke trash, there was almost nothing from the community. But still there was a little. In this case there is only silence!

@jarves - Owaisi has been voted in the Legislative Assembly :(
But this is about the Imam, the same Imam thousands of Muslims look up to.
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Good question,i dont know why they havent condemned his statements.I think nobody cares or follows this idiot Owasi.
i. The candle light Muslim processions condemning this man?
ii. The cases lodged against this man for inciting hatred - lodged from within the community?

Candle light procession for this idiot whose name most of the people never heard of? I have no idea why there is no protest against his remark from Muslim fraternity but personally I feel it will award him too much of importance.But off course this bigot should have been jailed for his "call of Jihad" stupidity.But election is coming and Mamata Bannerjee won't dare to take such risk now.
Candle light procession for this idiot whose name most of the people never heard of? I have no idea why there is no protest against his remark from Muslim fraternity but personally I feel it will award him too much of importance.But off course this bigot should have been jailed for his "call of Jihad" stupidity.But election is coming and Mamata Bannerjee won't dare to take such risk now.
This guy is apparently influential, being an Imam of a famous mosque. If he can openly speak such, what would he be speaking in private? Jailed or not is secondary. People like these NEVER do anything, let alone jihad. They will 'convince' some other young lads like us to do the job for him. That is the trouble.

Instead of brushing it under the carpet, it would have been better for the community to take a public stance against this hate monger. :hitwall:

But yer right, Mamta probably won't encourage anything of that sort. I wonder if she has a hand in 'preventing' any such Muslim condemnation. It is possible, isn't it? :unsure:

@SpArK - Forgot to mention you :P
Ok, now I waited for a few days to see how many Muslims go out on the streets to condemn this kind of blackmailing by the Imam. A few days passed and all I have is deafening silence! :hitwall:

When Togadia spoke trash, there was universal outrage, when Singhal made the ridiculous comments, Hindus among others bashed him openly(and rightly so). But when this low life threatens Jihad, all we have is a big blank nothingness!
True, the non Muslims have ridiculed him but where are

i. The candle light Muslim processions condemning this man?
ii. The cases lodged against this man for inciting hatred - lodged from within the community?

What is the reason for this tacit acceptance and silence?

@scorpionx @Indischer @Ravi Nair @Dillinger @Hyperion @ExtraOdinary @INDIC @Manvantaratruti @Roybot @DRAY @levina @cheekybird @chak de INDIA @jarves @45'22'@Soumitra

I thought of creating a new thread, but decided against it. All I want is some acceptable answers, as this just goes above my head. Even when Owaisi spoke trash, there was almost nothing from the community. But still there was a little. In this case there is only silence!

@jarves - Owaisi has been voted in the Legislative Assembly :(
But this is about the Imam, the same Imam thousands of Muslims look up to.

Maybe because this guy has little importance even among the Muslim community, or maybe because anything against Modi is welcome, come on, Muslims really hate Modi. :D
Maybe because this guy has little importance even among the Muslim community, or maybe because anything against Modi is welcome, come on, Muslims really hate Modi. :D

Interestingly, I have many Muslim Friends here who support Modi for his Development Vision.
What is the reason for this tacit acceptance and silence?

well I think there are many myths attached to it like its an attempt to “Sanskritize” or “Hinduize” non-Hindus.
What they dont understand is that it is a critical step towards “Indianizing” everyone.
Muslims in India "think" that they would not enjoy the special status they are enjoying right now once UCC comes into existence.I guess they prefer religion over country...as simple as that.
But its sad how our laws are manipulated.Since monogamy is the law for Hindus and the Muslim law permits as many as four wives in India, errand Hindu husband embraces Islam to circumvent the provisions of the Hindu law and to escape from penal consequences.Dharmendra did that isnt it???
Uniform civil code is nothing but rationality over religion where myths/polygamy,polyandry practised for thousands of years with religious/ caste/tribal sanctions are outlawed on the basis of newly found theories of equality between sexes/castes/religions etc.And muslims like this imam aren't ready for it.So no candle light protests. :coffee:
But we have had toothless governments who work for votes bank only and could not implement UCC.

This "lal batti" Imam is a mind midget.:sick:
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What's a uniform civil code?

The term civil code is used to cover the entire body of laws governing rights relating to property and otherwise in personal matters like marriage, divorce, maintenance, adoption and inheritance.

As things stand, there are different laws governing these aspects for different communities in India. Thus, the laws governing inheritance or divorce among Hindus would be different from those pertaining to Muslims or Christians and so on.

The demand for a uniform civil code essentially means unifying all these "personal laws" to have one set of secular laws dealing with these aspects that will apply to all citizens of India irrespective of the community they belong to. Though the exact contours of such a uniform code have not been spelt out, it should presumably incorporate the most modern and progressive aspects of all existing personal laws while discarding those which are retrograde.

What does the Indian Constitution have to say on the subject?

Article 44, which is one of the "directive principles" laid down in the Constitution says: "The State shall endeavour to secure for the citizens a uniform civil code throughout the territory of India." As Article 37 of the Constitution itself makes clear, the directive principles "shall not be enforceable by any court". Nevertheless, they are "fundamental in the governance of the country".

What has the Supreme Court said on the issue?

Very recently, while hearing a case pertaining to whether a Christian has the right to bequeath property to a charity, the court regretted the fact that the state had not yet implemented a uniform civil code. This is not the first time that the apex court has expressed itself in favour of a uniform civil code or taken a dim view of the government's and legislature's inability to bring it into being. There have been other occasions — like during the Shah Bano case and later in the Sarla Mudgal case — where too the apex court has come out strongly in favour of the enactment of a uniform civil code. However, none of these comments are binding on the executive or the legislature and do not amount to orders. At best, they exert some moral pressure on the Indian state to move towards formulating a uniform civil code.

