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Will Beijing help Riyadh go nuclear?

What honest strategic analysis?

50 to 60 ballistic missiles sold from China to Saudi Arabia, is that not an issue of strategic relevance?

Lol.........like i said.....good day sir........ill let you and the sowdis get hot under the collar together........ill direct my coments elsewhere...............
We have always been working under the table, like if we both give a damn $!ht to the US anyway. Saudi Arabia and China enjoy very great relations in term of trade, investments, infrastructure development and military cooperation. China is helping keeping our missiles force ready to hit and has presence in our missile's facilities. Saudi Arabia can give access to China to be present in the region to counter the US missile shield. KSA can also provide China with cheap oil, row material..etc to help China economy growing.

I know buddy. :cheers:

Neither one of us gives any sh*t about the USA, they didn't stop us from selling ballistic missiles to you guys or anything else.

The USA is withdrawing into its shell again, they are mostly using their own oil (including shale), and oil from Canada and Latin America.

There is huge scope for increased China-KSA cooperation in the future, since our demand for oil and mutual investment (particularly from KSA's science and tech sectors) is only going to grow exponentially as time goes by. Big things are going to happen for both our economies in the next 20 years, it is inevitable.
Don't worry ,terrorists will keep respawning ,once the salafis establish a foothold. You can kill a person ,but not the idea. Better to crush the idea and the creators and backers of it. Conquer the middle east ,secure the oil,crush wahabbism once and for all.Chinese forces are capable of it.

Are you saying NAXALITES are salafis did salafis established foothold in hindustan?, You know idea can't be killed japanese tried in against China, Crusaders tried it against Muslims and Jews. Ideas can be effectively supressed if you provide them equal opportunities like jobs, good living standards and everything else instead of the bad example of that india is. By your logic US should invade hindustan and grab the uranium and thorium crush hinduism once and for all oh wait Brits are good at it No?
I know buddy. :cheers:

Neither one of us gives any sh*t about the USA, they didn't stop us from selling ballistic missiles to you guys or anything else.

The USA is withdrawing into its shell again, they are mostly using their own oil (including shale), and oil from Canada and Latin America.

There is huge scope for increased China-KSA cooperation in the future, since our demand for oil and mutual investment (particularly from KSA's science and tech sectors) is only going to grow exponentially as time goes by. Big things are going to happen in the next 20 years, really big things for both of our economies.

Provided that Saudi arabia does not implode into revolution in coming years ,which it will. You could not protect your investments in Sudan , how will you do that in Saudi Arabia?

And in 80's China was not dependent on Saudi oil ,its domestic production was sufficient for needs .Its not same now.A war b/w Iran and Saudi Arabia will be harmful for China also.

Are you saying NAXALITES are salafis did salafis established foothold in hindustan?, You know idea can't be killed japanese tried in against China, Crusaders tried it against Muslims and Jews. Ideas can be effectively supressed if you provide them equal opportunities like jobs, good living standards and everything else instead of the bad example of that india is. By your logic US should invade hindustan and grab the uranium and thorium crush hinduism once and for all oh wait Brits are good at it No?

I am not hindu. A sufi .
Provided that Saudi arabia does not implode into revolution in coming years ,which it will. You could not protect your investments in Sudan , how will you do that in Saudi Arabia?

Saudi's have one of the largest military budgets in the world, and have the money for any research and development or tech they require.

With that kind of money and tech, there is no way that Saudi Arabia would ever implode.

And our investments in Sudan are fine, we are still getting oil from them. Some investments will go bad of course, that is how investment works. But not this time, and not that time either.
Shhhhhhhhhh........no reason to speak sense to this one..........hes having a " moment " with arabian legend........better give them some privacy......

Provided that Saudi arabia does not implode into revolution in coming years ,which it will. You could not protect your investments in Sudan , how will you do that in Saudi Arabia?

I am not hindu. A sufi .
Saudi's have one of the largest military budgets in the world, and have the money for any research and development or tech they require.

With that kind of money and tech, there is no way that Saudi Arabia would ever implode.

And our investments in Sudan are fine, we are still getting oil from them. Some investments will go bad of course, that is how investment works. But not this time, and not that time either.

