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Mods should also clean up the OP's 13 years old video, that's pathetic, it's totally trolling.
Sure, if I wrote an article about US Military Capability in 2023 and then use a 2003 US invasion in Iraq video, does that mean I know shit about US Military Might?? Or US government 2022 midterm problem and use a video from Nixon as President, does that "Automatically" mean I troll???

Again, had you even read the article before you keep talking about why they use a 13 years old video?? May be if you read it you know why (PS I already stated why they use them in someone else thread)

But most likely as @gambit said, you people don't read.
That's still the same tho, I mean how do you discount when someone is "giving up" and stay at the village? Because you still can't guarantee they won't leave...

I mean, you can't walk but it's not that expensive to travel either I mean sure if you talk about Anhui to Beijing how about major city closer to where they were??

The process of them leaving home is the same as people leaving their shelter and become homeless, that's why people who I used to escort are considered Homeless even EVERYONE of them have a place to go, so what make you think it's different if you have a place or not, the issue here, as I explained multiple times, is not whether or not they have a place to stay, the issue here is they don't want to stay at the place they can stay. That's what make people homeless. It's the same if that place was theirs or they can use, or even a rental.

No. The incentive to leave is very different when you live in your own home instead of living in your relative's home. Anyone saying otherwise is in denial.
No. The incentive to leave is very different when you live in your own home instead of living in your relative's home. Anyone saying otherwise is in denial.
Well, I would say if you think you have a home and you won't go to and you have a place to stay you won't go to is NOT the same is in denial.

I mean, as I said, judging from your definition, then homeless people DOES NOT EXIST in most Welfare state, because they put people in public housing. I mean, sure, if that is what you want to go with, you should let country like Sweden, FInland, Denmark, UK, Australia knows their homeless problem is fake, these people can go "Home" whatever it was and they just don't. .
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Well, I would say if you think you have a home and you won't go to and you have a place to stay you won't go to is NOT the same is in denial.

I mean, as I said, judging from your definition, then homeless people DOES NOT EXIST in most Welfare state, because they put people in public housing. I mean, sure, if that is what you want to go with, you should let country like Sweden, FInland, Denmark, UK, Australia knows their homeless problem is fake, these people can go "Home" whatever it was and they just don't. .

I suggest you sell all your properties, go and stay at your relative's home, see how it is like. Lol. And no public housing aren't free, they are subsidized and have requirements for the renter.
I suggest you sell all your properties, go and stay at your relative's home, see how it is like. Lol. And no public housing aren't free, they are subsidized and have requirements for the renter.
I did for 5 years before I bought my home, how do you think I come up with $750,000 to buy a home in Sydney?? Money don't grow on tree you knows

And if you are talking about Sweden and Australia, yes, they are free (Free in Sweden, as in they will put you in housing estate and IIRC they will even pay you, in Australia it was deducted from Social Security Payout and you don't need any requirement other than able to proof your citizenship and who you are, available to apply for Social Security (Well, since you are paying thru Social Security), or you can go rent a room private and the Government will pay you 1500/ 2 weeks (1300 on base bay 200 for rental assistant) per person. Don't know about other welfare state, heard the same in UK.
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when you looking for people who have cancer at cancer treatment centres, you will find tons of them. China have a 10 million avrage death every year which is 30k per day.
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