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Why pakistan does not join NATO?

I think pakistan, Iran, Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia and Central Asia can become a formidable block Just like NATO....
Pakistan should start planning to become a member of SCO Shanghai Corporation.....In next 20 years it will become a gr8 Alliance..

Making business and cooperation blocks of countries you mention is correct but in my opinion making a block like NATO is not practical right now. What human and technological resource we have developed to support the proposed alliance. I think our first aim should be to enable ourselves to call spade a spade at world forums. In my opinion right now we dont have guts to say so. :coffee:
Making business and cooperation blocks of countries you mention is correct but in my opinion making a block like NATO is not practical right now. What human and technological resource we have developed to support the proposed alliance. I think our first aim should be to enable ourselves to call spade a spade at world forums. In my opinion right now we dont have guts to say so. :coffee:

The problems that Muslim world is faced now is because of that attitude..
We dont have resources..
We dont have equipment..
We dont have technologies...
We have to believe in ourselves...
Nobody helps anyone unless he wants to help himself..
america,it's allies,europe==nothing will be left

South America???
East ASia???
What i compile that above list will be with US and Its allies..
Reply with a thinking cap...

---------- Post added at 03:33 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:33 AM ----------

Or they are already with US against Muslim world?????
Why would Pakistan join NATO?. It would be better to join SCO.

I think we were about to during Musharraf's Era. But too much opposition due to Russia being part of it, and obviously Russia having strong relationship with India.
Pakistan wants to become a member state of Shanghai Cooperation Organisation (SCO). Pakistan is currently an obsever state of SCO and I think it'll be better for Pakistan if it becomes a member of SCO. Pakistan is an Asian country, China is a very important immediate neighbour of Pakistan.

NATO are all North American and western European countries and they all are pro-israel. Pakistan is far away from those countries and is one of the few countries in the world that doesnt accept israel's existence.
Why would Pakistan join NATO?. It would be better to join SCO.

Pakistan currently has observer status in the SCO. Former Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf argued in favour of Pakistan's qualification to join the organisation as a full member during a joint summit with China in 2006. Factors working against Pakistan's joining the SCO as a member include its persistent military rivalry with fellow SCO-observer India and strained relation with Russia because of later's strong relations with India. China has said that it would convey Pakistan’s desire to all SCO member states. In turn, Musharraf was formally invited to the sixth summit of the SCO to take place in Shanghai in June. The Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousaf Raza Gillani once again argued in favour of Pakistan qualification to join the organization as a full member[39].

Pakistan and Iran have been lobbying for full membership, while India and Mongolia have not shown strong interest in becoming official members.[40] Russia's permanent representative in the SCO Secretariat Grigory Longinov has claimed that the enlargement of the SCO is impeded by "an immature mechanism of admission of new members", while Secretary General Zhang Deguang argued that an over-expansion might hinder the intensification of the cooperation.[41]

Shanghai Cooperation Organisation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Pakistan is since Musharraf was President an "affiliate" of NATO. This brings with it very good economic and military assistance. Check the NATO site for informed details.

The SCO grouping has real problems, not the least of which is Iran. Iran is about to be hit with nuclear violations additional sanctions by China, Russia, the US, the UK, France, and Germany on the UN Security Council.

Being an undemocratic theocracy does not help Iran, to put it mildly.

Turkey is a Member of NATO and of courses is not a European nation.

Russia has the same status as does Pakistan regarding NATO.

Those of you on this site who keep "making up" stuff need to find another forum to spread baloney on. Let the rest of us deal in facts professionally. If you didn't mean to be misinformed, look into higher staff colleges of Pakistan and/or India to become better informed in terms of world geopolitics so in future you can get the facts correct.
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NATO are all North American and western European countries and they all are pro-israel. Pakistan is far away from those countries and is one of the few countries in the world that doesnt accept israel's existence.[/QUOTE]

i don't think you can say that NATO is pro-Israel. indeed, Israel is US closest one of closest allies, but if you look at NATO, they are more focused on terrorism nowadays, and it would be wise, if Pakistan joins them.

i think we both agreed that pakistan still works very closely with US on fighting talibas and it's not hidden that pakistan has recived aid as well.

Since US is giving aid to Pakistan to fight Taliban, than don't you think they would give more military tech when pak join NATO.
Pakistan's Non-Nato Ally staus is getting it a lot of equipment and we need to stay away from Nato because Nato will have conflicting agenda with Russia and China in the future. Russia is already pissed off at Nato and Israel for training Gerogian Forces and most Nato countries still maintain an arms embargo against China.

China is a trusted ally and cannot be traded for Nato. We also need to improve our relations with Russia.
I think Pakistan should be considered a Middle Eastern country, we need to distance ourself from South Asian countries (India).

Just look at the Map, Pakistan is in a strategic location. I can swim to U.A.E. or K.S.A.


Really its just an idiot geographer that decided to call Pakistan a South Asian country.

And Pakistan should not be referred to a nation on the "Indian Subcontinent." And Pakistanis should realize they are not "Desis." I don't know why so many Pakistanis are becoming Indianized. Finally, Pakistan needs to place an embargo on all Indian goods. If worst comes to worst I would support building a big wall on the Pakistani/Indian border just like the Berlin Wall.
No We're South Asian Country dude.Why do you want to bring Pakistan into hell of the earth Middle East?NATO is past we should join SCO the future.It has Russia, China and soon India will be there too i think.
☪☪☪☪;913323 said:
No We're South Asian Country dude.Why do you want to bring Pakistan into hell of the earth Middle East?NATO is past we should join SCO the future.It has Russia, China and soon India will be there too i think.

So we are going to allies with India? :what:

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