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Why Türkiye should rethink its relations with India

Even with the huge population India is SURPLUS food production country .... we don't need small countries advice or help.

2.We have the most fertile land and sit in middle of the 'Indian' ocean so trade and food is never be a problem for us.

Can you confirm your 1st sentence? If what you say is true then could you post the links to the evidence here?
Can you confirm your 1st sentence? If what you say is true then could you post the links to the evidence here?

What's more-we also have enough food to satiate the needs of the population. As D.V. Prasad, chairman of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) succinctly put it, “There is absolutely no need to worry as far as the availability of wheat and rice is concerned in any part of the country.”

According to Mr. Prasad, India has enough grain stocks to feed its poor for at least a year-and-a-half. Record harvests will ensure we have 100 million tons in our warehouses by the end of April- far more than the annual requirement of 50- 60 million tons under various welfare programs.

And this kind of self-sufficiency isn’t new. In fact, we’ve had enough food to feed our entire population since the 1990s. India is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and millets, and the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnuts, vegetables, fruit, and cotton.


India is self sufficient from 1990's,now we surplus, still some poor may unable to pay for food.That is entirely different matter.
What's more-we also have enough food to satiate the needs of the population. As D.V. Prasad, chairman of the Food Corporation of India (FCI) succinctly put it, “There is absolutely no need to worry as far as the availability of wheat and rice is concerned in any part of the country.”

According to Mr. Prasad, India has enough grain stocks to feed its poor for at least a year-and-a-half. Record harvests will ensure we have 100 million tons in our warehouses by the end of April- far more than the annual requirement of 50- 60 million tons under various welfare programs.

And this kind of self-sufficiency isn’t new. In fact, we’ve had enough food to feed our entire population since the 1990s. India is the world’s largest producer of milk, pulses and millets, and the second-largest producer of rice, wheat, sugarcane, groundnuts, vegetables, fruit, and cotton.


India is self sufficient from 1990's,now we surplus, still some poor may unable to pay for food.That is entirely different matter.

Yes India has a surplus food and it's a well known fact.... we even export fruits, vegetables to many countries..... I think even to some Arab countries....population is not affecting this....

Even when it comes to wildlife India is very rich.... India is among top ten forest rich countries which have thick dense evergreen forests with plenty of wildlife and world's most deadly predators....

In controlling world pollution levels Indian forests share is very big....

India is the only country which is a home to Lions and Tigers both..... There's a reason even discovery channel has a program called WILD INDIA.....

Indian 24% of landmass is still under forests .... heck even densely populated island like Mumbai has a very rich forest life with wild cats....

I'm not even mentioning other thousands of islands in bay of Bengal and Arabian ocean including lakshdweep, andaman and nicobar islands which are again jungle rich as well as blessed with very fertile soil.....
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