Why An Islamic Revolution In Saudi Arabia Is A Surefire Way To Send Oil To $300 A Barrel - Seeking Alpha

Saudi monarchy is protected by mercenaries and private military contractors ,that tells volumes to me,if they cannot trust their own people:

Mercenaries Inc.: How a U.S. Company Props Up the House of Saud

Seeds of Saudi Discontent: Unemployment Festers In Kingdom With No Sign of Reversal | Middle East Voices

Mercenaries Inc.: How a U.S. Company Props Up the House of Saud

At the top of the list is jobs - 60% of Saudi's citizens are under the age of 20, and the unemployment rate for young adults is nearly 40%. These young people want to be given the opportunity to better themselves and their country, but instead they cannot find work and live on government handouts.

Adding fuel to the fire, those handouts have been shrinking. Saudi Arabia's population has skyrocketed in the last half century. In 1972 the country had 6 million inhabitants; by 1992 that number had climbed to 17 million; and today there are 28 million Saudi Arabians. Oil incomes have climbed too, but not nearly apace. As such the government has been struggling to keep the population appeased with fewer dollars per head every year.

The population keeps growing, and each person in the kingdom keeps using more oil. The result: shrinking oil revenues have to go further. It's not a recipe for success, but when you're 89 years old, you go with what has worked in the past.

And that is precisely what happened in the wake of the Arab Spring: King Abdullah drowned the protestors in money - a $130-billion social-spending package that built new housing, increased payrolls, and boosted unemployment payouts. Saudi Arabia's entire annual budget is just $180 billion, so the king almost doubled spending to appease the protestors.

This tactic cannot work forever. Even in Saudi Arabia there is only so much oil money. The Saudi royals already need an oil price of at least $80 a barrel to support all their social programs, and with domestic oil consumption rocketing upward, that baseline price will keep climbing.

But the unrest continues.

For the last 18 months, Saudis in the eastern Qatif region have been demonstrating regularly, demanding the release of all political prisoners, freedom of expression, and an end to ethnic and religious discrimination. When Saudi security forces turned on the demonstrators last November, killing five, the protests took on a distinctly anti-Saud tone.

In June, King Abdullah ordered the country's security forces to go on a state of high alert due to what he called a "turbulent situation" in the eastern region.

The unspoken side to the situation is that the turbulence is distinctly religious.

Most Saudis are Sunni Muslims, and Sunni Islam is the only allowed religion in the country. However, 15% of the country's inhabitants are Shia, and they have faced direct and indirect persecution for decades.

Guess where the Shia live? In those turbulent, oil-rich eastern provinces.

That is one aspect of Saudi discontent. But there are more.

For example, last week Saudi security forces raided al Qaida cells in Jeddah and Riyadh. Evidence recovered during the raids supports the suspicion that a new branch in the Arabian Peninsula is gathering momentum for a wave of attacks. The royal family is at the top of their list of targets. Toppling the House of Saud would be a major victory for al Qaida, simply because of the instability that would ensue.

Enjoy what is coming ...
I am not hindu. A sufi .

Hi, I made my point, those who understand has a message into it.

You tried to deliberately but indirectly pointed out a single religion that it's idea be crushed but the reality is opposite China has the best relations with people/Nations of that religion globally, you may guess, US on the other hand does what you like them to do but it failed see in afghanistan did the idea and religion died?.
This is silly talk,China had enough of helping others going nuclear,see the headache that is best Koreea even for the chinese.
Hi, I made my point, those who understand has a message into it.

You tried to deliberately but indirectly pointed out a single religion that it's idea be crushed but the reality is opposite China has the best relations with people/Nations of that religion globally, you may guess, US on the other hand does what you like them to do but it failed see in afghanistan did the idea and religion died?.

Let me guess?You are a wahabbi too? and living in Canada?
like if we both give a damn $!ht to the US anyway.

you have always begged USA to protect you from Iranians, and provide you arm.

Saudi Arabia can give access to China to be present in the region to counter the US missile shield.

:rofl: then you may ask USA to remove her bases in your country. lets see how USA will respond to you :omghaha:
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