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Why pakistan does not join NATO?

Pakistan's location is strategic and more important than the location of india!

Pakistan is located in between the Middle East, Central Asia, China, and India! Also Pakistan's ports are vital and very important for trade into central Asia, and China! Also, the ancient Silk Route passed through Pakistan and Afghanistan! Pakistan and Pakistani people have a lot of potential, but sadly our nation is still asleep, but InshaAllah we will wake up one day!:pakistan::pakistan::pakistan:

I hope we will wake before judgement day...
but the reality is that except NATO no other organizations hold any power or that strategic importance...even the SCO

Russia is trying to bring India on board of SCO...but India not interested because of China

It seems Pakistan will get through SCO

As far as Russia remains strategic ally of India SCO holds no relevance
how many think Russia will back China or Pakistan in case of a confrontation against India

Pakistan itself is a major non NATO ally of america

Except Russia no other nations in SCO dare to go against NATO

so its just a cooperation meant for greater trade and economic relation
If Pakistan joined NATO, then Pakistan wud be totally dependent on US, which is the last thing we want, in other words Pakistan is better off without being a NATO member
so its just a cooperation meant for greater trade and economic relation

The declaration on the establishment of the Shanghai Cooperation Organisation contained a statement that it "is not an alliance directed against other states and regions and it adheres to the principle of openness"

The main goals and tasks of SCO are:
to strengthen mutual trust, friendship and goodneighborliness between the member States;
to consolidate multidisciplinary cooperation in the maintenance and strengthening of peace, security and stability in the region and promotion of a new democratic, fair and rational political and economic international order;
to jointly counteract terrorism, separatism and extremism in all their manifestations, to fight against illicit narcotics and arms trafficking and other types of criminal activity of a transnational character, and also illegal migration;
to encourage the efficient regional cooperation in such spheres as politics, trade and economy, defense, law enforcement, environment protection, culture, science and technology, education, energy, transport, credit and finance, and also other spheres of common interest;
to facilitate comprehensive and balanced economic growth, social and cultural development in the region through joint action on the basis of equal partnership for the purpose of a steady increase of living standards and improvement of living conditions of the peoples of the member States;
to coordinate approaches to integration into the global economy;
to promote human rights and fundamental freedoms in accordance with the international obligations of the member States and their national legislation;
to maintain and develop relations with other States and international organizations;
to cooperate in the prevention of international conflicts and in their peaceful settlement;
to jointly search for solutions to the problems that would arise in the 21st century.
Pakistan is already MNNA and very close to US with lots of weapons from them.
It's better for Pakistan to form together with Turkey and central Asian Turkic States an Defence Pact like NATO.:cheers:

This is what we want also. Maybe turkey can assert their influence with Central Asian States to move this Proposal forward.
in my opinion the reason Pakistan did not join is they could not find the membership form in time, it was pre-internet era so no downloading of the forms and they had only once a month PIA flight from US....just bad luck I guess.
4 year old thread and does this thread has any relevance now?

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