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Why pray in Arabic and not in a language we understand?

What difference does the compilation period or order or surahs make when we dont really follow the book? Something to consider!

Maybe you dont but others do! Arabic is the ancient language of Muhammad (SAW) time. Arabic should be as manditory maybe even more than Urdu as that was our language of our ancestors.
What difference does the compilation period or order or surahs make when we dont really follow the book? Something to consider!

Good point.

The difference that must be appreciated, that I am highlighting, that there cannot be an absolute insistence that the present form of the Quran is totally divine.

This is important for those whose absolutist interpretations of the divine words within the Quran are causing so much havoc in the world today.
Assalam alaikum

Brother forget what was there that was their personnal notes etc, when usman r-a distributed the copy of quran did any companion objected on the order including ALI r-a


Why conveniently "forget" history?

The fact remains that, of all the forms of the Quran written down in the first two years after the Prophet's death, Hazrat Usman RA selected one and destroyed the others. The manner of reciting the Quran was finalized several decades later still to minimize the variation in meanings due to different inflections.
Assalam alaikum

if u can't present any objection from companions and they were thousands, it means the order was the same as it was told (the order) by the prophet to the companions brother

Maybe you dont but others do! Arabic is the ancient language of Muhammad (SAW) time. Arabic should be as manditory maybe even more than Urdu as that was our language of our ancestors.
Bhai , you mis-understood me...............
If you go thru previous post, I was basically or in so many words called someone from 7th century by a moderator who is obviously islamo phobe and his innuendo clearly show his mind set. I think I know an innuendo when I see one! The problem on pdf , which btw I ve supported with my hard earned $$$, is that there are many trolls, bi-polar muslims and left leaning fascist mods.
This has become more like a circus. There are no think tanks or intellectuals discussions. The place has become as useless as a dead horse!

---------- Post added at 12:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:14 PM ----------

Assalam alaikum

if u can't present any objection from companions and they were thousands, it means the order was the same as it was recieved brother


yaar.leave it.if we all agree on the present form., notwithstanding divergent views on compilation and other points, then that is what we need to focus on.
Assalam alaikum

if u can't present any objection from companions and they were thousands, it means the order was the same as it was recieved brother



That is patently WRONG. The order in which the Quran was revealed is NOT the order in which it was later compiled.

---------- Post added at 04:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 04:18 PM ----------

yaar.leave it.if we all agree on the present form., notwithstanding divergent views on compilation and other points, then that is what we need to focus on.

The present form of the Quran is widely accepted, so your point is a great one!
Firstly i want all the Muslim to know I am not here to bad mouth anyone and don't want to offend anyone by what I am going to say, and to the non-Muslims i don't need the this is why you are a target of religious fundamentalists routine and mocking of the way most of us pray, I just want a sincere and clear answer.

The question

Since it was Ramadan so in the taraweeh the the Imam recited the complete Quran and like all devoted Muslims I stood behind him for almost 1 1/2 hours daily and offered them but a question came into my mind that how beautiful it would have been if i would have been able to understand what the Imam was saying and apply them into my daily life ( don't get me wrong i have read the Quran with translation in urdu once), then i thought wouldn't it be better if we just prayed in our own language so that we may have a stronger bond with Allah SWT and have a more spiritual rather then physical Nimaz???Allah is aware of what is in our hearts and minds and he can understand all languages so why only pray in Arabic, ''unity'' may be one answer but then we can make public prayer like ''Azan'' in Arabic so that all may know of it but offer ''nimaz'' in our own language so that we may know of it...

There would have been many advantages to this other then religious we as a nation would finally understand our Islamic moral ideals and how practical and relaxed they are, i admit some people do study the Quran with translation but I am talking about the masses of uneducated people who fall pray to proxy mullahs due to the very fact that they don't understand what is in the Quran.

Please comment and i say again non-Muslim brothers please don't mock anything or anyone in this post or there will be retaliation ........

I stand to be corrected so as to remove this confusion so brothers with knowledge share your wisdom with me......

I had a discussion with many molvis of many sects. To my surprising all of them were united on this very issue. Let me explain you what they said.

The main component of Pray is to recite Quran Sharif, whose language is Arabic. The translation of quran in any other language, apart from how authentic it is, cannot be the replacement of quran itself. 2nd reason is that the Arabic is most comprehensive language of the world, and that is the reason quran is in Arabic. there are many versions (girdaans) of each and every word of Arabic, which changes the entire context of the discussion. Therefore you need to pray in Arabic only.
I had a discussion with many molvis of many sects. To my surprising all of them were united on this very issue. Let me explain you what they said.

The main component of Pray is to recite Quran Sharif, whose language is Arabic. The translation of quran in any other language, apart from how authentic it is, cannot be the replacement of quran itself. 2nd reason is that the Arabic is most comprehensive language of the world, and that is the reason quran is in Arabic. there are many versions (girdaans) of each and every word of Arabic, which changes the entire context of the discussion. Therefore you need to pray in Arabic only.

