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Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

What is the feasibility of creating a unify Persian Gulf? Can Iran and Saudi Arabia ever be friend?
Safe from the so called "Arab Spring" surrounded by the Red Sea,other Arab monarchies and Persian Gulf, leaving only the southern Yemen side and Iraqi side open. This is the BANDAR BUSH SAUDI SPY CHIEFS doctrine in operation, of sectarian strife to keep both Yemen and Iraq internally busy so that the saud/wahabi OCCUPATION OF HOLY LANDS is not disturbed by these states.

Our spy agency is working hard and We have a grip over these places including the Arabian Gulf.
Lol@ we dont have bases in Arabia......biiitch please

Of course you laughed after all the only thing you are good at is laughing all way to the bottom. :lol:

we own that country and our bankers have all their money under their control

LoLz. All assets are being under insurance wether they were here or their :lol: Not to mention our national reserves, and God knows what else.

With all due respect Mr. false flagger but you don't even own a cat. :lol: Speaking for the control thingy, let's supposed that you were true American, I don't see how you " own " them we the Saudis invade Bahrain, or when they decided to arm the rebels in Syria, or pressure the Saudis to give up Al-Sisi :lol: you see how things work?

the day we want to........we fabricate some uprising or stage a coup

Oh yeah try me :lol: not all countries like Iran :lol:

Lol@ we dont have bases in Arabia......biiitch please..........we own that country and our bankers have all their money under their control..........in OUR banks...............the day we want to........we fabricate some uprising or stage a coup............and bye bye prince fatso............its as simple as that......like i said......these kids on here are just bloviating and having wet dreams.........
Whatever rocks your socks, last you were bragging about closing the strait of Hormuz but never happened. So next learn not to talk the talk if cant walk the walk.:lol:

WTF are you talkin about :lol: call the gulf whatever you want, no one in the world takes a bunch of lizard-eaters seriously :lol:


A historical map of the Persian Gulf in a Dubai museum, United Arab Emirates. The word "Persian" is erased from the "Persian Gulf" phrase on the map.
Persian Gulf - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

^ Poor guys :rofl:
No one's going nuclear anymore. The countries that have nukes have them. It will be next to impossible for anyone else to get them.

Plus I highly doubt that Arabs have the technology and know-how to make a nuke anyway. Plus I also doubt that Pakistan will help since their own nukes are under so much scrutiny due to fears of Talibans getting their hands on them. China will never help. Hell, China won't even help Iran which is much closer to Beijing politically than Saudis.
Here is mine too:lol: Now go lick your mullah stinky turban.:rofl:


The second map has used the term "Sinus Arabicus" for BOTH Red Sea and Persian Gulf, so obviously there's something wrong in the image. :azn: Sorry to burst your bubble, kid :lol:
The first map has used "Gulf of Bassora", so what's your point? :lol: The gulf have had many names, but the most widely used term was always Persian Gulf. :lol::lol:
Safe from the so called "Arab Spring" surrounded by the Red Sea,other Arab monarchies and Persian Gulf, leaving only the southern Yemen side and Iraqi side open. This is the BANDAR BUSH SAUDI SPY CHIEFS doctrine in operation, of sectarian strife to keep both Yemen and Iraq internally busy so that the saud/wahabi OCCUPATION OF HOLY LANDS is not disturbed by these states.

Have you read Surah Al Fil? Do you not know what happens to arrogant people like Abraha who refused to accept ALLAH's authority over Makkah and Medinah? Would you continue to believe that rulers of Makkah and Medinah can hold over ALLAH's lands without his permission and blessings?

How do you accuse the family of Al Sauds to hold over ALLAH's lands without HIS permission and blessings?!

Whosoever rules over Makkah and Medinah - shall be by grace, will and blessings of ALLAH almighty! Peace!
Don't worry ,terrorists will keep respawning ,once the salafis establish a foothold. You can kill a person ,but not the idea. Better to crush the idea and the creators and backers of it. Conquer the middle east ,secure the oil,crush wahabbism once and for all.Chinese forces are capable of it.

If you read the Hadiths, you will surely know the end-of-times wars will take place within the Middle East. Won't effect China.
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