A whole mass of varied peoples. Zoroastrian, Buddhist, Vedic peoples, various belief systems that today might be tagged as proto- Hindus and animists. The Indus has been vortex of history. We are product of that furnace. You are emphatically not. Even if you slapped the label "India" today.
Point taken?
There is no doubt about the facts.
Let us now see what the facts ARE:
1) There was a civilization around the Indus, extending well into what is now Indian territory
2) That civilization mysteriously died
3) Hinduism (and for varying periods and geographies, Buddhism) has been the dominant faith in the region that is now Pakistan, EAST OF THE INDUS, for well over 5000 years. Barring the last 1000 odd.
4) Mithraism and then Zoroastrianism has been the dominant faith in the region that is now Pakistan, WEST OF THE INDUS, for well over 5000 years. Barring the last 1300 odd.
These are the FACTS.
There is ZERO knowledge, undisputed, about what happened to the people of the Indus Valley Civilization.
Did they mass die (get butchered)?
Did they flee south and east into the forests?
Did they stay put and merge with the Vedic Aryans moving east?
What happened then to their civilization? How did it disappear? Where are the links?
The above is what we popularly call historical conjecture.
Not facts.
Great for debates on PDF and Historum.
Nothing more. Nothing less.
By painting the dancing girl on the tail wings of your national carrier PIA, Pakistan does not magically morph into the BLOOD inheritors of the IVC.
All that can be duly claimed is that you currently control territory on which it once existed.
A large part of it, to be really precise.