What about the dua'a at the end of a prayer? I am sure a lot of people say those in their native languages, right?
What about the dua'a at the end of a prayer? I am sure a lot of people say those in their native languages, right?
Yes, as far as dua is concerned it is not part of prayer. It has become tradition to do 'dua' after prayers. My post is strictly in relation to 'Namaz'.
In the battle of yamama most of sahaba were martyred so Omar bin khatab, as adviser of Abu bakr sadeeq suggested compilation of holy quran which he accept and formed a committee under the supervision of Zaid bin Thabit who collected all previous scripture of quran in presence of strict witness which was then approved by Omar bin Khattab and Abu Bakr sadeeq.

This copy is called as "mashaf"- which still exists, one in turkey and other copy is in Karachi- mashaf was then sent in possession of mother hafsa and remained with her till Utham bin Ahfan borrowed mashaf and again Zaid bin Thabit was selected to rewrite the script in perfect copies form. These rewritten copies using mashaf as reference were then distributed to different centers while where ever a dialectical version was noticed, it was replaced by the dialect of the Quraish, the tribe of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

(R.A to all sahaba names)
Yes, as far as dua is concerned it is not part of prayer. It has become tradition to do 'dua' after prayers. My post is strictly in relation to 'Namaz'.

Even with namaz itself, there are many variations, starting from the Sunnah itself, and multiplied in variety over the generations since that time, right?

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

In the battle of yamama most of sahaba were martyred so Omar bin khatab, as adviser of Abu bakr sadeeq suggested compilation of holy quran which he accept and formed a committee under the supervision of Zaid bin Thabit who collected all previous scripture of quran in presence of strict witness which was then approved by Omar bin Khattab and Abu Bakr sadeeq.

This copy is called as "mashaf"- which still exists, one in turkey and other copy is in Karachi- mashaf was then sent in possession of mother hafsa and remained with her till Utham bin Ahfan burrowed mashaf and again Zaid bin Thabit was selected to rewrite the script in perfect copies form. These rewritten copies using mashaf as reference were then distributed to different centers while where ever a dialectical version was noticed, it was replaced by the dialect of the Quraish, the tribe of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

(R.A to all sahaba names)

So where did all the other versions of the early manuscripts come from?
Even with namaz itself, there are many variations, starting from the Sunnah itself, and multiplied in variety over the generations since that time, right?

---------- Post added at 05:10 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:09 PM ----------

So where did all the other versions of the early manuscripts come from?

Please elaborate?
So where did all the other versions of the early manuscripts come from?
Whenever the Holy Prophet (pbuh) received the revelation he (pbuh) would dictate it to one of his Katibs who would record it on some piece of leather, date skin, or even bones and stones while there were many sahaba who memorized quran by heart. All these things helped Zaid bin Thabit to cross check references and witness.

Mashaf simply means "written pages" and this copy was strictly kept with mother hafsa, it was utman bin afhan who felt the need after receiving a message (quoted in bukhari shareef) decided to compile and distribute single dialectal version to avoid any confusion.

It slightly lengthy but explains well,

Narrated Anas bin Malik: Hudhaifa bin Al-Yaman came to 'Uthman at the time when the people of Sham and the people of Iraq were waging war to conquer Arminya and Adharbijan. Hudhaifa was afraid of their (the people of Sham and Iraq) differences in the recitation of the Qur'an, so he said to 'Uthmfin, 'O chief of the Believers! Save this nation before they differ about the Book (Qur'an), as Jews and the Christians did before'. So 'Uthman sent a message to Hafsa saying, 'Send us the manuscripts of the Qur'an so that we may compile the Qur'anic materials in perfect copies and return the manuscripts to you'. Hafsa sent it to 'Uthman. 'Uthman then ordered Zaid bin Thabit, 'Abdullah bin Az-Zubair, Sa'id bin Al-'As and 'Abdur Rahman bin Hari-bin Hisham to rewrite the manuscripts in perfect copies. 'Uthman said to the three Quraishi men, 'In case you disagree with Zaid bin Thabit on any point in the Qur'an, then write it in the dialect of Quraish as the Qur'an was revealed in their tongue'. They did so, and when they had written many copies, 'Uthman returned the original manuscripts to Hafsa. 'Uthman sent to every Muslim province one copy of what they had copied, and ordered that all the other Qur'anic materials whether written in fragmentary manuscripts or whole copies, be burnt. Zaid bin Thabit added, 'A verse from Sura al-Ahzab was missed by me when we copied the Qur'an and I used to hear Allah's Apostle reciting it. So we searched for it and found it with Khuzaima bin Thabit Al-Ansari'. (That verse was): 'Among the Believers are men who have been true in their convenant with Allah' (33: 23). [Bukhari, VI, No. 510]

I respect shia muslim version and my comments must not be taken in context of proving myself right or them as wrong!

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