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Featured Why Pakistan's Imran Khan said no to American drones

Helping the Taliban come to power was the greatest mistake Pak military made in 40 years and I guarantee you they will make this very mistake again and the rest of the country will suffer.

Right now we're getting news of a Talib surge in parts of Afghanistan and ANA troops surrendering. What a great time to embolden and strengthen Talibs! By the time the U.S. leaves the country, they won't even need to be worried about dealing with a credible opposition! They can just take over the country and start sidestepping us! Brilliant 5D chess by the Pak Fauj.
what alternative do you like
10 million refugees several small groups conducting bombing/kidnaping in Peshawar? with no central and fractured govt? it is easy to say we should be neutral but not easy to implement

this is like saying i am not going to treat my broken arm..can you tolerate the pain and wait it out?

noone could have predicted a 9/11 mishap(not even the talis) but besides that it was the only viable solution

anyone stating otherwise is ignorant of history
May be Pak Military establishment knows a thing or two you do not
PMS already concluded that USA will not be favorable to Pakistan, so there is no point in helping USA
Pakistan literally made afghan war possible. And what Pakistan got out of it..
blames, dead bodies and destroyed economy and now..million of refugees again

the dispersed 15b dollars wont even cover the fuel cost of Pakistan army deployment or the infrasture damaged to its roads ..15b$ is less than 0.1% of total war cost
afghan soya bean project got more money than pakistan
Pakistan's airspace has been, and remains, open to US overflights, and likely to remain so, bases or no bases.

US has been informed that the current communication channels agreement will be closed as well in very near future, so you will be eating these 'likely to remain so' soon enough.
PMS already concluded that USA will not be favorable to Pakistan, so there is no point in helping USA
Pakistan literally made afghan war possible. And what Pakistan got out of it..
blames, dead bodies and destroyed economy and now..million of refugees again

the dispersed 15b dollars wont even cover the fuel cost of Pakistan army deployment or the infrasture damaged to its roads ..15b$ is less than 0.1% of total war cost
afghan soya bean project got more money than pakistan

it is always about the money ... why would the pakistani army get involved after Soviets invaded Afghanistan
It was then. it is now
it is always about the money ... why would the pakistani army get involved after Soviets invaded Afghanistan
It was then. it is now

At the time USSR was on our door steps and violated our borders and we acted, we even engaged their Air Force (I don't see the American's doing anything against another super power). We knew their plans long before in regards to taking Baluchistan to access warm waters.

We did what was in the national interests of Pakistan - then and now.
Of course. We may well still see a workable solution that delivers for both sides.
No, Pakistan does not want war anyway , we have seen US strategy: bomb Taliban today and Pakistan tomorrow. Also it could embolden the Islamists in Pakistan and Afghanistan to take up arms against the establishment who they see as US stooges. Pakistan needs a break from the western front so that we can focus more on the Eastern front and strengthen our economy and standard of living. The other question is what can the US drone base do that Pakistani bases can't do? Does Pakistan need US drones and what will US bases achieve? US has been given time to resolve the Afghanistan debacle which they created and now it's time over, let some other method be deployed to tame the Afghans, military option did not and does not work.
So what? Its endurance and service ceiling makes those distances perfectly feasible. One or more can loiter and several others are going to and from the area of deployment. And that is without aerial refueling, BTW.
Situation is far from perfect. That’s 2 whole shifts of airmen (per drone) doing nothing expect monitoring travel. Any issue with drone, that’s a eight hour flight back and hope it won’t crash. Encrypted Communication equipment on drones are highly classified. Loss of one of those devices mean, re-encryption of whole fleet at minimum. In Chinese hands, that equipment is national security threat.
"Absolutely not"

please ... unless you are a member of the establishment yourself
At the time USSR was on our door steps and violated our borders and we acted, we even engaged their Air Force (I don't see the American's doing anything against another super power). We knew their plans long before in regards to taking Baluchistan to access warm waters.

We did what was in the national interests of Pakistan - then and now.

soviets were helping the government crush an internal revolt in neighboring country. it is none of your business. Uncle Sam dangled the $$$ and the rest is history
"Absolutely not"
BTW #AbsolutelyNot is top trend in the media ... :D

And to add - Absolutely there will be some consequences we will witness in Pakistan of saying "Absolutely Not"... seriously...
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please ... unless you are a member of the establishment yourself

soviets were helping the government crush an internal revolt in neighboring country. it is none of your business. Uncle Sam dangled the $$$ and the rest is history

It is our business and will always remain our business what we do in our back yard and it’s none of American God damn business in our region. We decide based on our national interest who we allow in and not, who it supports and who it doesn’t.
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