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Featured Why Pakistan's Imran Khan said no to American drones

best solution.. IK should bring MLN, PPP, Maulana etc on the same page and same decision.. @The Eagle @waz
Having lived in the west, you understand that this solution should work since based on the viewpoint of the west, the US would back off the moment it learned that this was a decision made by the Pakistani people.
For he can afford to, thanks to the fast evolving domestic, geo-strategic/economic/financial/industrial/technological/investment/monitory etc. conditions...

Don't read the headlines, study the trend-line - President Bill Clinton

It is anything else other than Pakistan can afford to, we do have fatf and imf swords hanging. But the developments taking place are once in decades, and i am proud we have a leader like IK at the helm at this crutial juncture. Wrong decision at this juncture will have devastating effects for decades just like post 9/11 for Pakistan. We must stand our ground and we must support our PM through thick and thin.
Look budy this shit is done now. You are talking about pm which has backing of 230 millions who die for islam and pak. This county you talking about If usa try to do some shit this county has power to take down half of world with it and usa will have no more power to rule the world. This county has backing of many muslim countries. If this man give a single call you don't have a idea what will happen. This man is true friend of human. This man never differ between muslim Christian jew Hindu. This man is againt killing of innocent people. So forget about the consequences pak will face. Pakistanis are very down to earth people. This man is very down to earth. He is born for crisis.
Well I'm not doubting Imran Khan. But this is Real Politk. If the US can ally with pakistan and be complicit in the 1971 Genocide. It is pretty capable of many more atrocities and people are very desentized to it.
If the opinions of Pakistanis mattered the US would have been out of afghan sooner. I'm telling you, Pakistan will have a much harder time existing and functioning. If it's a playground for a geopolitical game between the US and China, the casualties will be majority Pakistani.
Logical "No"

  • Any free country does not allows a foreigner country to open base on their land
IK needs to pass the Parliament resolution and stamp it is the will of the Pakistani people that no bases will be provided to the US.

That is a good option. For some reason WHY this impression is coming out "ke everyone IK ke kandhey pe bandooq rakh ke challaana chahta hey" ... so that in future they ALL will be absolve of this "critical decision" and can candidly say..."Sir, us waqt ka faisla to sirf IK Sahib ki waja se kiya tha humne..." ...
Oman is not that much farther, loiter coverage can be maintained with more aircraft in rotation, and newer versions can be created to refuel inflight, and so on.
Exactly whose airspace would they use to get to Afghanistan? Iran perhaps?
Well I'm not doubting Imran Khan. But this is Real Politk. If the US can ally with pakistan and be complicit in the 1971 Genocide. It is pretty capable of many more atrocities and people are very desentized to it.
If the opinions of Pakistanis mattered the US would have been out of afghan sooner. I'm telling you, Pakistan will have a much harder time existing and functioning. If it's a playground for a geopolitical game between the US and China, the casualties will be majority Pakistani.
Pak had much harder times then this. Pakistan was betrayed in 1971 by USA it was betrayed in 1989 when pak made usa solo supper power of the world. When pak fought againt soviet Union. PAK was the county today Germany and 13 other countires got freedom. PAKISTANIS feel they had friends those were much wors then enemies. PAK lost 80 thousands lives 125 billions dollars. His kids were SLAUGHTERED in SCHOOLS AND guest were attacked open day light, his soldiers wereslaughtered. Those were worst times buddy. I appreciate your concerns but I think as student of history and wars I must say PAK has changed. It is county which can grantees use supper power states for next 30 years and it is county which can give china grantees to be next supper power. Have you seen the world map if not then see central asia those countires got freedom becose of pakistan and our forefathers were from there and they came to rulled the subcontinent. We have blood lines with them it is big part of earth and we are doorsetp for them. From Russia all the way to Pakistani sea then all the way from turkey to South china sea full control under pakistan russia China n turkey. Open world map and see you know what is the population of all this big area and think about my these comments. Regards
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We have 160+ nukes to answer anyone dreaming of causing "casualties to Pakistanis".
The USA has been killing Pakistani civilians with impunity (which is wrong) for more than 20 years. Its just going to be a hard bargain. I m pretty sure Pakistan has Nukes, but once they are used, its over for the world.
The USA has been killing Pakistani civilians with impunity (which is wrong) for more than 20 years. Its just going to be a hard bargain. I m pretty sure Pakistan has Nukes, but once they are used, its over for the world.

We will use it if Pakistan as a state is ever threatened by any power on earth, and those nukes will be flying in every direction, our very own Samson Option.
Why isn't the US conducting airstrikes? I haven't seen any reports of them so far. The Taliban has already attacked capitals like Maymana and Kunduz.
In context, USA is using drones for high value targets, such as regime leadership. They are not using them for regular mud moving. No amount of drones going to stop the Taliban from steam rollering Afghan Army.
That's why they need them based in Pak for quick reaction to take out time sensitive targets.
We will use it if Pakistan as a state is ever threatened by any power on earth, and those nukes will be flying in every direction, our very own Samson Option.
thats right, but are you really gonna use nukes if the US puts Pakistan on the FATF blacklist?!
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