Would a uniform code affect the personal laws of only one community?

Not at all. The perception that a uniform civil code would necessitate changes in only Muslim personal law is quite incorrect. As women's organisations and others have repeatedly pointed out, personal laws governing different communities in India have a common feature — they are all gender-biased.

For instance, the law pertaining to succession among Hindus is unequal in the way it treats men and women. A truly modern, secular, non-discriminatory and progressive code would, therefore, mean changes in all personal laws. The concept of the "Hindu undivided family", at least insofar as it pertains to succession, would also obviously have to undergo a change under a uniform civil code. Similarly, Muslim, Christian and other personal laws too would have to change. This also explains why historically changes in personal law have been resisted not just by one community, but by the ruling orthodoxy in all of them.

What had prevented a uniform civil code from coming into being?

Since it involves a change in laws, an obvious prerequisite is sufficient support for the move within Parliament. The reason this has been difficult to achieve has been because most parties have held the view that the reform of laws pertaining to the personal domain is better done by pressure for such change from within communities rather than as an imposition from above. Further, for historical reasons, the demand for a uniform civil code has acquired communal overtones which have overshadowed the innate merits of the proposal.

To put the delay in perspective, however, it should be added that Article 44 of the Constitution is by no means the only directive principle to have not been implemented more than half a century after it was laid down. Most directive principles continue to remain pious doctrines rather than the law of the land.
well I think there are many myths attached to it like its an attempt to “Sanskritize” or “Hinduize” non-Hindus.
What they dont understand is that it is a critical step towards “Indianizing” everyone.
Muslims in India "think" that they would not enjoy the special status they are enjoying right now once UCC comes into existence.I guess they prefer religion over country...as simple as that.
But its sad how our laws are manipulated.Since monogamy is the law for Hindus and the Muslim law permits as many as four wives in India, errand Hindu husband embraces Islam to circumvent the provisions of the Hindu law and to escape from penal consequences.Dharmendra did that isnt it???
Uniform civil code is nothing but rationality over religion where myths/polygamy,polyandry practised for thousands of years with religious/ caste/tribal sanctions are outlawed on the basis of newly found theories of equality between sexes/castes/religions etc.And muslims like this imam aren't ready for it.So no candle light protests. :coffee:
But we have had toothless governments who work for votes bank only and could not implement UCC.

This "lal batti" Imam is a mind midget.:sick:
My God! That was one of the most blunt replies I have ever received. Yer brave :enjoy:
Ok, now I waited for a few days to see how many Muslims go out on the streets to condemn this kind of blackmailing by the Imam. A few days passed and all I have is deafening silence! :hitwall:

When Togadia spoke trash, there was universal outrage, when Singhal made the ridiculous comments, Hindus among others bashed him openly(and rightly so). But when this low life threatens Jihad, all we have is a big blank nothingness!
True, the non Muslims have ridiculed him but where are

i. The candle light Muslim processions condemning this man?
ii. The cases lodged against this man for inciting hatred - lodged from within the community?

What is the reason for this tacit acceptance and silence?

I thought of creating a new thread, but decided against it. All I want is some acceptable answers, as this just goes above my head. Even when Owaisi spoke trash, there was almost nothing from the community. But still there was a little. In this case there is only silence!

Owaisi has been voted in the Legislative Assembly :(
But this is about the Imam, the same Imam thousands of Muslims look up to.
i am not the right person and this is not the right place to answer this question............
but i will give you 3 options to choose-
1-everyone knows his true identity,so the number of persons actually following him is very less,hence we didnt hear anything from that community
2-people from that community are scared to speak up,they may fear that other community members wont like it..........
3-people actually support him for what he is saying..........right or wrong,the community maybe actually supporting him against Modi
Ok, now I waited for a few days to see how many Muslims go out on the streets to condemn this kind of blackmailing by the Imam. A few days passed and all I have is deafening silence! :hitwall:

When Togadia spoke trash, there was universal outrage, when Singhal made the ridiculous comments, Hindus among others bashed him openly(and rightly so). But when this low life threatens Jihad, all we have is a big blank nothingness!
True, the non Muslims have ridiculed him but where are

i. The candle light Muslim processions condemning this man?
ii. The cases lodged against this man for inciting hatred - lodged from within the community?

What is the reason for this tacit acceptance and silence?

@scorpionx @Indischer @Ravi Nair @Dillinger @Hyperion @ExtraOdinary @INDIC @Manvantaratruti @Roybot @DRAY @levina @cheekybird @chak de INDIA @jarves @45'22'@Soumitra

I thought of creating a new thread, but decided against it. All I want is some acceptable answers, as this just goes above my head. Even when Owaisi spoke trash, there was almost nothing from the community. But still there was a little. In this case there is only silence!

@jarves - Owaisi has been voted in the Legislative Assembly :(
But this is about the Imam, the same Imam thousands of Muslims look up to.

Once you have surrendered your will to the celestial tyrant, the more dim witted ones will act like our mullah here.

Ask yourself, of what benefit is he to society? He hasn't even worked an honest day's job and probably gets paid on others stipend.

When you hae no dignity if your own, you latch onto your race's history as a vicarious way to prop up your pathetic life.

That is what this leech is, and others of his ilk.

What we need are more scientists, businessmen, construction workers. Not more blowhards like him.
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