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Why USSR beat Germany but not Afghanistan?

Before American assistance to Mujahideen, insurgency was going on with very old guns of British era and casualty rate of Russians was as low as todays NATOs in Afghanistan. The training of Mujahideen in Pakistan and weapons from America changed the game. The todays Taliban's insurgency is actually much impressive than Mujahideen's 80s Jihad against Soviets which was much more reliant on foreigners for weapons and trainings and included other ethnic graliban?oups beside Pashtuns.

Germans totally gave up after defeat, at least East Germany should have resisted soviet occupying forces. Japanese also lost spine after defeat and made friendship with a country who dropped two nukes on them. Now their martial spirit is limited to cartoons and mangas.

Taliban never used any M16 or G3 rifle, so how did Americans and Pakitanis arm Taliban?
I would have thought morale was the major factor. We can compare fighting in -20 to the Afghan weather or terrain like any combat there are multiple causes to an outcome but WW2 as far as the Russians were concerned was total war. There was no going home no where to be reassigned to it was fight or die the very existance of mother Russia was at stake.
Compared to a strange country no one cared about that probably most didnt wat to be in for reasons the average soldier probably didnt understand. Compare the effectivness of the Russian special forces v's the regular troops.

U.S. Study of Soviet Performance in Afghan War Cites Poor Morale
By BERNARD E. TRAINOR, Special to the New York Times
Published: June 5, 1988
The Soviet Army has performed poorly during its eight-and-a-half-year war in Afghanistan, largely because of low morale, according to a study of its combat effectiveness completed for the United States Army.
The study by the RAND Corporation comes at a time when Soviet forces are beginning to withdraw from Afghanistan. Equipped with the latest weapons and supported by a modern air force, they were fought to a standstill by Afghan guerrillas, who were initially armed with little more than rifles until the United States began supplying them with more sophisticated weapons, including Stinger anti-aircraft missiles.
''Over most of the past eight years, the Soviet Army in Afghanistan has proved neither well disciplined nor a highly motivated force,'' the report says.

Inside the Soviet Army in Afghanistan | RAND
USSR didnt fail to beat Afghanistan. They were already occupying it. Their economy collapsed and they ran out of money to extend their vacation. True Mujahedin were charging them extra but that wasnt really a problem for them. They could have killed half their population if they wanted to but then again they didnt have money to pay for even one extra day.
Because the USSR didn't have DSI...

You have insulted Pakistani fanboys in worst way :rofl:

On Topic- Enormous Amercian/British/KSA financial help to Mujahidins played crucial part.

Also these nations arranged training and equipement for rebels.
What was there in Afghanistan for USSR to conquer.... If a Elephant is ask to end the locust and their Hives at a specific place,it can trample millions of locust along with their Hives but not completely,However this does not mean that Locust Win.
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