Media influence is alot and it really works. For example in the 80s and 90s, the TV dramas used to show concept of love marriage, at the time, love marriage was not common. They showed boy and girl fall in love and then get married, the story used to end with marriage, same in movies. In the next generation, it happens commonly, its now common to get married by choice and arranged marriages are not common. What the media portrayed, became a norm in the next generation.
Now today's media shows women falling in love with another guy even after marriage, divorcing one and going to another, extra marital affairs and all that. The media is normalizing all this so soon it will become a norm n seem normal. We are already seeing it. I was astonished to see few marriages in my extended circle end because of extra martial affairs. This media imposing norms on society is actually destroying our society and culture. It makes me think all the allegations of media being dalaal of dajjal seems true.
The same happened in west, they used to be very decent and then media started making norms for them. They are one step ahead and have normalized homosexuality and now moved to gender confusion and child sexuality.
Its my request to Pakistanis to wake up and be aware. But in order to be safe from all this, u need imaan and need to be a true muslim, avoid every haram and remember death and grave every day. Only imaan will save us or else the flow is getting stronher and we all will flow with it right to hell.