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WikiLeaks: Narendra Modi, the lone honest Indian politician

LOL. I see you are supporting the wrong party - you would be a shoe-in in the NCP - younger Pawar faction.

As for the rest of your rant, it does not merit a response.

Dont do this boy scout routine,

The fact is you don't have answers,thats why u give answers like I dont kwn what to say,merits no response.

Kapil Sibal level ^&&^apa.
Dont do this boy scout routine,

The fact is you don't have answers,thats why u give answers like I dont kwn what to say,merits no response.

Kapil Sibal level ^&&^apa.

Looks like just like logic and English, sarcasm isn't one of your strong suits either. So let me spell it out for you. I said "I don't know what to say" to your rather ridiculous query - "Are you a saint?".

Now rant some more. Good boy.
yeah so some people have a jaundiced view and you have a clear view and what is it?

yeah u teaching me logic,is it?

yeah right,sure thing why not?
yeah so some people have a jaundiced view and you have a clear view and what is it?

yeah u teaching me logic,is it?

yeah right,sure thing why not?

Sigh. I am not teaching you logic. Nor did I say I have a clear view. However, I do have a right to a view. I also have a right to judge the views of others and call those views jaundiced, clear or bat-$hit crazy. You have that right too and by all means exercise that right. But argue about beliefs and views - don't resort to personal insults.
There seems to be a general consensus - at least here in the middle classes and business community of Bombay that Modi is some sort of savior. You have to blame the Congress for creating such a huge trust vacuum that the people can't see beyond Modi. I can see why people would like a guy who promises to build industry over a guy from a Congress ally who talks about taking a leak because the dams are dry. Unfortunately, the general population does tend to succumb to oratory skill than actual spurs. This is true of not just India but people in general. I guess that is fair game in a democracy. But that doesn't mean blindly following a man and thinking he is the best thing to happen to the planet since Buddha.

Congress is not in step with the times. They think people care a $hit about the gandhis. Congress comes to power because of other reasons, not RG's charisma for sure!
Sigh. I am not teaching you logic. Nor did I say I have a clear view. However, I do have a right to a view. I also have a right to judge the views of others and call those views jaundiced, clear or bat-$hit crazy. You have that right too and by all means exercise that right. But argue about beliefs and views - don't resort to personal insults.

I agree everyone just blindly believes that modi will give the same results for India what he has achieved in Gujarat what people fail to realise is for that he needs to have the same amount of power at the center the same he has in Gujarat which is quite unlikely where he has to deal with several pain in the @$$ regional parties don't blame congress for all this mess it would have performed lot better with the likes of MMS, Chindu, Jairam etc if those guys wouldn't have to deal with the likes of Mamata, Karuna, Mulayam etc i wish these all moronic regional parties should be barred from contesting General Elections in near future otherwise they would destroy the country

Just a few days back I was arguing with someone on the forum, and was not able to convince him just what you posted here.
His incorruptibility speaks high of him as a man; however, the political leanings and philosophy he chooses to adopts do not necessarily reflect the same attributes. It's the political philosophy that matters.
You barely have an NDA & even with the JD(U), they will win not more than 180 seats, all put together. How will they form a government? Where will they win the hundred seats or get from any potential allies? Mathematics is the problem, no amount of wishing, hoping or praying will change that. I'm yet to come across a single coherent argument of how the BJP/NDA will form the government. Where will the numbers come from?

I have seen you asking this question quite a number of times in various other threads and I hope that you get this answer sooner or later. Modi fans are waiting for "Ram Rajya" but not sure how is that going to happen...
For all Modi Haters who say he instigated the Riots. Modi's Speech telecast live on Doordarshan on 28th February 2002

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Why is this childish? Are you not a Sangh Parivar groupie? Every answer, every response of yours reeks of partisan spirit. Why baulk at this last little identification? Isn't it childish to swallow a camel and strain at a gnat?

:lol: ...more of the same. That is your response to logic and facts .....calling names :P Nothing to baulk here, only mildly amusing.

Don't you find that ironic, considering that you are peddling a vision of an ideal India of the distant past that never existed, and that is derived from the regressive social measures of the period from the 11th century onwards?

Aren't you the one that wants to go back to a golden age without anybody else in the geography other than those whom you choose to acknowledge, wrongly, as it happens, as members of other 'Dharmic' religions? That means going back to the 9th century?

And you think others live in the past?

The trouble is that you are so busy dredging up smart answers that you don't see the absurdities in your own position.

You are the one reminiscing about the 'good ol days' and hating 'caste hindus' for long past crimes ..... I am planning for the future by supporting MODI. The distinction is clear. You are too jaundiced to see it or admit if even if you see it. You don't even have and excuse of making up clever answers.

Your ability for self delusion is clear ....the problem is trying to delude others into your version of India where Hindus have to walk in perpetual shame. You need help ...but you are too old to seek it now and I am pretty sure you dont command any respect in your immediate circle hence your need to come to pdf.

You still haven't told us why you hate 'cast Hindus'.....I suspect it had to do with a dalit father's painful stories and your own experiences that has made you bitter and spiteful. I think your father taught you to hate ....time for your to break that cycle and dont make your kids drink that poison. At least your grand kids ....

There is a movie called 'American History X'. You need to watch it.

In the repertory of propaganda, this technique that you display, with some amateurish ability, was called 'The Big Lie' by Joszef Goebbels. His theory was that if you repeat a lie often enough and loudly enough, some people will eventually begin to believe it.

So far all that you have done is to describe my methodical dissection of your posts as 'frothing at the mouth'. This is the second time. It hardly matters. As long as people see that you have no adequate response to a suggestion other than to say, like schoolchildren, 'and twice that to you!', it is good enough to serve the purpose of exposing you for the hollow sham that you are.

Quite possibly I am a maniac, or a megalomaniac, or whatever. Since I don't look for anybody to worship me, how does that matter?

The only person to whom it seems to matter is you.

Why, I wonder?

Good that you mentioned it. The propaganda against MODI is EXACTLY THAT. Repeat a Lie a Thousand Times and the gullible will start believing it. Propaganda 101.

I am the second guy to call you 'frothing at the mouth', must be some truth to it ?
Shearer, let him be - he is a kid who is utterly clueless about India and how it functions. The problem with some of these RSS groupies is that they have never actually interacted with someone who doesn't share their jaundiced view and they can't distinguish between chest thumping jingoism and patriotism.

:yahoo:.......looks like you have figured out 'how India works' ....congratulations. Are you planning to teach poor folks with 'jaundiced views' this wonder ? :cheesy:
:yahoo:.......looks like you have figured out 'how India works' ....congratulations. Are you planning to teach poor folks with 'jaundiced views' this wonder ? :cheesy:

No, I am not inclined to teach you anything. First go and read some primary history books that can teach you the difference between pre-partition and post-partition riots, then go and read up some primary textbooks on Bose - and then if you wish me to correct your "jaundiced views" I will give it a thought. Right now, you are simply not capable enough.
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