Yes I had read opening article . question is whether you read it ?
I am sure you did not read the article ...
may be you read just one line " Bose is an embarrassment to Congress because he challenged Gandhi, and was a powerful parallel icon to Nehru."
There is this only single line which mentions Nehru . the article itself is without any substance.
It's only purpose is to tarnish image of Gandhi and it is full of lies - like how Gandhi fought for British in boers war .
Gandhiji volunteered for medical corps and was involved in care of wounded ...he was not there holding weapons , killing people .
But off course people like you who are biased ... jump the guns and add to the similar rants by adding your own .
Just because the word Nehru is mentioned one time in the article dragged Nehru ?
and you just not stopped on saying that he was one with bloated ego but also one who divided India .
Do you see how easily you jumped to say something as malicious and as abominable as that ?
just hint of name of Nehru ...and you are ready to vomit out all your frustrations .
Read the whole article ... try to understand what it is saying ....try to ask intelligent questions like what is the purpose of article and is it based on facts or speculation .
do check the date and title of article .
think for a moment or to and then post your reply .
you seem to be blindly replying to posts to vent your pent up anger and frustrations ...without reading properly .