"Al Qaeda and Mullah omer never treathen us but few infedels indeed, why we make them our enemy , their war is not even with US,UK,NATO citizens..."
You might be killed on the streets of Madrid, NYC, Washington D.C., Nairobi, Dar-es-Salaam, or London for such nonsense. Who was that dying in those attacks by Al Qaeda in those cities if they weren't simple CITIZENS?
Only an irhabi sympathizer could think such.
Admit that it is your ambition to see a taliban government in Afghanistan. State that you are perfectly happy to provide sanctuary on Pakistani lands to a defeated afghan taliban army and it's government. Make clear that you disagree with the objectives of the U.N. in Afghanistan and it's mandated forces-ISAF.
Sovereignty? You have none nor does it appear that you, Fundamentalist, even understand the rights and RESPONSIBILITIES associated with such.
You complain about drones but contenance the sanctuary of a foreign gov't and it's army. Two-faced duplicity.
Just that simple as the concept of sovereignty doesn't allow for it's selective application. When you sleep with dogs, you get fleas. That is the consequence.
When you openly associate, and worse, abet the ambitions of an illegal foreign gov't living in surreptitious sanctuary on your lands to further their ends in a neighboring nation, you should suffer all the consequences of such heinous behavior.
You guys really imagine that the rest of us don't get what you're up to. What's funny is that we DO GET IT and are desperately trying to save you from yourselves despite yourselves.
Oddly, were your ambitions achieved by the return of the afghan taliban to power under Pakistani "mentorship"- and with them their friends Al Qaeda, the FIRST country on their "to do" list is Pakistan.
Plain as day.
Oh, all the rest of us shall suffer too. Deservingly so for failing to see through our objectives in a war nobody can really afford to lose. Lose we shall, at least Pakistan, if Afghanistan falls to the taliban.
Pakistan, so desperate to maintain itself, clearly doesn't see the forest for the trees. Narrow and near-term...like tomorrow, you lurch from one calamity to the next carrying the rest of us on your personal roller-coaster.
Fact is this insurgency has no traction without sanctuary. Nope. For all the massive, myriad, and infantile mistakes by ISAF subsequent, they become moot had al Qaeda and the taliban been denied sanctuary in Pakistan.
Nowhere to run or hide, it's the "last stand at the O.K. corral" for those boys. Not so, though, and we lost sight of the ball when they re-emerged in 2006.
What's also lost, though, is-however mismanaged, the largesse of many is directed to the IMPROVEMENT of the afghan people-somehow hoping that this archaic society can be lifted forth somewhere near the twentieth century, if not the twenty-first.
Sure could have used your help by doing the right thing and applying the concept of "sovereignty" as it was intended-uniformly to all comers. Stay off our lands.
Well, stud, as dim or obtuse as you appear to be, that nicely sums up drone attacks. Your lands cannot be used to promote attacks on the people of Afghanistan and ISAF without holding those within them responsible. If you won't do anything about it, we must...
...and do to the best of our ability.
Even without this insurgency, raising forth Afghanistan to some modicum of self-sustaining competency promised to be long and hard. It needed (and still does) the goodwill and help of EVERYBODY.
No chance with Pakistan as a "neighbor", though.
You self-interested, obsessive, conspiratorially-minded loons just can't get over your inferiority complex with India. Funny enough, Pakistan doesn't seem too interested in reaching their level of economic performance. You seem far more pre-occupied with how you can drag them back to YOUR level.
Too bad as you really can't afford the big, fat army you have and have more pressing needs in the absence of an overt threat from India. And it IS absent. You've got NOTHING they want. Nada. Least of all terrorists.
I'm sure they'd be happy if you just moved on with your lives. They've bigger fish to fry. Unfortunately, your military appears to need a ready bogey-man to perpetuate it's injustifiable budget. In that small thought lies the germ of all of this trouble.
Now THAT would be narrow and self-serving. Let's hope that never, ever proves the case but...
...the proof shall only be in the pudding, so to speak.
JMHO but a few, small thoughts to mull as an alternative perspective.
Thanks, irhabi sympathizer. All of mankind seems to have a beef with these guys...
...but you. That said, I don't see how you can be construed as anything else but a sympathizer. If so, you are an enemy of Afghanistan, Europe, Canada, Australia/New Zealand, and America.
Please let me know if my perspective is incorrect and why.