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Featured Why Pakistan's Imran Khan said no to American drones

Yawn !!

This is the same PM who says he found that rupee crashed against the dollar on television.

Who believes him?
Yawn !!

This is the same PM who says he found that rupee crashed against the dollar on television.

Who believes him?

Unwarranted criticism.

He gave a brilliant response. Now it's for state to stand firm behind his policies.
Unwarranted criticism.

He gave a brilliant response. Now it's for state to stand firm behind his policies.

That's not how things work.

The data chor PTi government is famous for quoting American examples of governance and democracy.

There is a thread about some air activity over Pakistan. Go visit that instead of peddling propaganda of a proven hypocrite.
US will never run out of options in current structure of the world
US always have options Always
Trust me there are too many patwaris in ranks the amount which will make me want to throw up....
Bro, your sole focus should be to accommodate Afghan translators. Don't abandon them. They need your help.

Forget Afghanistan now. You are leaving and victors are stepping in. Accept defeat. You are never coming in again. Let me assure you. 20 years of humiliation and loss should be enough to teach you. Right now, it is China, Pakistan, Russia, Iran and Turkey time. Deal with it.
i do hope the Afghan translators are given support.

but your statement that this was a defeat is complete bullshit.
we kept our civilians almost completely safe from terror attacks by groups trained in the middle east and afghanistan.
and if terror groups ever regain the ability and will to strike us, we'll prune them again.
by groups trained in the middle east and afghanistan.
There was no afghani who attacked beyond Afghanistan. Taliban had no pan islamic agenda, only ISIS had. Though ISIS never attacked Isrealis nor they gave any statement against them. US armed both FSA and ISIS (accidentally and many times.) Prior to that, Iraqis/Syrians etc never attacked western cities. It was al Qaedah, which was created by US to fight USSR.

Your citizens were safe anyway, the motive from beginning was regional hegemony, and for that the US failed. She just destroyed nations and created hell for locals. I hope there is no blowback, but the hell begets no angel.
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i do hope the Afghan translators are given support.

but your statement that this was a defeat is complete bullshit.
we kept our civilians almost completely safe from terror attacks by groups trained in the middle east and afghanistan.
and if terror groups ever regain the ability and will to strike us, we'll prune them again.

Whatever man. Just leave and let us do the honors. You can't do shit. You can't even arrange a military base in the region. We have heard your BS for 20 years now. The rightful owners are now going to step in and re-establish order.

Remember these names in no particular order: Iran, Pakistan, China, Russia and Turkey.

That is right. Don't just talk and protect your little Afghan traitors.
There was no afghani who attacked beyond Afghanistan. Taliban had no pan islamic agenda, only ISIS had. Though ISIS never attacked Isrealis nor they gave any statement against them. US armed both FSA and ISIS (accidentally and many times.) Prior to that, Iraqis/Syrians etc never attacked western cities. It was al Qaedah, which was created by US to fight USSR.

Your citizens were safe anyway, the motive from beginning was regional hegemony, and for that the US failed. She just destroyed nations and created hell for locals. I hope there is no blowback, but angels don't come from hell.

COVID is humbling those nations who have wrecked the world and caused untold losses of life and destruction of property -- as you can see even though Islamic World was effected by this but not on the grand scale as the West & Co. and the Gangus next door.
Whatever man. Just leave and let us do the honors. You can't do shit. You can't even arrange a military base in the region.

Exactly, it's our backyard and we will do what we have to do, our way.
Pakistan did the fencing of the Afghan border extremely fast for some reason. We need peace in Afghanistan, we don't need refugees to flow Pak anymore. Whenever the economy starts getting better we face some regional turmoil and all goes back to square one. Let Afghans fight each other and they always fight. We can't change their nature or bring peace among them.

We don't want this ..
Shaandaar jawab. Absolutely not is correct. USA has no business in Afghanistan. Lets Afghans decide what is good for them.
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