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WikiLeaks: Indian army poses as obstacle to Siachen solution

It does not need wikileaks to come to this conclusion.

Quite obviously, the IA will not part with this real estate it has held against such odds.

Also the return of Haji Pir pass won after so much blood shed in 65 has not been forgotten.
wikkipedia is bunch of stupid dumb information cell which mostly take cares of western Interests

So dude where are you basing your Info from ?

Let me know it states where and when did the Martians land.
we did once you did it 4 times 1948 65 71 and Siachen

I know Pakistan surrendered to india with more than 90'000 cowerd soldiers of Pak Army,
tell me how many times india surrendered to Pak?
Ans: not a single time,
so stop day dreaming.
I know Pakistan surrendered to india with more than 90'000 cowerd soldiers of Pak Army,
tell me how many times india surrendered to Pak?
Ans: not a single time,
so stop day dreaming.

r u dumb

ur army 2 times bigger, bigger economy, and we still fought standstill war, thats shame for ur country because they cant beat a smaller side
We don't want any talk on Siachin...
NO talks No rants..Indian army will be in Siachin.....

I'm very happy that these usless talks ended with no result..that's good...:victory:
Hope there will be no talk on siachin...
It's a stupid piece of iceberg with no real strategic interests. Its costs India more to maintain a presence there than the benefit of stationing troops in that stupid piece of ice. Just give it back to the Pakistani government as an Eid gift and tell them to behave or else the next time we ain't returning this frozen wasteland again. Some cold eastern front will be good for Pakistan now considering the warm north western front which they are experiencing. Sorry, but my weather forecasts may not appeal to all. Anyway, nobody really listens to the good advice of the weatherman these days :undecided:

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