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Why Türkiye should rethink its relations with India

There is no need for India to have good relations with Turkey. That's like Pakistan having good relations with Israel. They oppose us on almost every forum. They aren't very significant for us either. Let it be that way.

Not necessarily.

There is a difference between what Turkey does and Turkey says.

For instance, despite all the pro-Pak support, Turkey had no problem supporting India's MCTR entry, which is a threat to Pakistani national security

Turkish geopolitical goals in its neighbourhood will always trump its relations with Pakistan. Note that Ottoman empire in its entire history never played any role in South Asia

Unlike Cold war era where Turkey firmly believed India was part of Soviet inner circle, as per an American diplomat, Turkey perceives India along with China and Russia as an alternative in the event of a divorce with West
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You have brought very valid points and concerns. India should recognize and work on taking steps that will alleviate/address Türkiye's concerns where it can to narrow the gap. But no two countries have perfect relations. if they did then probably there is no longer a need for them to be two separate states. Just check some examples like US refusing to share F-35 tech with UK or Israel refusing to share Iron Dome tech with the US. During 1971 Indo-Pak war, US brought her aircraft carrier to bomb India but today US is the biggest defense partner of India. Again, India does not expect Türkiye to break her relations with Pakistan to improve relations with India. Both can stand on their own merit. You should also note that despite Türkiye taking a very public stand against India on Kashmir, India has still awarded the naval ship contract to Türkiye. We both are very mature nations. Continued small steps like these will go a long way in improving our relations and building a strong partnership in the next decade.

LoL. Not even close.

Türkiye does not need to ditch Pakistan to build relations with India.
Like I said, we don't like to forget, therefore personally I don't think we are ever gonna built relations that much, ''like selling Turkish Lethal Technology to India level'' This is the harsh truth.

Nah no thanks. The turks are going down.
Don't know, how many times we heard that from our enemies... A Little info, that never happened will never happen. You can watch this with english subtitles if you like. My favorite poem. This is about what happens to our enemies.
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Exactly. India and Türkiye are NOT rivals and could become great partners if we focus and give a little impetus in the right direction to enhance our relationship.
I look at Turkey as more of a European country than anything. People of all European countries are easy to get along with.
Like I said, we don't like to forget, therefore personally I don't think we are ever gonna built relations that much, ''like selling Turkish Lethal Technology to India level'' This is the harsh truth.

Diplomacy is the art of the possible. I am very hopeful.
Inspite of his public posturing, Erdoğan is very much open to building the relationship with India just like Modi is very much keen on building the relationship with Türkiye.
Will Pakistan allow India-Turkey relations assuming Pakistan has considerable clout on Turkey?
Modi will?
Has Indian Policy Towards Pakistan Is different
in Kashmir

You guys are Lucky modi ruling now Which is RW That is Why It generate Negative headline in global media

If there Was Congress PM LW Media Will Died To become chummy With Likes tharoors And Rughuram rajan

If Compare Incident in WOT inside Pakistan During UPA tenure
All major attacks on your bases Even on You GHQ rawalpindi
Will Pakistan allow India-Turkey relations assuming Pakistan has considerable clout on Turkey?
To be honest Pakistan doesn't have much influence nor diplomatic power over Turkey. But they do have incredibly strong good will built up through the nation and we aren't going to forget what they've done for us.

India could be a good location to sell weapons to, but considering they would be willing to use all that machinery against Pakistan makes it pretty hard to do so.

Personally I find the culture of both Pakistan and India to be similar with the people - the governments are vastly different of course. Maybe in the future relations between all three countries can improve, Pak - Ind being the important one, and then we might see much more then mere weapons being sold.
Will Pakistan allow India-Turkey relations assuming Pakistan has considerable clout on Turkey?

Türkiye is a sovereign nation. We just need to work on improving our relations with Türkiye without considering and coupling Türkiye's relations with Pakistan.

Türkiye's relations with India should stand on its own merit.
Türkiye is a sovereign nation. We just need to work on improving our relations with Türkiye without considering and coupling Türkiye's relations with Pakistan.

Türkiye's relations with India should stand on its own merit.
What's with these accurate spellings?
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